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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16027586 No.16027586 [Reply] [Original]

the prediction is true. why? notice the " ~ " which is not " - "

do you know what it means?
another time, it means APPROXIMATELY.
the prediction is valid. we're are HEADING towards 16k. it's not even the end of the month. even if we hit 16k in november then the prediction WILL be valid.
never forget this.

>> No.16027680

4000k by end of day.

>> No.16027882

yes and no, approx doesnt mean it can be any value, it should hover around that value and not be 50% of it

>> No.16027886

it's just a usual pump into the death cross, happens with all death crosses

>> No.16027926

that's what I said, it will hover near even though it's not PRECISELY 16000 in october 2019

>> No.16027959

But It's October right now and it's not 16k. Are you saying there are multiple days in October and not just 1?

>> No.16028019

>Imagine coping this hard.

Just sell now bud, now's your last time to get out over 8k.

And I don't mean ~8k

>> No.16028059 [DELETED] 

i always learned it was ≅

>> No.16028058

well we are not even close to 16k yet

>> No.16028119

cool story bagholders, it was just a quick bobo liquidation trap before it resumes the death spiral to 1k
next stop 6k~

>> No.16028130

Bobo's trying to fud this hard!

>> No.16028256

Right because OP is literally distinguishing between 8 bit ascii characters, posting wildly about it on an image board that already worships the image because they're all massive bagholders and I'm the one that's coping.


>> No.16028275
File: 18 KB, 558x614, 664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$8.5k is approximately 16k

>> No.16028335

Cope. It might go up to $10k by the end of the month because of the Winnieh the Poo's speech but right now, the price's spike is already losing speed.

>> No.16028367

true it didn't go to $16k this month it went to $18k straight. but i guess it counts.

>> No.16028384

What should be done? What should I set my stop loss for?

>> No.16028413
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October aint over yet boii

>> No.16028507

I don't know, anon. I'm not one of the whales manipulating the market. If you aren't one as well then you should treat this as gambling and measure your risk by probabilities. Personally think there's a good chance that we will touch 9k in the next few days but we might slowly dip to the 8500's after 10 days