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16011859 No.16011859 [Reply] [Original]

>There are people browsing this board since 2017 who have less than 100k link

Cringe and yikes

>> No.16011869

>paying for a free app

>> No.16011873
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>> No.16011878


>> No.16011881


>> No.16011888

No larp sadly.

>> No.16011893

Why did you sell at 60 cents, is there something else you bought?

Surely you have funds to buy more at $2

>> No.16011906

Mostly just got out of crypto and kept it in cash. I should bite the bullet and buy a bigger stack. Not sure if I wait for a better time or just jump in.

>> No.16011916

As for why, 6 times the $50k or so I put in seemed really nice at the time.

>> No.16011924

you keep waving your 146k linklet big dick stack around like it is something special. Plenty of OG stinkers around here still. 265k checkin in

>> No.16011952

Never said 146k was big.

265k isn't that big a deal either, theres an anon with 600k link and a few 300k+

>> No.16011962

True. But they dont post a thread bragging about it every week. Just chill.

>> No.16011964
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>> No.16011980

That's less than 100 people you brainlet. It is a big deal.

>> No.16011982

What did you do with the rest of the ~$90k?

>> No.16011994


I remember when I first became aware of cryptocurrency back in 2016, just before the great bullrun took off. I was homeless and sleeping in the back of my car.

I thought link was a complete and total joke. Had no faith in it whatsoever. Thought anyone who bought into or would buy it was an idiot.

I was a fucking retard. I had managed to squeeze out an almost 2k tax return that year thanks to what I was making before I got laid off and my life went down the shitter.

If I had dumped all of that money into link instead of drinking myself into a coma and blowing it at the casino, I could have been snorting cocaine off of hookers ass cracks by now.

Live and learn I suppose. Hey, at least I'm not a homeless retard anymore. I'll settle for being sober any day of the week over being a rich drug addicted tool.

>> No.16012232
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>There are people browsing this board since 2018 who have less than 10k link
Cringe and yikes

>> No.16012588

no larp anon, accumulated 44k for 1 year (2017-2018), swing traded it into 130k, was pretty happy and held, decided to swing after mainnet (fud was too much), google rekted me, then decided to make it back by swinging into shitcoins, got rekt harder, znd said fuck it at 55k link and now just holding, will never swing another link again... i have it better than most since i'm still in the green, but if i just stopped at the top i could've had 130k linkies.... also living in the 3rd world, imo burgers who have less than 150k linkies should not be allowed to make it.

>> No.16012640

Newfag lol

>> No.16012647

so u are still a retard?

>> No.16012658

I’m not greedy you only need 5 to make it :)

>> No.16012726

Funny thing is you can't even sell all those Links without crashing and burning the entire orderbook. Hell, you can't even sell 1 BTC worth without causing another major monthly downtrend lmao

You'll never be able to sell your shit, never

>> No.16012738


942 milion cap -255 mil daily volume
>you cant sell it without crashing and burning the entire orderbook like some lowcap idex shitcoin REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

I sold 20k link (yes i have 80k stack nad swing 1/4 of it) just now for eth on kyber and it keeps pumping fuck me lol

Epic cope bro

>> No.16012757

Not real volume. Talking about marketcap : it's hilarious to consider that link will probably never hit 15-20 USD,which is objectively the max price range it can reach. Why are you still holding a shitcoin with a known pathetic top?

>> No.16012758

600k isn't that big a deal either, I have ~850k because Im a brainlet from a poor country, and I know og marines with even bigger stacks
honestly anyone under 1000k is just a poorfag retard and wont really make it

>> No.16012764

>thought link was a joke

>> No.16012779

Are you Sven? Gio here if you remember from the deleted discord
>t. 220k

>> No.16012782

> if i made all this money i could have done even more degenerate shit than i did without it

you’re a pathetic specimen.

>> No.16012796


>> No.16012890

I know people who had the chance to have around 5k to 10k but decided to hold shit like refereum and etheremons...holy fuck. Every time they see me, you can see their soul exit their bodies.

>> No.16013423

Back in 2017 link was averaging 50 cents

Who has $5k throw away money fggt?

>> No.16013441

This. He'd be broke again in 2 years tops so it literally dosen't even matter that he didn't make it.

>> No.16013450

Been browsing since may, feels bad man

>> No.16013552

I unironically have the same amount of link as the dollar value of link in your portfolio x100, so 269.

And, to my great shame i must admit ive been here since 2007, but i didnt buy more because i am a wagecuck poorfag and this is what i accumulated.
So whale anon if you feel like airdropping some, feel free to do so.
