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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 5 KB, 600x600, rsr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16005870 No.16005870 [Reply] [Original]

I never thought I'd end up getting scammed like this...it all looked so legit...they even managed to scam some of the financial elite at Davos...

>> No.16005929

Sorry Anon, hopefully you didn'y lose everything but you were warned so much.

You literally had a dude here around the clock exposing Satsgang shilling this for a massive PnD. You had signs of the shit going nowhere and being rejected as a stablecoin that no government would allow. You had them in the whitepaper state "this might not work lul." You had them talk about about Venezuela and covered up a dive bomb of a stealth launch.

So many signs were there. You guys need to stop buying into all the fads here. 90% of the threads are just collective shills for PnD and LINK bagholders trying to pass on the cult ritual of failure to the next group.

All the signs were there. Sorry you got fucked tho Anon for real. Learn from it though; there's a lot to take from this shit.

>> No.16005961
File: 95 KB, 653x490, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going clean, no more shitcoin gambling for me. The rest of my money is going into the only coin that truly matters: BTC.

>> No.16005965

If it was such a big Satsgang PnD operation then why did it never pump?

>> No.16005984

Well done for your fantasy. I stretch you through the hard copy of the block nearest to the studio. I have attached a picture of the corporate profile page and the link to the job description. Read the first page of the book and see what happens.

>> No.16006005

Based and strokepilled.

>> No.16006013

I am in financial ruin, thank you Nevin. I never wanted to be rich anyway.

>> No.16006120

Please guys give me some hopium, the protocol will happen right? RSR will go up because of the protocol once it gets fully implemented! Right?

>> No.16006137

>d-don't worry guys
>reserve i-is the new chainlink, am I right RSR marines?
>see we even got memes haha
>w-we didn't miss the last moon mission, right?
>N-nevin will save us, right?
>Alt season is still coming, right?

>> No.16006705

huh? it's still doing the crab, you are not losing your sats anons

>> No.16007001

Seriously. Everyone in these threads is retarded and impatient.

>> No.16007065

Yes. There are FUD discord’s where these retards get paid to FUD RSR. It’s a legit project. We all knew this was going to be a long ass hold.

>> No.16007101

You Satsgang scumbags are disgusting. Imagine still shilling this dead ass project. Nobody gets paid to FUF fuck this dead corpse. Nice virtue signaling.

>> No.16007148


>> No.16007184

Hoes mad. Disgusting street shitters like you are the cancer to crypto.

>> No.16007499

fake faggoto fud like this is the real cancer. i hope you faggots fud yourselves and panic sell just before mainnet, you'll have just enough to buy the rope so you can neck yourself faggot.

>> No.16007516

Don't put people off a genuine investment just because you want more time to accumulate, even though the market's dumping anyway, you human shitstain.

>> No.16007522

Hoes real mad. Like id actually put a brown penny into that garbage.

You subhuman trash pajeets and discord faggots would sell your own mother and first born for a few rupees. This board is already ran into the ground by losers like you trying to scrape every cent you can out of noobs and hopefuls. Keep on responding to me so I can keep sitting and laughing.

Hoes Mad.

>> No.16007585

pack it up its over

>> No.16007654

God damn you faggots here are irritating at fuck. 1) RSV doesn't even lunch until next year so essentially RSR is worthless until then. 2) this has never been pumped nor dumped so maybe you stupid shits should learn what that term even means. 3) some faggot clan of 10 people "satsgang" literally has no impact on any coin, let alone this. And if they did try, see point 2 for proof of their inadequacy. 4) this coin is a multi year hodl which has been explained over and over again. Stop looking at the chart every day

>> No.16007846
File: 16 KB, 176x239, 1554164195608.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based based based based

anon u tell them.
it has always been get a 1mil stack and lock it in a cold storage.
btc drop gonna make all almost all crypto drop

>> No.16007931

This entirely, you faggots need to chill the fuck out

>> No.16007938

Kek crypto fags btfo

>> No.16007968

Where can I buy?

>> No.16008023

Huobi, or simpleswap if youre a burger

>> No.16008220

It seems that Bitcoin is at 100000$.Look at the daily performance with Btc and Eth my friend. it did a 3 and 4 % plus. I would be more scared on token that did a -20 or a 30 % with a daily candle. Please stop with this fucking FUD.

>> No.16008496

MFW fenbushi capital never invested in RSR, check fenbushi website invested projects and you'll never see RSR