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15956667 No.15956667 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw got fired for being too quiet

>> No.15956670


Time to speak up in a lawsuit

>> No.15956687
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>tfw fired for being an incel

Giving women positions of power was a mistake made by only the most cucked of men

>> No.15956686

There's no place for INTPs in the modern American economy.

>> No.15956688

How do you even come up with these larps.

>> No.15956693

Maybe he was a news anchor

>> No.15956701
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>tfw got promoted because I consistently make boring small talk with everyone in the office, thereby making everyone subconsciously think I'm smart because why else would I be talking so much right

>> No.15956709
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>tfw got fired for being too loud

>> No.15956734

So what do we do? Well, those of us without 50k link stacks. I'm gonna be fine.

>> No.15956760

I once quit a decent job solely because of somebody like you. That motherfucker would butt in on anything, even a serious conversation with management, to share a stupid observation or pointless story. He's the owner's son so he was never reprimanded for that behavior and consequently never stopped even if you asked him.

>> No.15956788


unironically this

>> No.15956790

I don't know if this is a troll post, but this actually happened to me before. I was working as a holiday hire at a supermarket and they refused my request to be hired part time after the holidays end and that was the exact reason they gave me. Everyone was always horsing around in the break room and I'd just be sitting in the corner eating my lunch or whatever. I think that was the last job where I tried hard at the actual job; every job since has been me clowning around with everyone else and I haven't been let go since.

I went back to that supermarket later on and it turned out that most of the management was laid off shortly after I left, so looks like it might have been less of me being an introvert and more of the management just being corrupt.

>> No.15956837

I didn't get raises at my last job for 3 years because I was too quiet so I feel you.

>> No.15956856

I have this problem. I cannot succeed in a corporate environment. I just can't fake it as good as my normalfag coworkers do. I don't say shit in our meetings and I'm one of the managers. I basically lucked into my job.

>> No.15956875

how are you boys this low T? These are submissive feminine traits, you need to change buddy

>> No.15956878
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generally its better to stay quiet. if someone asks you why youre quiet say sorry my mic was off how was your weekend?

>> No.15956890

I once got fired and shit myself on the ride back home because they wouldn't let me use the restroom before leaving. I cried while cleaning myself in my shower.

>> No.15956896
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Its just an excuse. They would have fired you for speaking up as well.
Better to be quiet and be thought a fool then open your mouth and remove all doubt...

>> No.15956902
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all the laws are bullshit. companies should be able to discriminate against people based of color, sex, height, etc...

>> No.15956908

>sign up for korean lesson because its easier than chinese and fucking learning kanji for nip
>class is me, male, and eleven (11) girls/women of various ages
>they instantly bind over kpop bands and drama shows and constantly talk about how hot this singer is or how cute that actor was
>try to strike conversation but it doesnt take long for them to flock back to their shit
>cant even hang out with them in a group because talking 1 on 1 is fun, but as soon as there are two or more girls in the group they instantly start talking about korean bullshit

This was a mistake.

>> No.15956966

Were you employed as a carnival barker?

>> No.15956971
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>> No.15956984

Youre just a beta.

>> No.15957015

Are you retarded? Why the fuck would you try to learn Korean over nip or Chinese? Korean is pleb tier.

>> No.15957028

I don't know, the girls in Gfriend are pretty hot.

>> No.15957841

>I went back to that supermarket later on and it turned out that most of the management was laid off shortly after I left, so looks like it might have been less of me being an introvert and more of the management just being corrupt.

It might have been the case that the management perceived quiet people as snitches. If you're part of the "family", you're less likely to be a snitch.

>> No.15957889

I only have 28k link.
Will I be fine?

>> No.15957981
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you probably got fired for being a wojackposter

>> No.15958409

Owner's son detected