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15932808 No.15932808[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Extra mayo

-Love, Wagie

>> No.15932822
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>> No.15932828

>tfw gay cum loving neet
jokes on you wagie, thanks for putting in the extra work

>> No.15932834

hot, how much extra do you charge?

>> No.15932835

>be neet
>order fast food to save money
>wagies give you more protein
>wagies save you money and think they are no longer a wageslut
wageslut pls

>> No.15932838

Based and redpilled

>> No.15932839

Yes, majority of NEETs are gay. This is why they disrespect wagie.

>> No.15932848

>paying for this shitburger to be delivered
He deserves it honestly

>> No.15932855

Wagies have raw sex with co workers. I just hope the mayo is clean.

>> No.15932856

My McDonald’s chicken sandwiches never look that bad, the chicken looks horrible. Where do you even live nigger?

>> No.15932857

Hahahahaha dumbass wagie faggot when you get reported your last possible source of income goes byebye and guess who’s gonna be eating cum then. You. While you’re sucking dick for pennies. Lots and lots of cum down your esophagus

>> No.15932913

You're talking to yourself, NEET. Very vivid fantasy. I can see why you disrespect Wagies. You crave wagie cum.

>> No.15932936

I know you found this image on Google but you gotta be careful because people get arrested for this. If I got no results for your pic I would have literally contacted the authorities

>> No.15932964

>NEET pee pee poo poo all over bathroom
"heh, clean it wagie"
>Wagie cums in NEETs food
"waaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh I'm calling teh police"

NEETs can't take the heat

>> No.15933025

>Hello, yes, manager?
>I would like to file a complaint

>> No.15934125

Honestly kek'd
t. neet

>> No.15934133

Wagies deserve poverty and homelessness

>> No.15934705

there are people in africa starving and you are taking pictures of your cum on food asshole

>> No.15934721

lol kill yourself slave

>> No.15935521

wake up wagie
eat your slop
drive to work
must beat the clock

spend every day
in your chair
always stressed
lose your hair

muscles are gone
no time for gym
can't be NEET
for that's a sin

have to serve
enrich your master
work work work
you must go faster

count your pennies
keep them secure
pay those taxes
you're so mature

can't have fun
can't be happy
being a wagie
is really crappy

>> No.15935530

get home from work
collapse on bed
feel the aneurysm
inside your head

you have no time
to enjoy your stuff
make more money
it's never enough

have no gf
can't get one
just too exhausted
when work is done

hug your pillow
when you sleep
coworkers think
that you're a creep

boss is angry
yells at you
sit and take it
what can you do

tears roll down
your wrinkled cheeks
have not been happy
for countless weeks

>> No.15935543


your life is shit
you are a loser
can't even hit
the alarm clock snoozer

you fantasize
about the noose
to end the pain
and this abuse

give up wagie
end this hell
join us neets
we do not smell

happiness, joy
and relaxation
feels even better
than masturbation

fuck your boss
and coworkers too
they act like apes
and stink like poo

this is the life
you want to live
there's lots of joy
for us to give

just don't forget
you tortured soul
until you're free
you won't be whole

>> No.15935587


I bet that you ate it by yourself`

>> No.15935601
File: 291 KB, 889x513, 1568685824550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take that wagies who barely tip me at my postmates job..

>> No.15936758

now i can sue the company meanwhile wagie gets fired, thanks for the free money

>> No.15936768
File: 433 KB, 989x723, 1571085470260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

deranged wagies

>> No.15936786


>> No.15936794

Fast food is not saving money retard

>> No.15936799

how many Tezos for her

>> No.15937322

A lot for “her”
Hot trannys like “her” are not easy to find anon
“She” Might only do BTC anon

>> No.15937362

Lol you have no idea. I used to specifically target boomers and neckbeards. Sometimes I'd pee in the oil if I was by myself closing so that everybody could get a taste the next day. Neets worshiping fast food dont even know the half of it keke.