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15931854 No.15931854 [Reply] [Original]

How does heroin or other drugs feel like like weed. I never done any but I hear rich people do all the time.

>> No.15931856

pretty nice

>> No.15931860

meth is the way to go

>> No.15931874

Describe it for someone who has never done a drug or gotten drunk.

>> No.15931883

you feel an intense heat that hits your throat chest and arms at the same time and your senses get heightened to insane levels.

>> No.15931884
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OP - that's a terrible question. Weed can make you feel 50 different ways. Heroin will make you feel very different than weed - "other drugs" will make you feel like other drugs feel. Do you have a target you're going for? For me it's the McDMT

>> No.15931899

I had ACL knee surgery about 5 years ago and my surgeon prescribed me oxy and morphine. That was my first time taking medication like that and my life was a living hell for about a month after I stopped taking. Would never even think about trying heroin. Coke is great though - never fails.

>> No.15931904

Heroin and coke mixed in one syringe is THE ultimate high. Shit had me hooked for almost 10 years.

For speedballs (heroin/coke injected), imagine the best most breathtaking orgasm you've ever had multiplied by 1000 while skydiving. The rush is like nothing else in the world. You'll never want to stop though so take caution in that. I pawned everything I owned and was homeless for years because I couldn't stop.

>> No.15931911

Just take acid or shrooms and dont fuck with anything else

>> No.15931913

No target. I was just curious how it feels. You guys aren't scared of ruining your brains?

>> No.15931915

Yeah cold turkey from a gram+ a day heroin habit is literal torture.

>> No.15931929

Are you okay now?

>> No.15931938

Meth is the only drug I know of that's seriously neurotoxic. That shit eats holes in your brain, plus it feels like shit. I never could figure out how people do that shit every day.

>> No.15931941

>For speedballs (heroin/coke injected), imagine the best most breathtaking orgasm you've ever had multiplied by 1000 while skydiving. The rush is like nothing else in the world. Yo
Do former drug addicts miss it? And does the good feeling last a while?

>> No.15931955

There is a fear of destroying one's brain. I have seen several people who were either dosed without their knowledge *or* took poison from somebody and became... well, damaged. You can find a trustworthy source or buy bulk and take smaller amounts until you are comfortable with the quality of the product, before taking a large dose. I'm more afraid of not experiencing something amazing. That said, I'm strongly for psychedelics and against coke/meth/etc. these days.

>> No.15931966

Been clean for ~ 2 years. Life is still a waking nightmare though. I'm a high IQ man that cant get financial aid for school or get any job better than digging ditches for $10 an hour. I'm in debt from the stupid shit I did to get high and rehabs to get better. Governments are suing the pharma companies for their role but I'll never see a penny of compensation even though that's how I got hooked in the first place.
Overall i wouldn't recommend it.

>> No.15931976

I was up for four days from a tooth infection and the doc gave me 2 percs and there was no greater feeling. Nothing sexual comes close to opiates. It's like a nice warm tingly hug over your entire body.

>> No.15931978

Pls respond. I'm mostly just curious why people do drugs. I don't even drink. That is why I said I've never been drunk.

>> No.15931977

I still miss it too a point. I'll never go back though unless I ever decide to kill myself. An od would be the most pleasant way to die.

>> No.15931988

please, never mess with meth or heroin. they are very high risk and low reward. investigate psychedelics instead.

>> No.15931996
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Also - did heroin plenty. I'd not recommend it unless you like feeling sick and then falling asleep. It's just a hot, nauseous mess. Try mushrooms, DMT, LSD. Stay away from MDMA, heroin, coke, meth and treat your substances with respect. Heroin is specifically terrible.

>> No.15932006

How's the face? Do you look older because of your previous addiction?

>> No.15932015

>very high risk and low reward.
Is there? Why do people do it then?

>> No.15932018

I started doing drugs (mostly weed and ecstasy) in high school cus I didnt really fit in and it gave me a group to be a part of. I got hurt a couple times and got put on oxycontin when I was a junior in high school. I got hooked and just kept getting worse from there. I had full ride scholarship offers to different universities and got a 35/36 on my ACT. Now I'm about to turn 27 and live in my parents basement going from shitty job to shitty job, haunted by the fact that I could've had a great life if things would've been a little different.

>> No.15932022

I actually get told I look young for my age. Meth is what really tears the face up.

>> No.15932026

You can still have a great life friend. I won't do anything stupid too! These stories have been interesting itt.

>> No.15932027
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If you've never been drunk and want to know what heroin feels like you are like a blind person asking me to describe what neon colors are like. You shouldn't jump to heroin just to find out what's on the other side of the dope curtain. Take it slow if you have to take it. I think most honest anons would tell you that you're in a place you don't want to tarnish.

>> No.15932031

Meant for

>> No.15932045

I won't do anything. This thread has convinced me it can ruin lives.

>> No.15932047

Heroin is not fun at all unless you've already developed a really high tolerance to opiates by taking pills over an extended period of time.

>> No.15932053

I'm trying to get things to work out, but it seems like whatever I do I get kicked back in my hole. Society doesn't like giving 2nd chances.

>> No.15932069
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Stay strong and be patient.

>> No.15932080
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Thanks fren

>> No.15932564

Unironically this

>> No.15933523

People do drugs because they are trying to fill a hole in their soul, whether they know it or not.

>> No.15933575

Isn't that only from the impurities left over from the ghetto manufacturing process? Adderall is close to the same chemical but it's not made in the back of someone's trailer

>> No.15933588

MDMA is great. Not done it in a decade though. Only ever did it at raves but it was brilliant

>> No.15933610

Best friend growing up had high IQ (~160).
Dude OD'd on some heron that was cut with fentanyl.

I've lost more friends to H than I have left.

Stay clean and stay strong.

>> No.15933668

This except I got onto pain meds cuz I wanted to experience more stuff. Now I have been through a to z regarding drugs, and mixed loads at once many times. H and meth for breakfast was normal at one point. Life sucked all through high-school and after, drugs just made it even more difficult but also gave good times. Obvious answer from any serious drug addict is it wasn't worth it. Proceed with caution cunt

>> No.15933711

Sure it's nice but it's famously neurotoxic and will fuck your serotonin shit up permanently.

MDMA/ecstasy is prob the drug that has the worst presumed:actual harm ratio. Like, everyone knows opiates and amphetamines can do you in, but people pop pills like fucking candy and don't realise the damage. www.rollsafe.org use it carefully, op.

Psychedelics a pretty much physiologically harmless, at least. Not for the feeble minded, though. Trip hard and you're irreversibly changed, once you've seen that shit. Can you handle it?

I'd just start by getting drunk...

btw cocaine is like "way too much coffee" so that's an easy one to describe. You just talk utter bollocks to anyone who'll listen.

>> No.15934287

Weed is the go to starter, do it by the beach or in a big park with friends.

LSD and psychedelics will get you out of depression, but only if you trip in a place where you feel safe. A lot of it is your mindset and other people chilling you out or not.

Look up the physiological affects of drugs. Some don't have craving symptoms physically, but do pyschologically (weed). That said, many people will waste more time and money on videogames.

>> No.15934310

Word. Forum addiction, porn, compulsive exercising... Many things fuck people up as much or worse than droogs.

They're just another part of life. But a pretty important one.

>> No.15934318

>high IQ
>degenerate brain damaged drug addict
>literally digs ditches for a living
>won't take responsibility for his past
>muh gubbermint gibs
cringe and retarded