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15874009 No.15874009 [Reply] [Original]

How do you get your family to stop seeing you as a loser? I am a fairly respectable member of society, have friends and have a good reputation amongst my peers but my Uncle and Cousins see me as the same shit I was at age 16. I can't shake it even after surpassing them financially.

>> No.15874017

didn't read. kill yourself, loser

>> No.15874018

Roasties are so fucking cringe. If a guy did this in public everyone would beat his face in.

>> No.15874045

>unathletic shutin cope

>> No.15874048

I'm guessing you're still weaker than them. Try manning up, pussy.

>> No.15874052

lol @ the tranny in the back.

>> No.15874056

>caring about opinions of other people
>caring about opinions of your uncle and cousin
Never gonna make it with that attitude

>> No.15874060

As long as you think you're based that's all that matters. I'm sure my cousins think I'm a loser because I'm a neet who drinks and partys but they're the ones working full time jobs, getting fat, marrying fat girls while I stay in peak shape and live in a mansion with a Jr sized Olympic pool

>> No.15874063

Imagine being such a faggot that you defend vapid hoez that won't fuck you. nothing more pathetic on this Earth than you coomers

>> No.15874066

I hate women.

>> No.15874068

The irony is that they are the losers because they cant move past shit that happened years and years ago.

Last time I was back where I grew up for example, was for my dads wake. Now the people that came to it, from the 'willage' are the same people that were there 15 years ago, they're lives are just groundhog day, like nothing has really changed for them whatsoever, only they got older, and popped out some kids.

Bearing in mind it was my dads death, the nly thing they knew to talk to me about was embarressing stupid shit I'd done as a teenager, drunk 'oh hey anon, remember when you so and so'd...' all have a laugh in tandem , in the pathetic collective 'gang' mentality.

The truth is, I have moved around alot, I have lived in different countries, I have been educated in x2 disciplines that people consider as full careers in each field.

I speak SEVERAL languages, I have philosophised wih people all over the place, experienced some mad shit, made BANK etc.etc.

All in the time these people havent even left this same fucking village, they may have gone on a few 'holidays' to places where unambitious and unimaginative idiots go to where they are just surrounded by copies of themselves.

Bottom line, dont expect an approval from such fucking losers, the difference in IQ with these people is like Nicola Tesla trying to rationalise with a snail.

Intellectually they are such far removed species, and they're attempts to mock is just a means for them to cope with this fact.

>> No.15874092

here is your guide

buy an moderately attractive escort (one thats above your league but not too far) to play your gf.
sit together, form a common story how you met etc.

bring her to family dinner at chrismas or whatever shit you do in your country.

do that several times. then say you split up.

>> No.15874098

I can smell your cunt from here pussy

>> No.15874103

Nah, I was more talking about doing moves like that as a man. If anybody even notices you do something like that, they laugh their ass off.

>> No.15874114

haha *cope

go eat a barrell of dicks bitch

>> No.15874138

Stop spamming this shit thread, you already had your answers.

>> No.15874154

dude a lot of people get envious when they see others succeed. they enjoyed being better than you and now that's been taken away. Experienced the same thing in my life.

>> No.15874188

You stop caring what they think

>> No.15874258


those are the kinda girls i fuck, and while we are fucking we laugh at you basedboy