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15869572 No.15869572 [Reply] [Original]

What is the latest (((trick))) that is making rich gets richer but can also bring down the economy ? I think the biggest threat today are the index funds

>> No.15869591

how so?

>> No.15869593

what does it feel like to rape a woman, biz?

>> No.15869609

It's the expansion of the money supply. The upper echelons of private industry get access to the money first, thereby empowering them.

The only way you got around it is if you went all in on stocks back in March, 2009.

>> No.15869623


Ask your dad.

>> No.15869632

Yeah it's clearly the stock market
The Gov just released insane tax cutes if you had a million dollar loss

>> No.15869677

It's buybacks and quantitative easing retard.
The FED are just throwing money into stocks making the rich (top 10% own 90% stocks) richer and creating inflation that fucks the middle class and poor.
Buybacks are obvious. Companies, rather than distribute the profit fairly (8000$ per person and per year) are throwing it in stocks/indices to pump the price and make rich richer.

Fucking huge obvious (((trick))) and the plebe doesn't know about it, so they just get fucked in the butt and don't know where it's coming from "uuuh must be white male priviledge". What a bunch of fucking retards its insane.

>> No.15870348

This, but also >>15869572 this. They piggy back off each other.

Throw all the plebs' money into the same stocks/corporations, inflate the prices, pay off Mr. CEO Shekelburg, everybody gets paid, then dump on the idiot plebs.

Getting rich off of cryptocurrency is literally our only hope.

>> No.15870383
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>> No.15870461

Like bags of sand