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15867593 No.15867593 [Reply] [Original]

I've been feeling much better since I stopped taking my meds

>> No.15867615

should i stop taking bupro?

>> No.15867616

And since I’ve started shorting

>> No.15867661
File: 51 KB, 750x709, 1570320150129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got vvyanse prescribed and this shit is godly for daytrading shitcoins

>> No.15867673

careful anon, that stuff is extremely powerful. almost as addictive as heroin

>> No.15867720

my doctor gave it to me cuz i have ADD so i shouldnt worry right?

>> No.15867783

I was given it for ADD too, you don't need to worry as long as you follow their instructions. don't be a retard like me and not take it on weekends and then take 3x dose on Monday, you'll get heart problems

>> No.15867793
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alright thank you brother

>> No.15867856

It took me at least a couple months to recover from SSRIs. Very bad withdrawals.

>> No.15868934

it's like speed or meth not heroin. after long enough it can make you start hearing voices especially if you abuse or short it

>> No.15868957

How do I short Vyvanse

>> No.15868980

welp, the fake tether pump is over, time to short again

>> No.15869002

lol I mean snort

You're gonna get rekt there is so much new anti fiat banks news going around

>> No.15869129
File: 49 KB, 800x541, joker sucked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well just watched Joker yesterday and I was not impressed. Long story short the film's premise is bulletproof (anything Joker is great material) but it really deserved a better director. The director only made a few shitty comedy films; how did he get to direct this movie?

The problem is that 70% of the movie is basically references/inspired by Martin Scorsese's classic Taxi Driver. If the director wants to make the Joker movie basically a "Taxi Driver II" then he should do justice to it by making it good, but he didn't. The pacing was shit and felt childish (he's a comedy movie director after all). If he can't make the movie better than Taxi Driver than he shouldn't dare touch Taxi Driver. The similarities subconsciously makes you compare this movie with the classic and it fell short.

When the movie ended all the middle school kids that snuck into the theater and some neckbeard incels stood up and clapped. Too bad they didn't watch Taxi Driver, the original movie written by men and for men. This movie was a clear capeshit cash grab.

>> No.15869172

plus the movie was just another dumb "fuck the rich" bullshit. I look back at how more complex the themes were in Christopher Nolan's Joker

>> No.15869229

You sound like a total douche bag but I do want to see it

>> No.15869299

Not telling anyone to not watch Joker. Please just watch Taxi Driver first before watching Joker.

Your experience will be ruined.

>> No.15869629

I've seen taxi driver and don't care for it all that much. I don't have a problem with joker being an homage to it and I don't see how it can be all that similar without the hooker to save, joker seems more nihilist

>> No.15869664

You don't need it retard. You just a modern day smart phone obsessed brainlet. Don't take anything you don't need. But it will make you feel good in the short term so you will get addicted. Good luck retard. Bad for your heart and dopamine too. Enjoy lifetime depression and sleep issues when you get off it. Horrible decision to start taking it for your "add"

>> No.15869682

SSRI’s are mind-control bugman poison

>> No.15869692

I guess we'll agree to disagree then

>> No.15869706

the biggest criticism ive read of the film is that ppl are outraged that a gary glitter song is used on the soundtrack (apparently he is a convicted pedo). ill never understand this thinking. so should all woody allen films be erased, and all roman polanski movies? if all songs, books and movies that were created by someone that committed a terrible crime were deleted from existence, a lot of great stuff would be gone.

>> No.15869786

I'm on lamictal. Kinda wanna go off but it would be a 50/50 between mania and depression. What were you on OP?
>expecting americans in 2019 to be able to separate art from its artist

>> No.15869794
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Just took first pill today. what am I in for?

>> No.15869805
File: 39 KB, 657x527, yissherroisdisICE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds like burpees. so probably alot of burpees fren.

>> No.15869841

Niggle me this, Jay. If Scorsese made a few low brow comedies before dumping his heart and soul into the king of comedy and Taxi Driver would they not deserve the praise and critical acclaim?

>> No.15870774
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Quit benzos and anti-depressants for HRT and feel great desu.

>> No.15870799

drink raw milk too guernsey A2 raw milk

>> No.15871044

yeah you've got it all figured out posting in this shithole with us

>> No.15871059
File: 6 KB, 238x212, the schnozz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok doc whatever you say

>> No.15871061


>> No.15871067
File: 314 KB, 640x640, joker bobo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who the fuck ruined my good bobo edit with that shitty one?

>> No.15871340

Stimulation cause it's an snri, but possibly mood swings and agitation

>> No.15871357

My gf said I should stop taking it because it made me all serious and detached and I just wanted to work on stuff

>> No.15872226

Too bad Scorsese did well in his movies while this comedy director fell short in Joker

>> No.15872266

Enjoy being a medical industry cash cow. They'll get you on a few more drugs in short order, to balance out the side effects.

>> No.15872337


>> No.15872367

nope, you're just a dumb mofo

>> No.15872472

I never really recovered, my emotions are very dampened. But they helped with anxiety a lot, now I dont even feel anxiety jolts anymore, so I guess its fine.

>> No.15873466

Oh cmon increasing the amount of serotonin in your brain doesn't change your emotions long term. Get some exercise

>> No.15873481

You're just a fucking faggot

>> No.15873592

Is your doctor a kike or pajeet?

>> No.15873711

On an unrelated note

>about to make it
>Should be happy to know that all my worries will be over and will enjoy a life of freedom
>instead, i want to exact revenge on all the worthless scum that made my life a living hell without warrant since I was easy pickings for them
>Know where they all live.

>> No.15873726


>> No.15873958
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Why is realizing that Joker was a half-assed, unfaithful and commercialized imitation of Taxi Driver stupid and homosexual?

Retards like you two make me want to become the Joker

>> No.15874119
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based and jokerpilled

>> No.15874160


>> No.15874466
File: 926 KB, 480x240, reindeer anime II.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never felt like..
I never felt like dunununununuhh