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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15865413 No.15865413 [Reply] [Original]

Well /biz/, I held off on requesting financial assistance from the government long enough. Although I experience overwhelming paranoia, social anxiety, and hear voices, I tried to do without the NEETbux. Maybe it was stubborness, or just plain folly. Either way, it feels like surrender, even if I had that same help for eight years straight prior to my incarceration. I do not feel so ashamed though, knowing that there are people with conditions far tamer than my own collecting welfare. If someone can get money for "autism", then I surely qualify for assistance. Hearing voices non-stop when awake, paralyzing nightmares in sleep, glimpses of things that aren't truly there, the pervasive threat of hidden surveillance... It is enough to drive anyone mad.

>> No.15865469

I was told I was a Schizo by 8 doctors lol.

Go read "The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle" and laugh at your current emotional state.

I have full control over my thoughts and emotions now.

Best of luck.

>> No.15865490
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>> No.15866404
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Did you have external voices?
What I'm experiencing doesn't feel like it's in my head. It's beyond me, harassing me from somewhere I can't see.
It never stops. I try to drown it out with music, games, reading, and videos. But it's still in the background, always gnawing away.
Not to mention the paranoia, I can barely step outside. It wasn't always this bad.

>> No.15866695

dude just stop being paranoid. it's like an OS you can install and remove stuff from. it's all there for you man. stop using your imagination for this retarded shit, just try to stop using it all for a second see what happens. and don't let normies take control of your life

>> No.15866698

This is what I hate, retards like you that sit on your fat ass all day browsing the catalog waiting to respond to the OP first. I never get yous on this site no matter how hard I try so getting the first post is important. What if I have something constructive and/or important to say, but can't, because assholes like you that have no decency or respect for others ? Imagine getting off to taking that away from someone. I'm not even going to try to get through you retards, because it's the same thing no matter what board I'm on. Enjoy your "fbpb" responses because that's literally all you have in your miserable fucking life. Fuck you, seriously.

>> No.15867029

I don't even put any effort in being paranoid, it's just there. You're right though, I shouldn't let others control my lifestyle. But I'm thoroughly convinced that I'm being actively watched and harassed by some unknown party. I know how crazy that sounds, and no one believes me, but it still haunts me constantly.

>> No.15867347

I get paranoid when I take too much stimulants. When for too long, also hallucinations - but never, ever sober.

wouldn't tiring your central nervous system via going to the gym for example help?

>> No.15867639
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Exercise would do me good, surely. But I don't think I'll be going to the gym. I can barely handle running errands. The dread overcomes me, I feel a heavy threat from all around me, but I can't place the source. It feels like I'm under constant psychological assault. I actually considered wearing tin foil on my head. Yes, I know how stereotypical that sounds. But FUCK, I can't ever fully block out the distant voices, and I can only ignore them for so long before I need to blare music or try to sleep. It never used to be this bad. I'm not sure what happened. There are records of me having hallucinations as young as 14, but this is different, and somehow worse. I suspect a psychotic break.

>> No.15867647

Fuck off to r9k you pathetic faggot no one wants to read this gay shit here man

>> No.15867678

That's not possible friend.

It's the painbody attacking you endlessly.

Stop all that you're doing and listen to that audiobook. It's a simple compilation of buddhist/spiritual teachings that will give you saiyan powers.

Do it fagget.

>> No.15867681
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>I actually considered wearing tin foil on my head
I actually did this when I overdid stimulants. Had delusions that some sort of reptilian new word order started using microwaves to mind control everyone. Was learning for exam at university and using a lot of pseudoephedrine. The casual reading of the "David Icke" forums didn't helps as well.

One could set up a gym at home using those bad boys - or a regular squat rack + weights - would be enough to do anything.

Nevertheless, best of luck.

>> No.15867821

Pray to God and turn to jesus for salvation