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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15843511 No.15843511 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15843767
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he didn't

>> No.15843782


>> No.15843802

lmao what a dumbass thought he could get away with it. Him and the oxygod guy should have sex

>> No.15843818

Keeping a journel like a little fag

He started to put hits on anybody because he let the power get to his head like a brainlet

Rot in prison retard

>> No.15843820

He pissed off the atf and other narcotics enforcement departments. IRS watched him for years but we didn’t have anything concrete enough to get him without risking him getting turned loose and taking flight.
He’s a dangerous man, I’m glad the govt got him.

>> No.15843823
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-no opsec
-he wasn't enough of a robot and craved human interaction too much; revealed some things he shouldn't have to friends
-going back to the USA (wtf?)
I think he was really lonely and wanted a sense of purpose. It's pretty fucked up the amount of prison time he get, when people who commit actual murders get much less

>> No.15843830

quick rundown on this guy?

>> No.15843853

They probably wanted to make an example out of him. Cyber criminality isn't your standard murder. It involves a lot more brains, something governments fear.

>> No.15843866

his opsec wasn't completely tight. but I think he went wrong staying in the US. what was he going to do, cash out his fortune in USD? If I were running that operation I would be paranoid every second that I was on US soil. dont know how he slept at night. but even if you flee, you need to go somewhere with no extradition laws, or acquire a new identity.

>> No.15843872

he did nothing wrong
free ross

>> No.15844022

>free ross
didn't he kill himself in jail?

>> No.15844049

no, he's serving a life sentence. he really should be pardoned. all he did was run a website.

>> No.15844555

he's now in tel aviv organizing lgbtq parties for homeless people

>> No.15844576

>IRS watched him for years but we didn’t have anything concrete enough to get him without risking him getting turned loose and taking flight.

i can see when someone says absolut BS about a coin, it's for self interest usually

but why woukd someone tell absolute bs about ross? is this legitimate retardation?

>> No.15844585

but the SR2 founder got like 5 years. nice example making there

>> No.15844601

his aide hiding in thailand also got caught, the fbi's hands reach very very far if they really want something

>> No.15844605

silk road administrator

>> No.15844626

>liberal faggot
>fell for the couple fight meme

>> No.15844638

ross lived extremely frugally, like, with 2 (entirely unknowing) housemates and stuff, running everything on a laptop. the irs had nothing on him

but it's true that an irs agent, who was working with the dea on silkroad, found the link between him and DPR. but they had nothing on ross until

>> No.15844668

he believed in the wrong ideals

>> No.15845052

He went to my school. :-)

>> No.15845064

me too. which one?

>> No.15845088

Got caught

>> No.15845094

UTD. You at JSOM?

>> No.15845105

Nah I go to penn state. Ironically i talked to some dude about this guy today where he told me he went here. I told him about /biz/ maybe he posted this thread

>> No.15845123

Figures. Crypto dudebros at this school are fucking idiots.