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15841563 No.15841563 [Reply] [Original]

>33 years old
>restaurant manager
>just want to stop caring about anything, and just read fantasy novels for the rest of my life

Just shill me your shit. Have some spare funds to throw around.

>> No.15841579

you're an early elder

>> No.15841588

They wouldn't let me manage restaurant. So I learned a trade. Best idea I ever had.

Buy Chainlink

>36yo CNC fag

>> No.15841713

> just want to read fantasy novels

So your plan is to run off to the otaku land? Treat yourself some UOS OP, it’s a small cap gem.

>> No.15841725

nys kigger

>> No.15841760

>just want to stop caring about anything, and just read fantasy novels for the rest of my life
holy shit you sound exactly like me except different job and Im 34. what you reading on OP? Im reading Wheel of time right now. I wonder why I have to slave so hard when all I live for is to curl up on the couch after a long day and read fantasy novels. life should be cheaper/simpler for escapist faggots like us. also Im constantly fucking tired from waging.

>> No.15841800

>one day you will wake up and realize your wasted your life in the service industry

Sorry to hear anon, I feel for you. I was stuck in the service industry for a few years. Felt like I could never get a job outside a kitchen. It was a struggle but I made it out, so can you. Once your out though you can always go back a get a throwaway job for a few months if you hit hard times. thats what I do, Ive done that twice for a month both times

>> No.15841923
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Life is meaningless. Seek pleasure to fill the void or just get rope and be over with it. Oh. In case you want to make some profit: UOS will be listed on OKEx soon.

>> No.15841946


This feeling is too strong. I don't believe how awful things have gotten but it really has over the past couple of years.

>> No.15842294
File: 46 KB, 615x409, 56CDD50F-9D20-4643-9E6A-1BA1D1BA1BB1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get some Udoo and start tipping those fine 12 year olds on the 18+ section. Its 100% uncensored content, it’s my life

>> No.15842461

That’s...... really tempting to do. How much udoo should I throw at ther..

>> No.15842477

Give up the fantasy novels. They're not good for.

>> No.15842486

you. lol. sorry about that

>> No.15842648

What an ugly girl.

>> No.15842692

Where are her black outlines and why are her eyes so small?

>> No.15843153

Just turned 28 and feeling this doom. Just started going back to school to finish my bachelors but it is expensive and I don't know what I'll do for a career.

Quick stat check

>live at home
>30k in 401k
>70 oz silver
>.74 BTC, 1001 LINK, 8 ETH, 12 LTC
>make 45k before (((taxes)))
>6k in checking and savings accounts
>qt3.14 GF, she wants to purchase a house soon and start a family

Am I doing okay even though I don't have a career path yet? The thought of waging for 50 more years makes me want to neck myself

>> No.15843326


The girlfriend is the millstone around your neck, unfortunately. Don't sleepwalk into marriage, because if you do, waging for another 50 years will certainly be your life.


>> No.15843339

Why do you say this? She works and has just inherited ~200k. She does not like to go out, hardly drinks, and instead prefers to stay in and watch movies or play vidya. All things considered she is pretty wholesome, especially in this day and age

>> No.15843373

sounds like you found a good one. hopefully she is mindfully frugal

>> No.15843403

We will have been together for 2 years in 1 week. So far there haven't been any financial red flags. When she got her inheritance she used a portion to pay off her outstanding student loans (~7k) and wants the remainder for a starter house and to put into some index funds

>> No.15843418

Actually there haven't been any red flags at all. I keep an eye out for some but so far it seems to be going better than I could have imagined, especially considering my bad luck with a string of roasties in the years before I met her

>> No.15843504

Look for red flags goyim, you need to go your own way! Forget women! Go drink and coom your life away goy!

>> No.15843521

She wants to use her inheritance to buy a house instead of income producing assets.
Are you fucking retarded. This is the most normie red flag there is you fucking plebbitor.

>> No.15843599

so what, rent instead?

>> No.15843600

Yeah it will be better for me to pay some jew landlords mortgage and taxes and listening to their rules about what I can do to the property instead of controlling where I live

>> No.15843608

I did that in my early-mid 20s. It was such a fucking meme

>> No.15843620


10 years later. Still owns shitcoin. Buy btc faggot

>> No.15843837

Gf has irregular periods every 2 months

Im goin insane

>> No.15843950

Join the military.

>> No.15843987

Tezos is the best project in crypto. Only high iq people will understand.

>> No.15844005

I feel this way except with factories instead of service. I even got a "sales" job which literally ended up spending half my time "helping" on the warehouse floor

>> No.15844021

buy NYZO, it's got amazing tech, is supposed to be a direct competitor to NANO and is currently at ATL due to people market selling their verifier coins

don't go all in though, there have been a myriad of good projects that have failed just based on not gaining traction, and that's the only thing I fear about NYZO given the devteam does not give a fuck about marketing at all

>> No.15844038

Buy chain link faggot

>> No.15844040

so what, unlike normal women your gf will reach her menopause at 80? lmao

>> No.15844051

Invest in UDOO man
they recently just announced partnership with Huawei and IBM. Pretty sure more big things are coming up

>> No.15844052

Here is how to live forever (and stop being depressed):

>> No.15844115

Hard to believe someone who can't even buy clothes that fit.

>> No.15844805

I did that except I'm just playing space games 12 hours a day

>> No.15844852

Don't link me jesus crap now youtube is gonna suggest more bullshit

>> No.15844913

Holy based

>> No.15844941
File: 401 KB, 612x392, 1569450682882.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

John 12:25 kjv
>He that loveth his life shall lose it; and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal.

cheer up anon, there are more perspectives to life.

>> No.15844958 [DELETED] 

Is this bait or do you unironically not know what CNC machining is?

>> No.15845613

>if you enjoy life you'll eventually hate it and if you hate life you'll be cursed to suffer through it

Big think

>> No.15845628

How fat are you, lard ass? Why don't you stop being a fatty fatty fat fuck?