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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 73 KB, 1136x640, 55E44358-DF70-47E5-B10F-7973CD77DA2E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15840517 No.15840517 [Reply] [Original]

going to kill myself.

tried swinging 50% of my link and lost it all. i just wanted to get to 10k. i am seriously suicidal now. such fucking bullshit, scam crash down after i buy, and immediately starts pumping after i sell. im always a few days to early. fuck this bullshit.

i should have already made it by now with link, because i was going to get a job and put everything i made into it when it was still cheap. I went and got a job but that job made me suicidal as fuck and i can't work again cause my hearing is damaged.

nothing goes well in my fucking life, i need to end it. fuck.

>> No.15840541

Fuck off faggot. Keep your negativity to yourself.

>> No.15840551

Why is it a scam if you were just shit at judgement calls lol

>> No.15840564

See ya.
Only the true believers will make it with LINK. Not swinger trash.

>> No.15840566
File: 622 KB, 879x596, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Every link thread tells you not to swing cause swingers get the rope.
>swings anyways

You deserve it for being so silly dumb zoomer learn from your mistake or die.

>> No.15840567

swingers get the rope.

>> No.15840583

>bog ID

See OP, just hold what you have left and you'll be good.

>> No.15840588

>tried swinging 50% of my link and lost it all
are you even trying for this larp?

>> No.15840597

swingers get the rope is not a meme anon.

>> No.15840609

Anything below 100$ is cheap anon

>> No.15840610


fucking sibos news was nothing, and i knew btc was 90% going to crash but didn't trade it. i guess shit judgment call, but it happens every fucking time i try to buy. Tried buying link at .60c, immediately crashes to .20c before mooning. the universe is telling me to kill myself im pretty sure

>>15840564 its not that i didn't believe, i believed in it a lot that's why i wanted more you fucking faggot

>> No.15840636

How can you swing half and lose it all? That makes little sense. Also if you have anything left please consider donating to a worthy cause before you die and the keys are lost.

>> No.15840648


i guess, it will literally take me half a fucking year at this price to get back what i have lost... im going to fucking necc soon i think.

>>15840566 i was aware of the meme.. i just wanted to be fucking rich, but the universe hunts me down at every attempt

>> No.15840650


margin trading?

>> No.15840672

I sold 200k LINK and lost it buying a bunch of shitcoin tops in April, and I'm not suicidal. You'll get over it anon.

>> No.15840679

>still doesnt understand that chainlink's price moves arent caused by news but by a complex mathematical equation

and that equation is:

"How long it has been memed for" times "How good the memes were" divided by "how long has it been since a good meme of it has been made"
all times by "meme retention and fatigue" and to that we add "complexity of the whitepaper" and times it by "the people who understand it" times by "how wealthy are the people who understand it".

>> No.15840683


went long 3x before btc 20% crash which made me lose 60%, then panic sold, tried making a bunch of other trades that failed, got scammed with fees, and now am down like 90% on that 50%.

>> No.15840713


lol i would be long dead, i just want to make it so i can be free, life fucking sucks when you're poor.

>> No.15840979

I am poor anon. I sleep on the living room floor of my parents apartment. They don't even have a garage lmao

>> No.15840998

why do you keep talking? go back to preschool and start there. please, stop posting on how fucking dumb you are, fucking moron

>> No.15841055

did you pissed off some whales?
maybe they're tracking your exchange account orders and just fucking with you

this shit happened to me last year after I copy pasta'd an anti-bitmain comment on cointelegraph disqus section and suddenly all the coins I bought are magically down and the shitcoins that I sold 2 weeks ago are pumping without any news

I'm not kidding, these fucking whales have contacts with people working in big exchanges like binance and okex and they ask them to track somebody's account activity to fuck their trades

>> No.15841307

imagine killing yourself over a literal scam
just imagine

>> No.15841320

Toppest of Keks

>> No.15841342

Nice blogpost faggot just remember you have no one on this earth to blame but yourself.
Didn’t read not selling memes
Swinglinker memes

We have shoved down this sentiment constantly and couldn’t do anymore to warn you of not selling. You have to deny the inner greed that exists in us all. Take it as a learning experience.

>> No.15841390

Pro tip, don't sell when top wallets are accumulating, duh.

>> No.15841719

if your hearing is fucked take emulsified vitamin d. liquid drops from biotics

>> No.15841742

The Universe thinks you're weak and react too quickly. Youd have been fine if you hodled

>> No.15841901

Buy BAT like your life depends on it, Anon.

>> No.15842159

what's the manga?

>> No.15842189

you had one fucking job
buy link and never sell

>> No.15842764

the absolute state of bootlinkers

>> No.15842789




>> No.15842998


Look for solutions to problems, not problems with solutions. Chainlink is the solution to your broke ass life, and you're finding a problem in the solution: "b-but it's not going to make me rich fast enough", then you come onto biz complaining about a problem that you IMAGINED (i.e. somehow having a few less LINK will make the 400-500x gains we're about to see completely moot) rather than being happy about the SOLUTION (finding chainlink in the first place at all, even having an opportunity to fix your dumb ass life), which is entirely ignorant.

You're like a guy who has a shitty hair cut and doesn't call the barber because he's afraid the barber will make a mistake. Your hair is already fucked m8, be happy the barber exists at all and call him, don't cradle yourself and rock back and forth because you're scared.

What the fuck are you even scared of anyways? ppl in mexico are having their dicks eaten off by dogs and you're about to 100x your networth buying internet coins. Fucking zoomers i swear to god.

>> No.15843012
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>going to kill myself.

...and nothing of value was lost.

>> No.15843040

>and immediately starts pumping after i sell
Here’s an easy solution for you, fuckface:
Don’t fucking sell!

Yes, it really is that goddamn simple. You’re impatient like a child. You want more link? Earn some money and buy more link

>> No.15843360

Vinland saga.
It's good, then it goes to complete and utter shit.

>> No.15843401 [DELETED] 

let this stand as one example of many that link is QUITE LITERALLY THE WORST ASSET TO SWING, WITHOUT ANY EXAGGERATION
the worse you expect someting to perform, the safer swinging is—because you're essentially minimizing risk. with assets you expect to perform better, swinging opens up opportunities to get fucked—and link is ALL ABOUT opportunities for swingies to get fucked; it's the best performing asset with any sizeable market cap in or out of crypto YTD, and will continue to be for years to come
swingies are factually more likely to get shittered betting against sergey than they are anyone else—so, the takeaway? DON'T FUCKING SWING—AND IF YOU DO, SET ENOUGH ASIDE FOR A ROPE TO JOIN THE OTHER >SWINGLINKERS

>> No.15843415
File: 128 KB, 694x864, 1560005814631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let this stand as one example of many that link is QUITE LITERALLY THE WORST ASSET TO SWING, WITHOUT ANY EXAGGERATION
the worse you expect someting to perform, the safer swinging is—because you're essentially minimizing risk. with assets you expect to perform better, swinging opens up opportunities to get fucked—and link is ALL ABOUT opportunities for swingies to get fucked; it's the best performing asset with any sizeable market cap in or out of crypto YTD, and will continue to be for years to come
swingies are factually more likely to get shittered betting against sergey than they are anyone else—so, the takeaway? DON'T EVER FUCKING SWING LINK—AND IF YOU DO, SET ENOUGH ASIDE FOR A ROPE TO JOIN THE OTHER >SWINGLINKERS

>> No.15843459
File: 412 KB, 840x854, life_is_a_test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a pelvic floor injury that makes me have uncontrollable semis all day. been about 3 years now. can't work except from home, can't really hang out with people anymore. you do not know the meaning of suffering and if you give up now your name will forever go down in history as that guy who kys'd before the singularity.

>> No.15843525

>tries to outsmart the market swing trading a trending asset
>gets emotional and buys high and sells low
>blames the market
You were not ever going to make it anyway, you are simply liquidity for whales and market makers.

>> No.15843573
File: 29 KB, 400x400, 2A6AC9EE-0C95-4CAC-BA0F-9BBFB7D0588A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s just money anon, and not even that much. Don’t be such a weak emotional faggot

>> No.15844047

what exactly you tried to do? Sell in high and buy again in low? and then got liquidate?

>> No.15844129

kill yourself over losing a few thousand dollars? I'm sure there are plenty of others here who have lost tens of thousands if not more, and are still fine. you probably need to see a psychiatrist and work out the root of your issues. i hope you can find happiness bro, wish you the best.

>> No.15844132 [DELETED] 

e-girl(male) streaming on Twitch


>> No.15844325

swingy linkies
swing from trees

>> No.15844963
File: 209 KB, 1024x714, 1569450576399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

money and wealth isn't everything anon, the more you accumulate, the more it makes you thirsty. Greed can never be quenched, it's like drinking seawater. Many of /biz/ has already been there and done that, but lay it off for a while, it's bad for your soul

Mark 8:36 kjv
>For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?

>> No.15845292

most of us were in your shoes and said goodbye to link long ago, get in holo and some shitcoin like that quit being a spoiled little shit

>> No.15845317
File: 1.73 MB, 1187x1400, 1569084634455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Divination is a form of magic, and banned by God.
Pro-Semitism in the New Testament
In the Gospels:
Matthew 1:1-17 and Luke 3:23-38 emphasize that Jesus was Jewish and a descendent of David.
Matthew 10:5-6 - Jesus instructs the disciples to take the Gospel to the Jews first, not the Gentiles.
Matthew 15:21-28 - Jesus tells a Gentile woman that he was sent to save the Jews first.
The Jews are far from being the only ones involved in Christ's persecution and crucifixion. Pilate let Jesus be crucified despite realizing his innocence (Mk 15:9-15) and the Roman soldiers mocked and persecuted Jesus, as well as doing the actual crucifying (Mt 27:27-31, Lk 23:11, 35-37).
John 4:22 - "Salvation is from the Jews" (i.e. from Jesus, David's descendant).
In Acts:
4:27 - Herod, Pilate and the Gentiles in Jerusalem (not just the Jews) conspired against Jesus.
11:1-18 - In the account of Peter and Cornelius, the Jews are amazed that God is merciful enough to save "even the (unclean) Gentiles."
14:1, 17:10-12 - Paul follows Jesus' model of going to the Jews first, and many Jews accept Jesus as the Messiah.

In the Pauline Epistles:
Romans 1:16 - Salvation is "first for the Jew, then for the Gentile".
Romans 9:1-5 - Paul (who is Jewish) describes his desire for the Israelites to receive Christ and the honors the Israelites have received, including that Jesus' human ancestry was through them.
Romans 11:1-24 - Paul warns the Gentiles against boasting, comparing them to wild olive branches and the Jews to cultivated olive branches.
Romans 11:28 - Even those Jews who reject Christ are to be "loved on account of the patriarchs."
Romans 15:27 - "For if the Gentiles have shared in the Jews' spiritual blessings, they owe it to the Jews to share with them their material blessings."
Galatians 2:7-9 - At least three of the apostles had a specific ministry to the Jews.
Galatians 2:11-13 - Rather than an anti-Semitic prejudice, the early church had if anything a pro-Semitic prejudice.

>> No.15845337
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>he didn't hodl

>> No.15845439
File: 89 KB, 633x758, 8ED5FCBB-8CDD-4A64-88AB-677473497955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is 2.5k enough to make it...
if 5k was ever going to "make it"
then 2.5k would be alright.. life's to short to worry about the little things as a linklet

>> No.15845463
File: 112 KB, 340x501, 1543_On_the_Jews_and_Their_Lies_by_Martin_Luther.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You really have it wrong dude lol

The Bible literally calls the (((Jews))) the synagogue of Satan. The (((Jews))) are different from Jews according to the Bible. The people living in modern day Israel are they "which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie" as Revelations 3:9 says. All throughout the New Testament it's showing how the (((Jews))) who practice Judaism are of Satan, never believed the Torah in the first place, and didn't accept Jesus.

Herod, Pilate, and the Gentiles didn't conspire against Jesus at all dude, they were just the people who the (((Jews))) convinced to do their dirty work because it was not lawful for (((Jews))) to put someone to death while under Roman rule. The Talmud even brags about this.
This is what Peter says when talking to the (((Jews))) in Acts 3:12-13
"And when Peter saw it, he answered unto the people, Ye men of Israel, why marvel ye at this? or why look ye so earnestly on us, as though by our own power or holiness we had made this man to walk? The God of Abraham, and of Isaac, and of Jacob, the God of our fathers, hath glorified his Son Jesus; whom ye delivered up, and denied him in the presence of Pilate, when he was determined to let him go." This shows Pilate didn't conspire as you claim, and that it was in fact the (((Jews))) and the religious rulers (Pharisees and Sadducees)

Salvation being "for the Jew first" is to show they had access to salvation and rejected it. They had it first in the sense that they were supposed to be stewards of the word of God and give it to the gentiles, but didn't do it, so Jesus tells them in Matthew 21:43 "Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof."

Paul wanted all people to be saved... all includes (((Jews))), he wanted them to be converted and leave their practice of Judaism which is the traditions of the elders rather than the commandments of God. The rest of my reply doesn't fit

>> No.15845479

>life fucking sucks when you're NOT poor
You have thousands of dollars to risk on crypto. Go open a Roth IRA and learn patience you stupid get rich quick poorfag.

>> No.15845508

>Matthew 1:1-17 and Luke 3:23-38
1) This genealogy reveals that the Son of God so identifies with the human condition that He takes it all on Himself and becomes part of it. 2) Jesus was born to bring all mankind into adoption by the Father, and thus He affirms that a lineage of adoption is as binding and receives the same inheritances as a lineage of blood.
>Matthew 10:5-6
The reason Christ's earthly ministry was focused on the Jews was so so that, after the Resurrection, the Jews could not blame the disciples for going "to uncircumcised men" (Acts 11:3).

>> No.15845513

I don't even know why you're using that pic of circumcision when the New Testament specifically says there is nothing in circumcision and how it was done in the Old Testament to be symbolic of the circumcision of the heart.

I was gonna keep going and replying with more in this post too, but I realized you're probably doing this on purpose. You know you're lying and misrepresenting the Bible.

9/10 bait, you got me to reply this much

>> No.15845544


Fuck off with the kike subversion, jesus was a jews, moses was a jew and all of the problems of the modern world have started because of people that put trust in jews.

>> No.15845559
File: 250 KB, 640x1480, 1544130507442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh synagogue of Satan meme
Revelation 3 provides no way or form to know who these "fake jews" are, as everything in the Gospel it is vague and contradictory
So you randomly have decided that the synagogue of Satan is the modern Jews, as if that would change anything at all
Jesus himself said that the world is of Satan, and he made it quite clear that the only way to oppose "Satan" is by opposing the World. Which is INSANE if your main concerns are the survival of a WORLDY civilization into the far future. A concern that Christianity makes completely pointless
Why are you even here? You have no skin on this game. According to you, the Jewish War God will WIN no matter what and slay your enemies
There is nothing on the line for Christians
They gave up on this Universe
Europe being Islamic or not is completely IRRELEVANT for a christians that believes in the plan of God
The plan which promised that God would come back after 1000 years of oppression and persecution of his followers
A christians wanting to oppose the oppression of his people is going against God's plan
And it is not some sort of twisted interpretation by the Pope or evil catholics:

- "it is the duty of a Christian to suffer injustice, not to seize the sword and take to violence" - Martin Luther

>> No.15845566
File: 197 KB, 470x360, 1544861769529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic of circumcision when the New Testament specifically says

>The Feast of the Circumcision of Christ is a Christian celebration of the circumcision of Jesus in accordance with Jewish tradition, eight days (according to the Semitic and southern European calculation of intervals of days)[1] after his birth, the occasion on which the child was formally given his name.[2][3]

The circumcision of Jesus has traditionally been seen, as explained in the popular 14th-century work the Golden Legend, as the first time the blood of Christ was shed, and thus the beginning of the process of the redemption of man, and a demonstration that Christ was fully human, and of his obedience to Biblical law.

The feast day appears on 1 January in the liturgical calendar of the Byzantine Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches.[4] In the General Roman Calendar, the 1 January feast, which from 1568 to 1960 was called "The Circumcision of the Lord and the Octave of the Nativity", is now named the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God, and the Octave Day of the Nativity of the Lord. It is celebrated by some churches of the Anglican Communion and virtually all Lutheran churches. In these latter Western Christian denominations, the Feast of the Naming and Circumcision of Jesus Christ marks the eighth day (octave day) of Christmastide.[5]

>> No.15845573
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>the son of Amminadab, the son of Ram, the son of Hezron, the son of Perez, the son of Judah
>For it is clear that our Lord descended from Judah
>He was teaching in their synagogues, and everyone praised him.
>He came to his own people, and even they rejected him.
His own people aka Jews.
>You Samaritans worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews.
Samaritans aka Gentiles.

>> No.15845589

Absolutely based, I'm glad people are waking up to the jewish subversion that has plagued humanity for centuries. Who know one subversive sentence said by a jew could confuse and kill so many people for years.

>> No.15845610
File: 1.69 MB, 807x800, L4lVATK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely based

>> No.15845629

not to be an incel or anything, but since i haven't seen anyone tell you to do it yet, i feel inclined to do so, however, anon, you dapper dan, i will resist temptation

>> No.15845635

This has nothing to suggest any justification for the continuance of circumcision from 33 A.D.
More accurately, He came from and proceeded out of the Jews.

>> No.15845648

not to sound like a jewish fellow with a big shnoz, but the actual fuck is with you based brainlets pushing your anti-semitic satanic tinfoil hat theories

>> No.15845660
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>> No.15845668

Yes it does have to do with continuance of circumcision you fucking faggot. I don't give a flying fuck that you think jewsus said this and that it is still a fact that it is celebrated and continued. Nothing says not to do it just that you dont need to do it.

>> No.15845681

Isn't it funny that Brother Nathaniel AND Anderson are both kikes. Its fucking hilarious how hard they try to cope with there most BASED JEWISH ADVOCATES!

>> No.15845682
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>> No.15845708

>epic moment when anon wants to blow his brains out and the people who never had a brain to blow out to begin with start commenting about anti-semitic we-taw-dead theories that have nothing to do with anything when in reality jews control all media and the internet and they sit back laughing as they make some form of profit off your 4chan passes and controlling your country

Quite the world, isn't it?

>> No.15845709
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>> No.15845717

Thread is fucking FUD and swing linkers get the rope you retard.

>> No.15845719

Hahaha send the rest to me swingy

>> No.15845723
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>> No.15845725

>citing (((Wikipedia)))
Try this on for a size.
>Our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ is the incarnate Second Person of the Holy Trinity, the only begotten Son of God, fully God and fully man, born in time of the Virgin Mary and begotten from before all time of God the Father.
>not one mention of Jews
You're mistaken in your history. Baptism is the successor to circumcision, this was always the norm since the early Church.

>> No.15845726

devils bad cuz the devils bad, id believe that regardless, he's the manifestation of evil, regardless of the religion or person who tells me, i'd know that anyways

>> No.15845753
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>> No.15845764

kinda starting to wonder if jews made up the rumor that jesus was born on christmas so all the christians celebrate christmas and buy gifts for each other therefore leading to jews making profit off the consumerism.

>> No.15845773
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>> No.15845783
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>> No.15845796
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>> No.15845798

you misunderstand, my point being was that I knew about the devil before jesus, it had nothing to do with christianity, I was just taught that what is known as the manifestation of all good in the world was god, and what everyome believes to be the manifestation of evil was the devil. Whether or not it's true is a different conversation, that was just the way i learned it.

>> No.15845810

Same. 150K Link traded into bullshit alts. Now have 15K Link and 1 BTC.

>> No.15845818

why? did you really think link was just another shitcoin?

>> No.15845829

To suggest that The Church chose a day of sacred observance defensively instead of pro-actively is to devalue and disregard the sacred and authoritative action of The Church in establishing a proper date for the observance of The Nativity of Christ The Lord.

That pic is schizo-tier.

This pic is refuting yourself kek.

Read this.
>Many, I know, respect the Jews and think that their present way of life is a venerable one. This is why I hasten to uproot and tear out this deadly opinion. I said that the synagogue is no better than a theater and I bring forward a prophet as my witness. Surely the Jews are not more deserving of belief than their prophets. "You had a harlot's brow; you became shameless before all". Where a harlot has set herself up, that place is a brothel. But the synagogue is not only a brothel and a theater; it also is a den of robbers and a lodging for wild beasts.

>> No.15845834
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>> No.15845859
File: 6 KB, 245x205, h.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

israel watching you tards say hur dur every 20 min while profiting off all our monthly payments

>> No.15845860
File: 8 KB, 254x198, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you give me some money before you go, OP.

I'm a desperate Indian trying to help my family. They are all I have and care about.

>> No.15845866
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>> No.15845869

everyone, i have changed my religious beliefs after reading your memes and comments thank you for your service!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.15845876
File: 251 KB, 797x925, 1569351040293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>successor to circumcision
I've posted the truth you post garbage. sorry m8 christcucks still circumcise and always have. Not until they stopped worshiping as much.
john chrysostom murdered thousands of greeks who refused to give up their polytheist beliefs. You forced your jew garbage onto people and kill them when they didn't want to worship your jew.

>> No.15845887

Absolutely based

You're not changing for anything kike, This info is for non kikes to warn them.

>> No.15845904

damn ya got me, guess ill go back to being uh, part of the system of control.

>> No.15845911

OP is either dead or is reading this so goddamn confused he stopped himself.

>> No.15845915

Haha it's not like your ideals will kill most of humanity and western civilization! haha no big deal!

>> No.15845932

>I've posted the truth you post garbage. sorry m8 christcucks still circumcise and always have. Not until they stopped worshiping as much.
>If you are asking about circumcision for religious reasons, the Church holds to that which is explained in Galatians 6:15, Romans 2:28 and 4:11, and Philippians 3:3—namely, that circumcision was a critical element of the Old Covenent, but not of the New Covenant.

>john chrysostom
Lies, the man was a saint.

>> No.15845934

this. holy shit this.

>> No.15845940

my ideals don't revolve around religion, i was raised around religion, but almost nothing i do in life is shaped by any form of religion. However, I can agree that Christianity and Judaism or shit even religion in general will be the downfall of western civilization considering the millions of lives it has claimed in human history

>> No.15845961
File: 183 KB, 920x634, 3-33733_emoticon-t-shirt-smiley-emoji-free-download-png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only thing you can say to thousands of years of proof and truth that millions of people were slaughtered pagans,greeks and romans, Societies were destroyed or forced to believe in your religion and that it isn't a jewish creation is one word response, deluded.

>> No.15845974

>my ideals don't revolve around religion
>believes in a jewish prophet that is the head of the largest religion in the world.

>> No.15845978
File: 31 KB, 550x250, 1563772932009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was a fucking saint because a slaughter thousands of greeks for no other reason but because they wouldn't fucking convert you fuck faggot.

>> No.15845987
File: 92 KB, 720x710, e7fb386b671b7cdda2cc506c9cb43fa2acf3405b93bd4470bfb015f7fbcba982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely based.

>> No.15846251

Kys scumbag.

>> No.15846871

Christmas used to be Saturnalia. Absorbing the old holidays into christianity made conversion easier. sane thing with easter, has pagan roots - festival of the goddess Eostre. It's almost like they went with whatever worked to keep people docile and happy...

>> No.15846922

What are you talking about? My favorite part is when the stronk female (who doesn't need marriage or men) kicks their ass, stabs the son of the chieften, and gets away with it

Yea it did go to shit, especially once the MC turned gay

>> No.15846937

At least you didnt go from 10k to 1.5k like me... feels bad

>> No.15846967

Jeez, just wait till BTC crashes to 4- 5k and drags everything with it. Buy link at 1 - 1.5$ then or even lower. Be happy that you sold and will get a way better deal very soon. Patience.

>> No.15847011

The universe isn't against you and money won't fix everything. This mentality is what people who hit the $100m+ Powerball and lose it all have.

>> No.15847167

>Margin trading
Anon I...