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1583391 No.1583391 [Reply] [Original]

Holding 21 Bitcoins is the best feeling ever.

Just sit back, relax, and retire in 10 years while nocoiners cry.

>> No.1583398

nocoiners, when will they learn?

>> No.1583401

Yeah but holding 231 is a better feeling

>> No.1583403

yeah, but holding 420 is a better feeling.

>> No.1583405


> not holding 666

Pleb tier

>> No.1583420

>dumb OP doesn't realize bitcoins will peak at $5k
>retiring with $100k in the bank


>> No.1583452

This kind of depends upon whether or not the bitcoin developers can pull their shit together and make shit actually work faster.

If the amount of users doubled, btc would just collapse and transaction times would grow and grow and grow and grow.

>> No.1583761

my fucking nigga

>> No.1583783

>owning 7.5 BTC


>> No.1583789

>Hoarding something that is supposed to be flowing freely, in hopes that those of us actually building businesses will accept them at exorbitant exchanges for our actual goods and services when you want to cash out.

Solid plan. Right up there with buying a lambo with Magic cards!

>> No.1583796

Mfw when all I have is Korean Won
8mil... only worth $7k usd

>> No.1583826

People will dump bitcoin for another cryptocurrency, because they think it's unfair that the bitcoin early birds are millionaire when almost nobody know about bitcoin. This is unfair, they become millionaires for doing nothing, just pure luck.

People will not accept this. They will choose another cryptocurrency where it's fair game for everyone. So nobody become lucky early bird millionaires. This is fair, and people love fairness.

>> No.1583827


This is true, there needs to be another coin to replace Bitcoin that can handle higher transaction volume faster than Bitcoin and also starts at a "fresh slate" where there the early adopters don't get ridiculously high percentages of the wealth in the system.

>> No.1583831

They'll probably dump it for one that is designed like actual money too.

Easily stolen deflationary hashmarks, hoarded by unemployed fat-bodies to point of freezing any actual economy that may spring from it, and that require more electricity to process than any value they could provide, was an orgasm of a bad idea. Compound this with their needless complexity, and absence of any utility, in the minds of normies, and you've got btc.

>> No.1583835

lmao look at this retard. Nobody ever stopped drinking coca-cola or buying macbooks because "hurr durr someone was smarter than me and got rich". Cope.

lmao cope

>> No.1583837

you will see. hold your U.S. dollars through the end of this decade and watch as prices rise, while your savings stay the same.

>> No.1583839

there's plenty of altcoins out there. Higher transaction volume makes the system less secure (see: shitereum). Bitcoin has a clear roadmap that will fix those problems and mantain security anyway.

The more people use it, the easier it is to support the network. Electricity is consumed by mining, but mining is not supposed to go on forever. The value of bitcoin is exactly its immutability, security, independence

>> No.1583841

I run a real business. I'll start accepting your make believe money, when my suppliers do, and my suppliers will when they can pay taxes with it. Maybe your 4chan money will be accepted by the government someday; I hope it does! You'll be a wealthy fat kid. Until then, some of us will be building real wealth by providing value, while you wait for something that will likely never happen.

Good luck bro!

>> No.1583856

Ethereum was supposed to be just that until they fucked up and just became another shitcoin.

>> No.1583858
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>i run a real business
your business obviously doesn't provide commodity goods to people for a market price..

>> No.1583859

>not holding 1488

May as well be a nocoiner

>> No.1583867

>I run a real business
a wordpress blog isn't a business, cunt
>suppliers will when they can pay taxes with it
lmao you are absolutely retarded

>> No.1583878 [DELETED] 
File: 131 KB, 1600x1200, yourfuture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, keep coping to sell that early.

>> No.1583881
File: 42 KB, 1555x311, YourFuture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, keep coping to sell that early without having second thoughts.

>> No.1583886

Clueless about bitcoin: the post.
Go study then come back.

>> No.1583889

>This is unfair, they become millionaires for doing nothing, just pure luck.
>muh unfairness
Not luck, just seeing the value of bitcoin when it was cheap as fuck. Right now, it's still cheap as fuck, but you'll keep crying until it's 10k+ a coin and realize you missed the boat again.

>People will not accept this. They will choose another cryptocurrency where it's fair game for everyone. So nobody become lucky early bird millionaires. This is fair, and people love fairness.

Yeah, people hate gold and don't want it because people got rich in the early mining gold days. What a fucking mong.

Bitcoin is the end all be all cryptocurrency. Stop dreaming about a socialist crypto, this is uncompatible with a secure network.

>> No.1583891
File: 554 KB, 1604x985, AverageCoinerPurchase.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck are you talking about. Bitcoin can be divided as small as possible. High prices a BTC unit will never be a problem.

Money is supposed to be used however you want, you can save it or spend it. How the fuck is this against flowing freely you low IQ mong.

>> No.1583893

Wrong, Bitcoin would never collapse. This is low IQ FUD. The transactions that don't meet the criteria (valuable enough to be inside the 1MB block) get discarded.

With lightning network this will not be a problem anymore. Everyone will be able to send their low value transactions for cheap.

>> No.1583894

Yeah because the current system isn't 1% holding most money while 99% wagecuck.

Just lol. There will always be an elite. It doesn't matter how much you want to cope around it. Risk/reward ratio. Early adopters took a big risk by buying something that was useless as seen by most mongs out there, since Bitcoin is fair, big risk means big reward.

>> No.1584048

>Mom handles all my purchasing and I've never sold anything

>Pretend money works in a way that is good for me, so everyone should adopt it.

You're children. You're all children. Have fun putting bagels on rental cars and hoarding valueless strings of numbers for the next ten years, kids!

>> No.1584078
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>valueless strings of numbers

lol. you mean like your bank or credit account, insurance accounts, and ur PAPER money and golden rocks?

>> No.1584102

>Bitcoin has a clear roadmap that will fix those problems and mantain security anyway.

Source plz

>> No.1584114

I don't know about your sad story, but some of us here (beginning to suspect very few) have: materials, capital equipment, realestate, sales pipelines, and delivery systems that have actual value separate from sitting on a very specific type of money.

Lets say you neckbeards are right... btc blows the fuck up, and 'nocoiners' are actually looking up painless ways to die. Nothing changes for me. I keep doing business; just have to change the symbol in front of my prices.

You'll be fabulously wealthy, and I ain't even mad. Good for you.

Now... what if youre wrong? How much time, money, and opportunity have you wasted on nothing.

Again, good luck! I'm actually rooting for you silly kids. I just don't believe in hold and pray speculation. If you aren't providing value, you're just wasting life.

>> No.1584117
File: 63 KB, 516x516, 39483dd18c9d08cca3d145217e112f85fbffccb4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if your business/investments succeeds you will be wealthy
>if they fail you could lose part of or all of investment.
>there is risk in investing

yea.... sounds about right....

>there is 0 risk in my particular field of business and i am superior to all

oh....right .. cool

>> No.1584121

>have 10 btc on a hard drive i lost
>literally paid $10 for them
i hate my fucking life right now

>> No.1584127
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>> No.1584138

I don't want to get too frustrated with you, but whereas I take risk doing something; you do nothing. You're a collector. You collect 1&0's, at all time high prices, and you hope more people become interested in what you collect so you can sell it for real money.

Good luck! I'll hide the thread so you can chat with other collectables enthusiasts uninterrupted.

>> No.1584144
File: 50 KB, 604x340, 1470806149955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

banks take a risk holding strings of numbers
so do insurance companies and creditors.

nothing u say makes sense.
society would break down if ppl only did what (You) do.

i asked u politely not to address me in ignorance.
i will not ask you again.

>> No.1584150

you are a complete retard, the chances you have an actual job are literally 0

>> No.1584204

>tfw smoked hundreds of bitcoins worth of drugs back in the early days of the dark net markets
>tfw I watched the rise of bitcoin from start to finish and didn't have the self control or foresight to get rich from it

>> No.1584207

Actually, I'm accumulating more bitcoin.

>> No.1584341
File: 10 KB, 200x205, 1449909902972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have fun putting bagels on rental cars

>> No.1584359


So whats stopping you from buying 1 bitcoin now?

>> No.1584468

>If you aren't providing value, you're just wasting life.
What if I mine the bitcoin?

>> No.1584473

buy WAVES on bittrex, it's going to do an ethereum soon. I'm predicting at least a 250 million market cap for waves.

lots of russian money flowing in. if i know anything about russians, they know how to run a money making Scheme.

>> No.1584491
File: 49 KB, 336x522, xfgby3mps0sx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ethereum will still win. Fearing hard forks is fearing change.

Buttcoiners will be crying in a year when this nerd drinks your milkshake.

>> No.1584494

buy waves. it will give ethereum level profits at this stage.

>> No.1584511

fuck off

>> No.1584522

Waves just got hacked.
Value is headed for zero.

>> No.1584549

waves isn't like shitereum, it can't be hacked. Sorry kid.

no you fuck off

>> No.1584557

>it can't be hacked
Keep telling yourself that.

>> No.1584563

>but mining is not supposed to go on forever
You clearly don't understand the importance of miners

>> No.1585708

Yeah, tears of joy will my businesses and real estate and oil surpase your faggot shillcoin shit in 2.

Have fun gambling your NEET bux while those of us with a brain casualy invest our hard earned money and expand out means yearly while u cling to uour shit like a liferaft...

Sage for faggotry

>> No.1585720


i mean, i agree with you, but you can't argue with 30-50k/month for running a fucking blog.

>> No.1585816

no coiners arent gonna cry, the people that new about it at the start during highschool and didnt bother mining are crying


>> No.1585837
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Holding just 0.001 bitcoins while a coin is mooning is the worst feel ever.

>> No.1587294


the only thing that will give them value is to use them. but bitcoiners are just bagholders