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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1583018 No.1583018 [Reply] [Original]

Any Webdev fags here?

Should I learn ruby on rails if i want to get started making $ asap?

>> No.1583026

No, PHPs easier and available on more servers.

>> No.1583029

Isn't PHP a literal disaster with numerous vulnerabilities - RCE aplenty, retarded functions?

Or is php 7 actually decent

>> No.1583038


>and available on more servers

this is how I know you're clueless

>> No.1583040

pajeet detected

>> No.1583049

I've heard PHP7 isn't actually so bad tho.


>> No.1583070

javascript --> then use the mean stack

http://mean.io --> mongodb + express + angular + nodejs (do all shit in javascript)

>> No.1583079
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Major security alert as 40,000 MongoDB databases left unsecured on the internet


>> No.1583084

i guess there'll be an update. ;)
i'm not saying it's better than a lamp stack or something else. i found it worthy to notice bc you learn one language. that's defenitively a benefit

>> No.1583087

It's not new, but mongoloid DB is shit

>> No.1583105

I heard of people going to Devmountain and bootcamping angular and getting 100K a year jobs at Facebook, this is probably a meme but OP could check it out.

>> No.1583116

No, just learn LAMP + HTML/CSS/JS/JQUERY for front-end.

Rails is a meme.

>> No.1583122

>Rails is a meme.

Why is it a meme? Seems quite efficient, also was considering Django/flask or maybe even Phoenix framework

>HTML/CSS/JS/JQUERY for front-end.

Why the heck would I learn this when bootstrap exists?

Don't webdevelopers not write their own HTML and CSS?

>> No.1583161

okay op. what's your backround (programmibg skillz, knowledge about databases, operating systems, ...).

e.g. op's java guy: vaadin or spring
e.g. op's php guy: l.a.m.p. stack
e.g. op's python guy: document oriented db, jinja (templating engine), javascript, ... blablabla.
we need more info. bc the background determines what's an appropriate choice.

>> No.1583166

Bootstrap just provides predefined styles for common HTML elements and provides mobile support. You still need to write HTML/CSS.

>> No.1583174

>Don't webdevelopers not write their own HTML and CSS?

Lmfao kid, what else do you think you're getting paid to do?

Who the he'll do you think writes all of that bro begin with?

There's a difference between WordPress dev and an actual web dev

My last projects is about 10k lines of nearly hand written code (fuck yea emmet)

>> No.1583175

>Isn't PHP a literal disaster

I dunno, you tell me how many websites across the world rely on PHP ever day.

>> No.1583177

>we need more info. bc the background determines what's an appropriate choice.

Hi there, welcome to /biz/

>> No.1583186

>I dunno, you tell me how many websites across the world rely on PHP ever day.

How does that somehow make it a good choice?

>okay op. what's your backround (programmibg skillz, knowledge about databases, operating systems, ...).

C/C++, memed around with Python.

Don't really have any experience with webdevelopment and very minor experience with systems programming.

>> No.1583187

>Any Webdev fags here?

ex-webfag here

>Should I learn ruby on rails if i want to get started making $ asap?

no. a webfag needs to know every language.

python java php bash sql & js as well as css at the least.

html itself is a joke. it's basically just XML and doesn't really matter.

you need to know platforms as well, depending.

you need to understand patterns like server client, mvc, layers and proxies, subscriber, etc.

>Don't webdevelopers not write their own HTML and CSS?
>Lmfao kid, what else do you think you're getting paid to do?

a modern web dev usually buys and hacks together a bunch of existing templates for various applications, and modifies them bespoke to the customer's requirements.

if you "code" websites from the ground up, you're a schmuck. but if you can't hack the core of the framework you're using when required, you're also a schmuck.

>> No.1583188

Can you tell me what front/back end means?
With an example, since I'm retarded

>> No.1583195

depends on the developer's experinces and preferences. it's a desaster if the dev skills are noob level. a skilled xyz-devcan easily outperform a newbie abc-framework-dev. it's not the framework/ technology s.o. uses. it depends on your skillz.

if pajeet wants to make money: learn html, css, javascript, python, ruby, java, bla bla bla ... each day one. you'll totally mess everything up, but you "know the key technologies".

>> No.1583198

>existing templates

Ah yes that makes sense, I'm usually creating backend that need to be hand tailored.

Also if you know c++ stick with that, I mean web dev won't hurt, imho its raiser to find backend work stick with that, since the GUI can be made and duplicated forever.

I started learning c++ first, went to web dev to find a job easily.

And now I'm working as a c++ software developer working on drivers for custom hardware.

The company i just signed on with claims to have been looking for a c++ developer for 6 years.

>> No.1583202

>front end vs back end

>> No.1583207

>I started learning c++ first, went to web dev to find a job easily.

That's kind of my situation. When it comes to software development it feels like you need to be a pro with 10 years exp or else you're unemployed... Also considering that's next to impossible because no one really "knows" C++ it just seems non-fruitful.

Kinda wanted to give webdev a shot since everyone keeps talking about easy pz it is.

>> No.1583209


front end means oral end, and back end means ass end.

shit comes out the ass end and goes in your mouth when you eat shit.

ever notice how your mouth is shaped perfectly for receiving massive shit salamis?


in a McDicks, the back end is the burger factory. the front end is the cashier. you shouldn't actually see the backend mexican spit in your burger. the frontend teller receives your order hands you the burger so you don't have to interact with the beaner directly.

>> No.1583224

I never thought about the massive shit salamis that way

thank you

>> No.1583231

javascript would be a good starting point imho. html and css knowledge are essential.
usually a web app has a backend (i.e. the logic on the server). so check this stuff (databases, servers). you'll find stuff for python people.
if you don't want to learn too many new languages, consider learning java. there're frameworks for building whole web apps in it (without html, css, js). most frontend frameworks ("what runs in the browser") are js.
maybe you visit a course for webdevs.

>> No.1583239

Frontend defines how the webpage looks. Backend defines how the webpage actually works.

On 4chan frontend devs would pick the color scheme, define where things are positioned, what happens when you hover over certain areas of the page, etc.

Backend devs would be working with databases, storing posts, loading posts, etc.

Basically, stuff that would works even if you d/c from the internet is frontend stuff, everything that requires internet connection is backend.

>> No.1583385

learn javascript. not that pussy shit, learn what it means to program non-blocking code. This is the future.

>> No.1584772
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>Using javascript for backend

>> No.1585563


>> No.1585565
File: 51 KB, 740x745, 1472243093913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean googles v8 node js?

>> No.1585693

Among the people I work for, the most common request I see is

Can you set up my magento website for me?