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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15817134 No.15817134 [Reply] [Original]

Two weeks ago I told my bosses through mail that they should go fuck themselves over a situation they'd want me to bend down to my knees and suck their boomer dicks. Of course; indirectly, worded in such a way to not be fired with a reason. I took a week off without notice and did not reply until my -vacation- was over.

Since then several things happened at work:

> My coworker got promoted to supervisor over me (I am very glad it was not me).
> I am getting more tedious office administrative responsibilities than normal.

Well, they look tedious, I just spend an entire day sitting there, looking busy, then automate it in the last hour at work.
Thank god for Excel macro's.

> I got a small raise, a new work laptop, I did not ask for.
> I need to train a new guy, I am being paid for it.

My boss who hated my ass now is the nicest person ever to me, my other boss who constantly praised my capabilities now hates my ass. I made some minor fuck ups last week and he almost flipped out. My contract expires in a few months, I told them to not expect me to be there by the end of it; although I'd appreciate they'd keep me on the team until I find a new job, or keep me on this team in case this company plans to get their shit together (I did write this literally).

Why haven't they fired me yet?
Why did things change so rapidly, did my mail make this much of an impact?
(actually, I blasted them in a 6 mail thread before they ever responded).

It's minimum wage, the worst case is I find another minimum wage job.
It's a fun job, but I don't like sucking boomer dicks over minimum wage.

>> No.15817142

You drank the Kool aid dude

Redit is more your style trust me

>> No.15817147

>he has a boss

I think u mean a husband OP lol

>> No.15817148
File: 38 KB, 474x687, 1569366959242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15817151


I am too autistic to understand whether this is sarcasm or a joke.

>> No.15817163

Is this bait?

>> No.15817168

Show us the email with personal shit deleted out

>> No.15817228


I'd rather not. So I will just pretend you're my boss and write a new email.

> Dear Anon Boss,

> I am truly sorry for leaving without a notice and taking a week off without planning for it. But this week by far was one of the most stressful ones to date. Not just that; I honestly cannot remember when I was more angered by something in the past five years. As you told me several times, you 'understood', well I still don't. But lets move on from this when I return, I will forgive, but I will definitely not forget. When I return, I'd like to have a conversation about my bonus that was promised to me a few months back. Additionally I'd like to let you know that under these current circumstances I am no longer wishing to stay with this company. At this point, you can expect me to leave at the end of my contract. I do however want to train my possible replacement in order to make the transition as smooth as possible. Additionally, I'd like to take the time from now until the end of my contract to show myself how professional I can actually be, and I do expect the same from you as my employer. The last thing I expect is for things to go down the same way as they did last week, or else I do not see any reason to even stay until the end of the contract. I would appreciate it if you'd keep me on board until I do find a new job if this does not happen by the end of my contract, and possible help me find a new job within your own network if this possible. You know I deliver good work, and up until now, never had any issues with you or the job.

That's the short form. It was written in another language, so my English here is a little less eloquent.

>> No.15817298

Also, /biz/ literally got me this job


This is not the first time I went on a email tirade too.



>> No.15817321

>minimum wage
do you live in a socialist state because I literally work at fucking McDonald's and I get paid more than minimum wage

>> No.15817339


converted to boomer bucks I earn about 12$/hr after tax, along with healthcare and 4 vacation weeks per year. So I guess, its a socialist state. My alternative is still neetbux and working off the books while probably bringing in double per month. But unlike this, I can't dump it all back into crypto at the end of the month.

>> No.15817353

Scared u might sue their shit and escalate the pain for them.

>> No.15817363

>I am truly sorry for leaving without a notice and taking a week off without planning for it. But this week by far was one of the most stressful ones to date. Not just that; I honestly cannot remember when I was more angered by something in the past five years. As you told me several times, you 'understood', well I still don't. But lets move on from this when I return, I will forgive, but I will definitely not forget. When I return, I'd like to have a conversation about my bonus that was promised to me a few months back. Additionally I'd like to let you know that under these current circumstances I am no longer wishing to stay with this company. At this point, you can expect me to leave at the end of my contract. I do however want to train my possible replacement in order to make the transition as smooth as possible. Additionally, I'd like to take the time from now until the end of my contract to show myself how professional I can actually be, and I do expect the same from you as my employer. The last thing I expect is for things to go down the same way as they did last week, or else I do not see any reason to even stay until the end of the contract. I would appreciate it if you'd keep me on board until I do find a new job if this does not happen by the end of my contract, and possible help me find a new job within your own network if this possible. You know I deliver good work, and up until now, never had any issues with you or the job.
Whoah nigger. An email not a thesis. Give me a gestalt.

>> No.15817371


bruh, this went on for 6 emails before they replied.

But we exchanged such email threads before which ended up in actual implementations at work.
I figure by now they know what to expect from me when I either get annoyed or motivated to come with suggestions.

>> No.15817381

>All this management and office politics
>It's a minimum wage job
Lmao nobody cares about you dumbass

>> No.15817389


> Lmao nobody cares about you dumbass

Sure, I care about my dumbass enough to not suck dicks tho.
Don't blame a neet for actually trying to not be one.

>> No.15817402

You are getting paid minimum wage. The fact you are even forced to communicate with people at all in your job for that price tells me that you are, in fact, sucking dicks. Get a better job.

>> No.15817408


Last time I came to /biz/ for advice on finding a job, I found this. So maybe I'll try again. How do I get a better job anon?

>> No.15817430

holy fuck you gotta be a woman or raised by a single mother.

>being this dramatic about a minimum wage job

>> No.15817431

Great blog, welcome to the board! +1

>> No.15817453


> holy fuck you gotta be a woman or raised by a single mother.

Yes, the latter. No, fucking, shit.

Look, I can't help that I am actually retarded. Gotta work with what I have.
Even my therapist has asked me if I'd not rather want to go back to university than work....I am 30+.


Do a 360 and walk the fuck away from my thread.

>> No.15817541

woah a newfag trying so hard to fit in

>> No.15817566

OP just go to reddit
i'm sure the advise you got here were from your fellow redditfags
your retardation is beyond salvation

>> No.15818085

>But this week by far was one of the most stressful ones to date
>you told me several times, you 'understood',
>I will forgive, but I will definitely not forget
>to show myself how professional I can actually be, and I do expect the same from you

gay and cringepilled

Sadly, youre never going to make it.

>> No.15818097

>I need to train a new guy, I am being paid for
>Why haven't they fired me yet?

>> No.15818352

Why haven't they fired you?

Because in a month or two you be done anyway. And this way, they don't have to deal with severance at all.

Also, you are almost certainly training your replacement. Be chill, maybe it will work out for them more.

Go find something that gels with you.

Do not expect to be there any longer then the last day on your current contract.

>> No.15819178

Holy shit cringe and fagpilled.

Just quit faggot, why would you offer to train a replacement

>> No.15819225

Pure cringe. As others have said, it's a minimum wage job, who cares? And you told them you're quitting, so it sounds like they're just waiting for you to leave b/c they'd have to pay unemployment if they fired your faggot ass

>> No.15819243

>Do a 360 and walk the fuck away from my thread.

definitely bait

>> No.15819271

Imagine being his poor manager....having to endure 6 subsequent emails of him channeling his hysterical single-mom:
>im showing you how professional i can be and expect the same from you!
the sad thing is OP has no self reflection. he doesnt see his lack of success as being directly linked to his cringey hyper-feminized whining, and instead projects it all against "the system is fugged against me"
like a real woman, he doesn't self-reflect at all. First
>Well, they look tedious, I just spend an entire day sitting there, looking busy, then automate it in the last hour at work.
>You know I deliver good work, and up until now, never had any issues with you or the job.

0/10 - would not rehire.

>> No.15819272

This is so gay.
>caring this much about min wage
>taking off work because its stressful
>i-it's not like I want to stay anyway.... but will you keep me if I can't find a job?....

>> No.15819283

wouldn't a 360 walk right back into the thread?

gay and F-in-geometrypilled

>> No.15819326

Are you in processing at a fucking firm outside of Staten Island? If so, you know who I am. Message me, there are opportunities right now.

>> No.15819356


>> No.15819374
File: 151 KB, 726x767, 1569990641195.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15819408

yeah these are things you don't say to people. cloak and dagger is the corporate game. you should be focused on squeezing as much out of them as possible, not outlining your intentions to leave.

too late now though, you're not gonna get shit from them. you're gonna get handed garbage tier work til you either resign, or your contract ends. You need to find another job now.

Next time don't be a fucking retard.

>> No.15819426

>, I will forgive, but I will definitely not forget.
Based and anon pilled

>> No.15819429

go back

>> No.15819430

They will fire you once you're done training the new guy.