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15805078 No.15805078 [Reply] [Original]

> drop tens of thousands on a degree because your parents and teachers told you you'd be a loser if you didn't go to college

>Companies pay you borderline minimum wage with a bachelors

>Sit at a desk all day doing monotonous tasks like forwarding emails, looking over spreadsheets, meetings where the boss tells you to work harder

>HR roasties make the work place child like and hire people for diversity and not by merit

>People who rise to the ranks are typically incompetent and kiss ass

>marry a woman who will lose attraction to you as soon as you show vulnerability and weakness

Why do we do it bros?

>> No.15805099

Speak for yourself dip shit I didn't go to college

>> No.15805111

Most of the people alive on Earth right now are pointless and lead pointless existences. And yes, that includes me, you, your teachers, your future wife and and your coworkers.

>> No.15805114

The only woman who might love you unconditionally is your mother. Your kids might love you. You dog/cat loves you. Buy a house and a nice car. Treat yourself.

Also college is an investment like everything else. Perhaps you chose poorly

>> No.15805118

Good thread until you showed how much of a beta incel you are

>> No.15805126

Women dont love you because you are an ugly beta

>> No.15805133
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All of these negative threads are literally the JIDF (Jewish Internet Defense League) astroturfing all of social media pretending to be "fellow whites" talking about how they're giving up. They come in bunches. Look at the board right now. Mutiple demoralization threads made in the last few hours. The point is that they repeat this shit so much and so often that they think it will catch on and normal happy people will be infected by it.

If you think I am joking or that this is just a "conspiracy theory" take a look around the board right now. Any time you see a thread like this, take a look at the other threads on the board, and you will likely see several.

This shit is real and people are not paying attention to the fact that they are in a literal war with racists who are using real organized psychological warfare to harm them.

>> No.15805145

College is not job training. College is to make you less pleb. That’s why rich people still send their kids.

>> No.15806032

your problem is that you aren't showing ambition.

Your ambition ran out when you graduated with a bachelors

Your woman doesn't dig you anymore because you aren't showing ambition.

Go get your masters.

>> No.15806111

Society marketed college as a way to accelerate your careers and a degree is a gateway to a number of jobs. It's erroneous to say such things when its purpose has been distorted in this day and age.

>> No.15806216

In debt yourself to learn what is the objectively magic relative to 90% of humans that have ever lived. Wield technology that makes each hour of your time many orders of magnitude more valuable than any human resource prior just so you can be accused of being a lazy millennial because you can't afford to sustain a life without a 30 year mortgage because you have to negotiate your wages in a unit of value that is debased against the price of consumer goods when consumer goods themselves get exponentially cheaper with respect to time

>> No.15806244

> ambition
>go get your masters
Ahahahahahaaahaha worst advice ever !
What a cuck General - keep giving your expert advice tho
Ambition is leaving the nursery and starting your own business.
Doing it tough but doing it own your own terms like a man would

>> No.15806259

Investment banker here - I’m 23, live in the south east of the US working for a boutique shop making $75k base plus a 60% bonus if all goes well and it all went well last year. I’ll do this for another year or two, go to Chicago to get my MBA, network my ass off and work in PE making $300k by 28. Yep college was so bad and so shitty lmao

>> No.15806261

>mortgages are bad
Turbo brainlet

>> No.15806272

23,lol. You got to make through a recession yet kid. That’s the crucible
I admire you though you’ve got ballz and a plan more than most

>> No.15806276

>One of Keynes 999,999

>> No.15806300

I empathize. My dad retired in 2006 and lost ~60% of his 401k in 08. My current boss took a job with Bear Stearns right out of college at 22 and got let go 7 months later for obvious reasons.

You’re right, recessions will hit. Luckily I do healthcare specific banking particularly post acute services and with Medicare Advantage and value based care pushing the industry further towards value over volume this sub sector won’t slow down during a recession. I actually think there will be a lot of consolidation soon with payment reform driving us business to execute the transactions.

But thanks for the complement anon Godspeed

>> No.15806316

>anyone dropping red or black pills is JIDF
You need to go back on your meds

>> No.15806324

take your meds schizo

>> No.15806380

I already got redpilled and hit rock bottom so I don't have to go through learning all of that stuff as I get my degree. And if you're making minimum wage with a bachelor's degree it's your own fault.

To get the most out of college it's a fine balance between learning as much and taking as much from each class as you can, vs shitting out the work when you have to. You're there to learn first and foremost and that's more important than getting the diploma. But also being able to play the game and make the grade is a vital skill. If you take it too seriously and only focus on grades, I don't think that's good either. You have to want to be there and you need to know something about what you want out of life. I know that I don't like what I'm doing as a wageslave and I intend to use college as a stepping stone to living the life I want to live. And you're probably feeling defeated and wanting me to feel defeated too so you'll tell me all about how hopeless it is. But I've been there before, I've tasted despair, and I don't care for your cuck fetish.

You probably don't need college but it's something that makes sense to me. Well, if it weren't for pell grants, I probably wouldn't bother with it either

>> No.15806397

If facts demoralize you, that just tells you more about yourself than anything else you dumb faggot.

>> No.15806413

Why does this post come off so insecure?

>> No.15806935

and where is the job training

>> No.15806953

gets an office job
complains about it sucking

>> No.15806966

Trade school. Apprenticeships. On the job.

>> No.15806977
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>> No.15806981

or maybe people have zero interest in getting cucked by colleges in the new tech, crypto, start up, freelance age

>> No.15806988
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>> No.15807015

Good shit you thought ahead. You obviously will make it. But your going to find out that god literally shits on your plans. Yeah I’m a cynical old fag been through 3 recessions. But youl do it. Props to your father. That was hard yards.

>> No.15807279

>marry a woman who will lose attraction to you as soon as you show vulnerability and weakness
exactly why I dont bother with relationships. People will call me an incel, but this is straight up a fact and in THIS economy where financial security is a myth, it's that much more common. Literally a stupid move to get married unless you're rich and even then they might divorce you and take half of everything

>> No.15807289

Shut up and post tits already.

>> No.15807298

Rich people don't do "job training".

>> No.15807308

college is a retarded requirement created by baby boomer business owners. Its disgusting to call it an "investment".
Most jobs that ask for it dont even legitimately need it. Asswipe employers just require it to bu fuckers. Lazy as shit way of screening people out. If there is a hell, boomers will be the first to go there

>> No.15807323

read >>15807308
Ya, most probably are better off going, but it is mostly useless in terms of content (possibly only stem is fine [though even then they are probably very extra and show a bunch of irrelevant shit])

>> No.15807333

ya, that was retarded Lol. Next when op cant find a good job with a masters, this fucker will probably say "youre fault. You should get a phd".

>> No.15807403
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I guess you don't care about quality of life. You probably work the equivalent of 2 full-time jobs. Please tell me you are investing in crypto so you wont have to waste your youth being a slave?

You were probably marketed that prestige > quality of life but you should wake up from that brainwashing.

>> No.15807415

It has never in history been more quantitatively guaranteed that the majority of people will never afford a partner, children, shelter and a degree of economic freedom without a life debt despite being more efficient value/hour labor than any other capita in history simply because our society defines value relativistive to increases in economic productivity. An economic hamster wheel.

There is no end to materialism and how cheap consumer goods can get; it is a futile endeavor. You could have a human civilization that wielded the energy output of entire galaxies but if they defined value relative to their increase in productivity per anum no one ever gets the benefit of that resource, they're just slaves to the faceless collective output of their economy

>> No.15807426

Based black-pilled macro analysis

>> No.15807439

this. Im sure this society could already function with say 20 hrs worth of work per week (just a random number) but instead of trying to min-max, its all about maximizing productivity for some bullshit company with no real purpose other than to make money.
I mean I can already think of one solution. Homes for minimalists being created by the government. Homes priced at the cost of material and labor and nothing more. That way, you could buy a home extremely fast, live part time for food, and never be at risk of being homeless.

Instead, we have this society that is both smart and retarded in the same time. Smart enough to do a job, but too damn stupid to question why. Its trash.

>> No.15807457

You are saying the truth. Anyone who has a bachelor's degree can score a decent job with a decent income.

>> No.15807458

But if everyones not maximizing productivity how will I afford my Boomer mcmansion and boomer sportscars? Ive already used my childrens college funds and kicked them out at age of 18 :(

>> No.15807467
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The solution is to denominate price in gold as it is the most objective measure of value with respect to time.

Let prices be denominated in gold and I care not who issues a nations money

>> No.15807474

I started going back to school last year. My job got closed down and was getting paid for a few months plus severance, got motivation to go back school so I went back. Going for finance

Did I fuck up going back to school?

>> No.15807545

No you didn't. Having knowledge that you can put to practical use is what every employer is seeking. The reality is that with courage, composure, and experience you can score entry level jobs starting at 50k when you graduate. Focus on your studies, be motivated and have enthousiasm. Also think about all the possibilities experiences that you had to deal with and make use of them as a way to grow and showcase your potential to your future employer.

>> No.15807547

While I don't disagree with these incels that college is a scam, you need it to get your foot in the door. Unless you are already wealthy or have connections, boomers will not give you a job if you dont.
Don't pick a stupid major. You should know what boomer job you can apply for when you graduate.
Or go the trade route, become a plumber, electrician, airplane mechanic...
Or try the consultant route, but it will require travel.

>> No.15807567

Makes no sense. Currencies were gold backed and the problem still pertained.

There exists not enough physical gold. Obviously. Really brainlet tier solution bro.

>> No.15807599
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you're the brainlet.
backed by gold does not mean priced in gold.
If your wage is denominated in dollars the real value of your wage can be reduced without changing the nominal value of your wage in dollars.
If your wage is denominated in gold no one can change the value of your wage.

Pricing things in fiat
is like measuring a field with a yardstick that got shorter each year and believing the field was getting longer.
Is like going to a gym where they make the kilogram lighter every month and you believe you're getting stronger.
Is like your employer changing lengthening the definition of an hour so you stay at work longer each day believing you were ther for the same amount of time.

>> No.15807654
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>> No.15807695

Idiots. You work to buy more link. Now stfu and go back to your cage

>> No.15807764

people like you are the problem. Schools are barely relevant for jobs. Its true faggot boomers locked their jobs away by needing you to get a degree, but dont mistake school as being "efficient". Its just a bullshit piece of paper you have to get to obtain half decent employment. Also, 50k start is delusional. More like 35-40k start and thats assuming you are not underemployed.

>> No.15807775

That might go for the global top 10 and even then MUCH less than histotically

>> No.15807820
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>There exists not enough physical gold.

So add silver to the mix. Simple solution, brainlet

>> No.15807837

No. The amount of gold is irrelevant matter you only need the price of gold.
Silver's use as a measure of value is relatively shit after the industrial revolution it's value is too much a function of industrial processes relative to gold

>> No.15807849

> HS Graduate
> No degree
> 9 years of experience
> 72K salary in Ohio
I recognized college as a scam from the get go. It's not stupid money for 30, but it's also not too shabby.

>> No.15807860

My first job paid $60K in a low cost of living area. Comp Sci btw.

>> No.15807867

Because I’m waiting for LINK to moon so I can start my real life.

>> No.15807882

But gold is too limited and will hinder liquidity. You need silver to allow the liquidity the modern economy needs. And its extracted in the same exact way

>> No.15807909
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>You have to want to be there and you need to know something about what you want out of life
What if you have no idea what you want out of life? I dont really have any goals at all, as long as i have food/shelter and a pc then im content. But that’s not good enough for my faggot parents, they need to keep perpetuating the wageslave cycle because that’s what they did. I dont want to work, i dont want to go to school, idc about having a wife or kids, i just want to stay in my room on my pc until i die, but nobody fucking lets me.

>> No.15807911
File: 112 KB, 726x602, 1925income disbution.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anecdotes about muh first job are useless
the income distribution of the US has been decimated by 100 years Keynesian monetary policy which is its purpose (makes you do more for less)

1925 dollar pegged at $20.75/ounce.
median salary ~$3000 (pic related)
3000/20 = 150 ounces ($186,000 in 2016) ($225,000 today ($1500/ounce))

2016 dollar between $1130 and $1350 / ounce.
median salary $31,099 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Personal_income_in_the_United_States))
31000/1240 = 25 ounces ($625 in 1925)

central banks are unconstitutional and not necessary

>> No.15807921

>There exists not enough physical gold.
Most retarded ignorant fucking diarrhoea aids rectal discharge recently in the boards.

Doesn’t matter how much gold there is to back a current to it
i.e. you fucking fag US $ used to be backed easily $20 to 1 oz
Also Greta this worked perfectly for over a 100 years until 1913 when the Fed and the government colluded to debase the currency and scam the republic.
They have printed so much fiat to back to 1 0z of gold in equivalent would be US$6500.00 per oz assuming you could write off the entitlements which they won’t.
Why $20K gold is inevitable

>> No.15807922

it has nothing to do with liquidity gold is a measuring stick for value over time because it is the one thing everything else's value changes relative to.
You need never own an ounce of gold in your life to make use of it you only need the market price of obtaining pure gold.

>> No.15807978

>($625 in 1925)
should say ($518.75 in 1925)