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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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15791956 No.15791956 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone with shitty experiences on this exchange? Only used it to get a bag of UOS, then decided otherwise, changed it to BTC and tried to withdraw it. Then they ask for KYC info, and I can't do that since I'm a US based vpn user. Supposedly, crypto to crypto trades and withdrawals don't need verification. Now I'm stressed. Any way to get my money out of this shit exchange? Help a /biz/raeli out.

>> No.15792071


>> No.15792309

Nope, you're fucked. Heres some general life advice, if a place says you're not allowed in there, dont sneak in.

>> No.15792341

I understand there's always risk. Granted, it's money that I can afford to lose, but I still feel sick to my stomach right now.

>> No.15792393

And they haven't frozen my account/funds or anything, I was able to cancel the btc withdrawal and now testing withdrawals using another coin, in small batches.

>> No.15792402

You got Bitfinexed faggot. Charge it to the game and move on

>> No.15792417

Charge it to the game?

>> No.15792436

Bitfinex is the best exchange on the market, retarded ameriniggers are rightfully banned. If they asked for KYC you've probably been figured out.

>> No.15792461

lel, everbody knows that Bifnex is the scamming everybody which want to withdrawl. Reddit is full of it. They are bankrupt. They lost 800 billion Dollar. That why they scammed more people with the leo token. They also own tether. That is the reason BTC is at 8k. WIthout of that BTC would be 1k maybe. Your money is lost.

>> No.15792471

>tether fudding pajeet
>in 2019

>> No.15792489

Yeah there's a lot of complaints on Reddit. Some people apparently managed to get banned and were able to withdraw, while others used xrp and litecoin to withdraw instead

>> No.15792502

I got my UOS off it and straight into MEW.
When UOS hits Bitmax or OKex I'll put it in there.

>> No.15792607


You can move them to Bitmax this month anon.

>> No.15792612

Only to buy Uos as well. I felt Fomo and couldnt resist. Now waiting for this week’s big annoucement at the Korea Blockchain week.

>> No.15792652

Announcement already happened, it was the reveal of the 3 block producers. Problem for me is, if I can't even withdraw any other coin to anywhere if I don't complete the kyc, fuck man

>> No.15792751

EOS started fully backing the guys of Ultra. Basically confirming that Ultra won’t be having trouble with finance kek.

>> No.15792781

buttfinex is literally a scam

>> No.15794009

I like Finex, they still havent asked for kyc and been trading for 3 or 4 months.