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15787694 No.15787694 [Reply] [Original]

Is there some major catch to mortgaging a house and renting it out for profit? I want to take every opportunity to invest and grow wealth while I'm young and it seems suspiciously simple.

>> No.15787726

>renting it out for profit
Here's your problem. Nobody is going to pay more in rent than your mortgage payment. Then you've got maintenance, insurance, taxes, etc that will put you further in the hole. Buying a home as an investment is a boomer scam have fun getting justed.

>> No.15787737

What do then for investment?

>> No.15787745


Purchase the top of the stock market right before the collapse.

>> No.15787753

the catch is that while home prices are going up due to mass migration of niggers and arabs led by jewish owned and operated groups
the wages are going down and you'll be housing low IQ subhumans who haven't discovered the wheel yet

I suppose as long as the government steals money from stupid goy to fund section 8 you can skim a profit off this theft and ethnic replacement program

>> No.15787769

What country are you from? Rent in the US is always higher than the equivalent mortgage payment.

>> No.15787778
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Sounds like a jewish thing to do..

>> No.15787786

I've checked my area and that seems to be the case. Burger btw.

>> No.15787792
File: 22 KB, 350x337, Hyde52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And who's pulling the strings right now anon?

>> No.15787820
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We must fight the jewry, not become them, anon.

>> No.15787849

did you ever get a depression and received treatment? good luck getting a deal

>> No.15787860
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I understand, but in Mr. Hyde's words, "You need to stop thinking like a stupid goy." We can emulate things that get us into positions of power while not doing degenerate shit like pedophile rings. Best not to throw the baby out with the bath water.

>> No.15787868

>received treatment
what mean?

>> No.15787879

Heres the thing you dumb fucking niggers. Theres more to it than just “rent is higher than the mortgage amt”. Youre also looking at the opportunity cost of having such a large amount of money tied into a property. Banks only give out loans of at least 80% LTV on income producing properties. You also havent taken into account the taxes, maintenance, and unforeseen cost of the nigger your housing damaging your property. 90% of properties EVEN THOUGH rent>mortgage payments arent worth the investment because you could make more by buying index stock at 6-7% ROI annually (dont do it now tho, its gonna crash.)

>> No.15787901
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Who is this Mr. Hyde fellow? He seems quite wise.

>> No.15787917

>dont do it now tho, its gonna crash.
That feels like everything atm. Is there any situation where real estate becomes worth it? Like after the housing market crashes?

>> No.15788198
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why you shouldnt lol

>> No.15788223
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it involves more variables than your rent and mortgage payment. its a bonus to be in posession of a small construction company if youre working with houses.
you need to have extra money to cover some costs just in case.

>> No.15788225

basically if you can only afford to do it on one house you can get fucked badly and lose everything just because you get a tenant who knows the laws. if you can afford many properties then it is better. also single family houses really aren't investments, and the fact that there are a lot of new money retards buying them as investments often with 30x+ leverage means you already have plenty of competition priced into the market. but go ahead, you have it all figured out.

>> No.15788248

Sounds about right. So the basic idea is to not keep on the very edge of what you can afford because passive income isn't guaranteed every month?

>> No.15788270

the profit comes in the form of equity after 20-30 years

>> No.15788283

Ive already unloaded my rental properties with the exception of one that just wont sell. Wait a couple years for the downturn and pick up a few more on the cheap.

>> No.15788287

1. You must have amazing credit
2. You must find an amazing deal or refurbish the property yourself
3. You'll probably take better profits flipping property than renting
4. After land tax, maintenance, and the occasional squatter, profit margins are thin, so you need to build up multiple properties
5. You must be available and able to do handy work, on call 24/7 or have enough properties to pay someone.
6. It's basically a fucking meme unless you want to be a piece of shit slum lord.

>> No.15788303

Real estate is worth it in metropolitan cities AFTER a recession/correction. Typically theres a recession every 7 years, weve been overdue because the kikes at the banks are attempting to keep it propped up. Listen, boomers are going to start retiring soon and cashing out their pensions. Every smart kike understands this. You really think theyre going to let the boomers start cashing out on them? No... theyre going to keep it propped up for a few more years so they can pump it to higher highs before plunging this cunt into the abyss so boomers are eternally FUCKED and have to continue wageslaving. The entire fucking system is so rigged against you that you dont even realize youre playing a game thats rigged 99% in favour of the kikes. This is why wealthy families are stockpiling cash right now. They understand shit is gonna go belly up and theyre slowing cashing out reserves without setting off alarms.

>> No.15788354

Based and buying-the-dip-pilled

>> No.15788370
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>> No.15788371

How do others do it successfully? That seems like hell.

>> No.15788376

Based and true answer

>> No.15788385
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what if it was a self defense situation?

>> No.15788659


>Tfw want to buy dividend stocks but this might happen at anytime and flush my money down the toilet.

What good is a dividend if you've wiped away 80-90% of your initial investment?

Maybe those numbers are extreme, but I expect a flush down below 2k spy. 33% at least.

>> No.15788785

That's not true Obuntu. Look up triple-net lease.

>> No.15788802

If I were you I would wait at least until the start of next year. Rates are just gonna keep going down. You may be able to snag mortgage for really cheap soon

>> No.15788915

They got in earlier than the others. Theres been a craze of “real estate investment” schemes in the past 10-15 years than ever before. Real estate prices were actually affordable to pay off if you had a half decent job. Then the whole “buy real estate using other peoples money” schemes started popping up and people started hoarding properties. The thing with property/land is its finite, so as you can imagine, someone buy 20-30 properties at 300k a piece when income was around ~50k is only 6x’ing his leverage. Now income is still mildy the same and properties are 800-900k, youre spread so thin its not even feasible. Its the herd mentality effect, you see someone do it first then catch wind, then your friends, family, and before you know the garbagemen are also in on it. Same shit happens with markets and happened with bitcoin.

>> No.15788971

>Look up triple-net lease.
These are much more common in business lease agreements than residential rental property but I also disagree with the statement that rental prices are necessarily lower than mortgage payments. It obviously depends on where you live and what the rental market is like.

People calling for a real estate market downturn based on our own country's demographics are probably not taking into account the ridiculous amount of foreign money that continues to pour into US property.

>> No.15789066

What's the new thing that I can cash in on and become rich? I feel like I'm a bit late for bitcoin since I only have 0.1.

>> No.15789148

You've heard of real doll brothels

What about a dildo rental store
Women and gays like yourself want to try out different shapes and sizes. They're easy to clean or keep dirty if the customer was hot. Think about it

>> No.15789326

Bitcoin is only beginning its climb. The thing with bitcoin is it will inflate in value exponentially.

>> No.15789509

This is a good thread. Like op, I was considering the same idea, but had similar concerns as this guy >>15788915. New thread/ What are good ways to make passive income in the coming year or two?

>> No.15789909

You do know that being a landlord involves work, right?
Not only that, it involves a lot of stress, unless you're lucky you're gonna have at least some shitty renters and maybe you'll even have to evict some of them.

>> No.15790041
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If you buy a single family, sure. I own a 3 family house; the rents I collect from the other 2 units net me $2500/month over my mortgage

>> No.15790101

What nigger shit hole do you live in? Just bought a 3 senpai in MA 6 months ago, am netting $2500/month over my mortgage. Eat a dick

>> No.15790114
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A lot of places are at the top of the market. The tenants are idiots. And the profits are low.

>> No.15790335

taxes, insurance, maintenance, and time without a tenant are all things to consider. The last one is the biggest unknown.

you may think "well all things considered I need to charge 800 per month to break even and its a nice house with comparable ones renting out at 1200 so I can do that and make 400 per month.

then the place sits vacant for a month and you are already out two months profit. Then the market changes and comparable places are down to 1000. now its been two months and you are getting desperate so you decrease it to 900 per month rent and are down 1600 in expenses. you are making 100 per month over cost of carry and now wont break even for nearly a year and a half. after a year they move out and you see they've caused 7000 in damages so you keep their 1000 security deposit and are still in the hole 6600 with no tenants in sight. You can try to sue them but they are renters so they have no money or assets to take. The market has dropped now and that house you bought for 200k in pristine condition now needs thousands in repairs to make it nice and is only worth 150k in like new condition. so any (((equity))) you thought you were building is wiped out; but at least you """own""" the house cause your name is on the mortgage.

>> No.15790513
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>hey goys my one anecdotal example is representative of the entire market

fuck of brainlet

>> No.15790565

Purchase near a university, tourist attraction, or heavy bar/restaurant (labor/service) center, etc.
Buy 2-4 unit townhomes, or apartments. This way you can rent one unit to a Project Manager (HandyMan), giving them a prorated rent for being the one to keep your property secure, and wake up to a 3am phone call for a busted flooding toilet instead of you. This also keeps all your rentals under one roof, on one property, making maintenance a little easier in many instances. Pay attention to seasonal weather. Rain/flooding vs. basement/garage, Snow pack/roof shed vs. Parking/Walkways, Drought vs. Landscaping/lawns, Fire vs. Woods/Brush etc. Rent to a family rather than single youth. Be race conscious (sucks, but whatever).
There are risks, but this is one of the better ways to make bigger passive consistently.
Good luck.

>> No.15790757

>Just bought a 3 senpai in MA

>> No.15790838

>people pay you to take a mortgage now
>not suspicious at all

>> No.15791473

just make it airbnb

>> No.15792327

That is only true if you can't find a good deal on a property. If you search carefully you can eventually find a good deal so that OPs plan works.