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15786991 No.15786991 [Reply] [Original]

I recently stumbled over the following speech
(I recommend every german speaking anon to watch it)
I'll sum up his predictions for everyone else:

>most of the profits banks make is due to loans
>because of the negative interest rates european banks started trying giving out as much loans as possible and underbid each other
>because of that the money banks are earning from loans is very little and they are all being kept afloat by loans they made 10+ years ago which they earned a much higher interest rate on
>sooner or later those profitable loans are going to run out and they will be operating at a loss (esp Deutsch Bank)
>they also won't be able to pass down the negative interest rates to their consumers, because they would immediately withdraw the money and use things like apple pay
>the only way to avoid operating at a loss is cutting down on their employees drasticly which is impossible because in most european countries you have pay people a dismissal wage if you want to get rid of them
>when they will be operating at a loss their capital is going to shrink


>> No.15786995
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>once their capital is shrinking they won't be able to lend out as much money to all of the zombie companies that are still alive because of the negative interest rates
>if a few zombie companies will thus default since they need a lot of credit to stay afloat banks will make even more losses because they have to write off their money, thus creating a domino effect that takes down most banks, all zombie companies (somewhat around 15% of the european economy) and some profitable businesses too
>this will create a lot of deflation in the short term
>the european central bank will react by trying to save those banks with printed money
>the result will be runaway inflation and a collapse of the Euro

Do you think he's right? Do you think he's wrong? Why?
The things that made me wonder: how are japanese banks still alive after 20 years of zero interest rates?
And couldn't the EU react by allowing banks to give out loans without any capital backing it up?
Also anons in the eurozone, how do you position yourself for such a case?

>> No.15787024
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i am posting this graph for half a year now.
most anons here dont get it

>> No.15787032

Wait until you find out who runs and operates the banks.

>> No.15787053

> how do you position yourselves for such a case?
I h-hoped you would tell us

>> No.15787063

as time goes on bank cost rise while bank income falls?
please explain for a brainlet!

>> No.15787072

Never seen it before
But that shit is scary
Not only would it mean 20%+ unemployment, but also all pension funds and savings being completely wiped out


The guy who held the speech said to put 10% into gold and buy bonds of USA, Canada, UK, Norway, Russia, Australia, Singapore, New Zealand and Czech Republic
Use it to buy up stocks and real estate here if the EU should go back to a more capitalistic economy
Never come back if it should lead to socialism, since capitalism is going to get blamed for the collapse

>> No.15787074


>> No.15787079

Austrian economics is going to save Germany like the Austrian that tried nearly 100 years ago

>> No.15787103
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i really liked todays speech by the economic institutes on ntv in regards to the german economy. they admit we are in a recession, they admit that the ecb has no more options to combat a recession, they fully admit that the only reason the economy is kept afloat is because of negative interest rates and consumers propping up the economy and they admit that their last prediction was wrong and we actually tumbled into a recession.

at the same time, they still predict a growth for 2020, they still blame this shit on brexit and the tradewar and they have the audacity to pretend that the next quarter will see a slim growth in regards to the economy.
this is some 2008 level lying by the economists right now, it has only just begun.

>> No.15787115

it means the euro is done, which he also says.


you also have to add that this guy isnt just somebody with an opinion and he also predicted 2007 / 2008 crash.
all his arguments add up. the next crisis will start in europe and its going down 2020 Q2 or Q3.

>> No.15787122
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>its going down 2020 Q2 or Q3

>> No.15787138

He probably meant fellow evil white aryan racists.

>> No.15787148

you still dont realize that your market capitalization stems from the negative interest rates which are the origin for this crisis?
guess what happens when interest rates go back to "normal" and money is no longer free?

>> No.15787156

Wish btc would just make me rich by the next recession, so I could laugh at my ex boss and purchase all his holdings for matches

>> No.15787157

Thanks for those

Banking and zombie businesses defaulting would result in a bitcoin crash, because every european is going to sell theirs since they will be starving for cash

>> No.15787170

Tbh money is free because there is a labour shortage, so they give it to anyone that is willing to work or have a company which has enough workers to be competitive. There arent enough goods and services on the market to satisfy consumers, thats why real estate is still going up. Besides, money is really free for banks because of the fractional reserve scam.

>> No.15787171

But bank failure pumped BTC in '13...The rich need somewhere safe to keep there funds

>> No.15787176

Cash wont worth shit shitforbrains. Did you not get the memo that the euro will collapse? Probably usd too. What will people use? Yen?

>> No.15787214
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hitler did nothing wrong

>> No.15787236

USD wont collapse or put different, from all currencies it will be the last one to fall.

>> No.15787246

Actually he did pretty much everything wrong


>> No.15787248

when businesses default bitcoin will be the only type of cash worth anything
no one will be able to trust anyone and people will still need to transfer value electronically
gold and silver might work locally but if we want the efficiencies of a large scale trade network bitcoin is the only asset to fill that gap

cash loses more and more purchasing power every second and that accelerates exponentially in a situation like this

>> No.15787249

It will be the Americans to start the dominos falling

>> No.15787254

hitler's intention was well meaning
maybe he didn't execute the best of plans but at least he tried

>> No.15787258

Hi Peter Schiff
Please explain why

>> No.15787267

i am really curios now. expain in detail what he intented and did

>> No.15787287

The USD can't collapse, not only they're the reserve currency, the US also have the biggest military

>> No.15787306

Unless noone is willing to work for your currency bc its worthless thanks to the 21 trillion+ debt. Then your military is crippled, because its basically owned by investors, who arent willing to invest more bc its the greatest ponzi of all time and there is no chance they even get their money back.

>> No.15787308

Oh im so glad you posted a video of an angry jew still bitching about da holocosters.

>> No.15787314

I don't think it's realistic people will stop working, even if they lose money they have no other choice

>> No.15787315
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there's so much to explain, but basically everything you've heard about him is propaganda
germany got screwed, it was a place filth and degeneracy and he restored order excellence
they fought against a communist revolution in germany then again against the entire world
jews held 95%+ of all the high positions in the bolshevik revolution that killed millions and millions of christians, look up the holodomor
this is just a centuries long propaganda and ethnic cleansing campaign against european people
USA is degenerate jewish filth today
they debase the currency, use propaganda, and destroy people and have been doing it since the beginning of recorded history
it probably sounds crazy to you but look into it when you have the time

>> No.15787324

Euro banks have been in the dumpster for ages now.

>> No.15787340

Debt doesn't matter. All of you stupid faggots keep talkin about economic collapse but its not going to happen. I'll tell you exactly whats going to happen. The economy will take a dip and the U.S. or EU will borrow more money from the mysterious long nosed people they've been borrowing money from for the past 100 years. Nobody will even ask questions. The long nosed men have infinite money to loan.

What's another couple trillions in debt when every nation on earth is already a debt slave?

>> No.15787353

i meant economically
i have no doubts about the german role in ww2. you have to be batshit crazy to believe some of the /pol crap.

germany got set up in ww1 which can be read in the book sleepwalker by richard clark. all the shit that happened afterwards can be traced back to ww1.

>> No.15787356

Your explaining why Hitler was great to a jew who has already made up his mind about him. It doesn't matter what you say or factually prove he will find a reason to hate or disbelieve.

>> No.15787358

as long as the economists can convince the populous to believe there's a labor shortage and mass migration of niggers and inbred arabs is needed
then the jewish owned media will push race mixing in every commercial and tv show while enforcing "diversity quotas" so indigenous euro men can't get jobs or promotions
it's all a plan of ethnic cleansing

>> No.15787365

It certainly helps but the main goal is to ensure the goyim all remain in your debt. Who needs physical cash when you can own millions in debt for free? So long as the economy never gets too bad that another bad goyim doesn't pop up everything will be fine.

>> No.15787368

>thread already full of /pol/ crap

>> No.15787383

that's true
it's a slow boil
when economic migrants mix the populations around the world enough it makes it hard for a goyim to convince the other goyim of what's really going on

>> No.15787405

who gives a fuck if the deutsche bank collapses
it would be better for everyone if it did
they have no solution that makes it better without giving up some freedom to the goy
maybe they shouldn't have complete control over the money printing, media, and mass migrations

>> No.15787422


Hahahaha you're guys are so funny.... lets talk about something else guys! I am sure the economy will do OK, we have EXPERTS with degrees dealing with that problem. Lets go make a WTF WAS THAT thread instead guys haha

>> No.15787548

Just watch Europa - The Last battle. The first 2 episodes go in detail on how the banking system works. A certain family owns over 50% shares in the Federal Reserve Agency. They control any money in the world, they manipulate other countries etc. They can create a crisis whenever they want. https://archive.org/details/EUROPATheLastBattle
Thanks anon, you give me hope. There are people alive who can see the JQ. The kalergi plan is in full force in both America and Europe.

>> No.15787562

>we have EXPERTS with degrees dealing with that problem
They are either kikes or just fools who believe that our economy is something that moves naturally. False. There is a family who controls almost every single central bank in the world. If you're interested in knowing more just watch this documentary: https://archive.org/details/EUROPATheLastBattle
The truth is out there, one just has to be willing to find it.

>> No.15787607


WW2 was decided the moment the peace treaty was signed after WW1.

>> No.15787699


Very antisemitic of you anon. Think of the holocaust.


There gonna make things infinitely worse with the climate bullshit.
Let the galaxy burn

>> No.15787800


Ww2 would not have happened with an romanov imperial white Russia. Anyyyway.

Nazis used national socialism to revitalize their industry. High defence spending, re-industrialization, infrastructure-innovation (highways), which soaked up the large pool of unemployed. Arbeiters were paid in state backed wage certificates (currency based on labor), possible due to Germany"s decoupling of the global financial stranglehold of the bankers (rothschild).

>> No.15787913

Of course I don't get it, it's written in hitlerspeak

>> No.15787994

All the /pol points are backed by primary historical evidence.

That's what /pol is.

But by all means keep believing the mainstream narrative.

>> No.15788194
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have you ever thought this might have been their plan all along, thus finally introducing the cashless society worldwide?
Bitcoin might be decentralized, but you're still able to buy any quantity with fiat currency, thus its value is very easy to manipulate by the usual suspects, specially since they own the money printing machine.

>> No.15788234

They fully admit that the only reason the economy is kept afloat is because of negative interest rates and consumers propping up the economy

Yes, that's why ngubu, mehmet and mahmoud are there.

>> No.15788262
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>the only way to avoid operating at a loss is cutting down on their employees drasticly which is impossible because in most european countries you have pay people a dismissal wage if you want to get rid of them