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15780867 No.15780867 [Reply] [Original]

Since we have a lot of ITfags here, let me ask a serious biz question. I'm a midlevel software engineer and was asked to move to a 100% scrum master role, working for multiple teams. It's not a demotion, I'm being asked because we need an SM and I've already helped in the area. But SM isn't exactly a promotion to management and I feel like I'll just be a glorified secretary while my dev skills rot.
Should I refuse? Feels like it would come off as rejecting a move to management..

>> No.15780943

Has anyone in the current management been through SM role?

>> No.15781070

No, it's an industry that's more familiar with older forms of project management. We only started doing agile last year because of customer demands.

>> No.15781120

They're basically asking you to abandon your software engineering skills to be a project manager middle-management punching bag.

Get used to being the bad-guy for everyone on the team who will soon starts to talk shit behind your back just for trying to do your job.

>> No.15781121 [DELETED] 

I know a bit about programming but have no intent of getting an actual IT job. The expectations are ridiculous on some of the postings I've seen
>5+ programming languages
>plus several other things I'm unfamiliar with posted as requirements/preferences

Only know a bit on two programming languages, C++ and C#. Only studied it (self taught) to make a video game which at this point is coming along. If I stop being lazy about it I could have something done or near completion in 1 years time, God willing.

>> No.15781124

agile is for faggots, retards, and women

>> No.15781155

Hell no man.
Why heard cats for retarded agile shit? Everyone just rolls their eyes every sprint review and retro.
Stick with development.

>> No.15781159

demand enough money that puts your worries to rest, if they're really stuck they'll pay.

You'll get to try out the SM role and learn what it takes to keep the progress momentum going and avoid pitfalls. Can be interesting depending on the project and team.

You can always go back to being a developer, not like there's lack of demand

>> No.15781204

waterfall fags btfo.

agile is valuable but can't be a religion. Its real value is about forcing 2 things: (a) reasonable / doable modification request and (b) developer binding contract to those request.
You can't have 1 without the other. 90% of shops where "agile has failed" is simply because they didn't do "A". You can't have a list of to-do items which are so open-ended like "finish inventory system". Its needs to be paired down to very small and doable steps...and both sides: management and dev needs to enter into that contract.

>> No.15781231

>falling for le scrum meme
i'd quit on the spot if I were you, the only advantage of software engineering is being comfy knowing you'll never be out of job, so if you let pride or money turn you from sharpening your skills and become a faggot manager, then in 10 years you'l be a normie with no job.
good software engineers are the new elite... (if you develop your jewish dating startup that is)

>> No.15781252

The reason they want me to do it is that I know the team and the product, if they get an external SM then he'll be better at the agile stuff but less good at navigating the project. So if I squint I can see it as potentially leading to something but given just the guaranteed stuff it currently looks like >>15781120

I'm a pussy but maybe I'll hype myself up and try that out tomorrow

>> No.15781296
File: 3.00 MB, 640x532, 1569695599225.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did someone say CUM master?

>> No.15781476

this is a really good bait