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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.56 MB, 4016x4016, File Jan 30, 11 28 26 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15738706 No.15738706 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15738738
File: 206 KB, 1440x1920, 89e8246a-4416-43c1-b1a5-4d8b18c70ff2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is

>> No.15738787
File: 131 KB, 1012x836, Schiff Caption Contest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fed will be able to end QE
The fed will never be able to end QE The fed will be able to end QE

>> No.15739558
File: 252 KB, 364x363, juden2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peter Schiff is a kike

>> No.15739597

(You don't need the gloves if it's in the capsule)
Very beautiful coin though

>> No.15739628
File: 33 KB, 464x387, B1DB2D7A-CF4B-4E0E-998D-C27B8FABCC6E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah but Peter SNIFF says buy fucking Chainlink.

>> No.15739698
File: 61 KB, 636x441, 356586696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he fell for the gold meme

>> No.15740014

why do boomers buy this shit. It's as cringe as collecting baseball cards

>> No.15740440

I know. Its only been a form of currency for over 4000 years and has had consistent increase in fiat value so why do people even bother with it?

>> No.15740491

people have been shitting in streets for 4000 years too

>> No.15740546
File: 232 KB, 1440x1920, a96a2b81-581f-4ee3-b396-70167376f3fe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know lad, but i touched another coin out of the capsule before
why do millennials buy code for 10k and panic sell it for 7,7k? I'm a millennial myself but owning gold is way safer than holding fiat in the long term since all fiat currencies go to 0.

>> No.15740722

You do realize that collector coins are shit for many reasons? Just buy bars of ounces in gold, if you buy gold.

Schiff gets a lot of things right about economy, but that doesn't change anything about him beeing a gold shill. Not that gold is a bad investment right now, but he overstates the value of gold for years and bashes crypto simply because he is biased.

If crypto becomes a gold successor, Schiff is a dead man. So feel free to listen to him, but keep in mind, that he isn't geniune when comes to this stuff.

Also gold is yet another fiat currency.

>> No.15741262
File: 104 KB, 1061x1151, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


quit misleading people. If people listened to peter schiff, they would be up 50% on their shiny rocks since he started shilling. A DECADE AGO.

so, 50% in shiny rocks vs. 1000% gains in tech stocks. Peter schiff is about as wrong as you can be in this market..

>> No.15741369
File: 607 KB, 521x765, 1510323454039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not knowing about stock buy backs
>not knowing they use to be illegal
>not knowing companies are taking out loans to buy their own stocks back
its a hell of a racket to be in if you have no shame

>> No.15741405

Until he's not

>> No.15741432

Based. Stack krugerz bud

>> No.15741454


this is just doomer cope. lots of people are salty their rocks didnt perform well, and they double down on their delusion.

>> No.15741482

lol, sure bud. gold has beat the s&p 500 for the last 20 years and kirkland lake gold is the best preforming stock around. keep lying to yourself if thats how you sleep at night

>> No.15741704
File: 174 KB, 1410x789, silver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes he is

>> No.15741765

haha faggot i have 200 troy ounces

>> No.15741779


>> No.15741784

Who's troy, your boyfriend?

>> No.15741791

Funny how he has been wrong about almost everything for the past 10 years then.

>> No.15741852
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>> No.15741867
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>> No.15741878

>Funny how he has been wrong about almost everything for the past 10 years then.

cant wait until you are in a food line

>> No.15741903

Have fun watching it fall back to earth & hang around 10 for the next several years

>> No.15742031

My family’s investments are up 250% since the financial crisis. Even if the stock market crashes 70% tomorrow I will be up more than I would have if I had listened to that perma bear since 08 kek. I/ we far from have all of our money in stocks. We will be more than fine when the recession finally happens.

>> No.15742072

>Even if the stock market crashes 70% tomorrow I will be up
Dont you mean mommy & daddy will be up?

>> No.15742113 [DELETED] 

I will inherit their wealth. I have 700k in a pretty high risk portfolio. My parents have way more in a very conservative portfolio. I will be fine no matter what.

>> No.15742383


Eventually, yes

>> No.15742445

Gold/silver is simply a way to protect your fiat investments.
YOU SHOULD HAVE EQUITIES AS WELL AS HARD ASSETS, they compliment each other, it is not all on one or the other, jeez you guys are all acting rather obtuse

>> No.15742458
File: 763 KB, 1951x1371, 9889EC12-085C-43D6-B6BD-9E3A1DDA9CF9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who this Schiff asshole ??
pic related.

>> No.15742498
File: 1.87 MB, 1242x1457, 3B649AD1-0F27-4B46-BFF2-CBF49D67BB2C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goes up everyday, when we moon, everyone that isnt holding physical and mining stocks will be the modern day Great Depression Jumpers.
Was just at $800 silver and $6k gold less than a month ago.

>> No.15742516

HO LEE SHIET! Already a stacker, but god damn that's crazy shit right there!

>> No.15742529

he's a salesman and he's in the business of selling gold. so either he's dishonest about the use-case for crypto and it's value, because he's just trying to sell his bags or he's honest and is just too nearsighted and unimaginative to see the real use-case for crypto and recognize that it's the future.

now, with that said, he's not a brainlet and is a jew. so you can probably figure out which it is.

>> No.15742607
File: 73 KB, 851x695, 50E26A19-C888-4E74-8D49-00353F527129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's a salesman and he's in the business of selling gold.
You cannot be a shill of money, gold is money
>so either he's dishonest about the use-case for crypto and it's value
99.99% of crypto is vaporware, only one good coin on the market
>because he's just trying to sell his bags
He’s already 30x the entire networth of this whole board put together, no need to shill anything
>or he's honest and is just too nearsighted and unimaginative to see the real use-case for crypto and recognize that it's the future.
Crypto is the future, thats why they are pushing for 5G. But as i said above nearly all crypto is vaporware zero use cases, king shitcoin included.
Pic related this other vaporware completely BTFO king shitcoin in every spec possible, still cant moon though because its just as shit as king shitcoin.
I remember when initially the bitcoin LARP was that it would be the daily global decentralized transaction system used to buy everyday goods. That shit flopped. Now the new LARP is that its digital gold storve of value. Except king shitcoin has no use cases other than to sell at a higher price to a greater fool. And not to mention store of values dont drop over 60% from their all time high and continue dropping. Store of values dont drop 10% in the blink of an eye.
>now, with that said, he's not a brainlet and is a jew. so you can probably figure out which it is.
>muh evil joos
He’s been against the fed forever and got banned off of mainstream business news for doing so, not every jew is a bad jew

>> No.15742630

this. but substitute PMs for linkies.

>> No.15742632

>Read yelp reviews of euro pacific capital

oh no no no no no

>> No.15742636

>oy vey crypto is a scam, goy. Buy my gold and mining stocks.
Smart contracts are going to change to world and he's keeping his boomer listeners poor

>> No.15742637

Based REDPILLED and intellectual.
Noice. Screen caping

>> No.15742641
File: 284 KB, 1354x870, AC240EE2-930D-4A63-AFF0-849BD45CE6B9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my condolences for buying an exitscam

>> No.15742646

Even if he is right, do you hold enough precious metals to get rich if it increases in price 10x?

Thought so.

The average metal fiend holds no more than a few thousand $s in precious metals.

The "gold being the only savior" scenario that Schiff predicts wouldn't even move the lifestyle needle for these folks.

>> No.15742675

All fiat currency has and will fail. Only a matter of time before we revalue all the worlds currency into the appropriate value of metals.
more like 100x minimum. When the financial collapse happens every investment possible will drop off a cliff go down 90%, except gold and silver. They will moon.
>wouldnt even move the lifestyle
Tell that to the factory worker in weihmar republic that bought gold ounces before their collapse, then proceeded to buy blocks of the city after the hyperinflation occured. Recession/depression or hyperinflation, metals win in both

>> No.15742694

This time is different. The US is not the Weihmar Republic.

The US has the reserve currency. Hyperinflation is impossible and the US military guarantees it.

>> No.15742706
File: 300 KB, 1305x1321, 770D1A65-F95B-4F34-8F80-FEF46F59D6AE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The US has the reserve currency. Hyperinflation is impossible and the US military guarantees it

Most amazing thing I ever read . Genius . Absolutely literally gold. Tip my hat sir

>> No.15742715
File: 22 KB, 759x567, B6F2929F-8F9B-4C57-8AB8-C7157D3B904A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also forgot to add
>the jews are shilling metals to you
>while also stacking metals themselves
pick one and only one. They’ve suppressed prices for so long it’s unbelievable they’ve managed to keep the lid on this shit for this long.
Pic related is wrong even though its a massive position, JPM holds 600-800 million ounces of physical.

>> No.15742718

Not a fan of the atlantic, but they got this one right:


>> No.15742738
File: 986 KB, 1024x680, 2CACF754-2660-46CD-A1F9-C79152D886B1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hyperinflation is impossible
Absolute state of this delusional board
Theres a reason they have been loading vaults with metals, they know whats coming and somehow managed to con people into believing crashes are impossible
>no chance of default, we can just print more money, but we cannot guarantee purchasing power

>> No.15742739
File: 137 KB, 1028x766, 1569245385953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, >>15741369 is right. There has been a net OUTFLOW of private individual money from stocks. The only thing pushing up stocks is corporate buybacks funded by artificially low interest rates. It's all going to explode spectacularly.

>> No.15742744


QE was supposed to cheapen the dollar, it had the exact opposite effect. The $ continues to strengthen and the Chinese (closest contender) continue to devalue the yuan to stay competitive.

The story sticks: The US is the least dirtiest shirt in the hamper. The rest of the world is toxic.

>> No.15742789

Doesnt matter how strong the dollar/US economy/military is. They can’t inject 100billion daily forever and not devalue purchasing power. Every dollar created devalues all other dollars in existence. Only way to fix this mess is metals price point discovery revaluation, metal prices moon, and then they peg dollar to metals, thus creating a metals backed currency. Banks keep buying metals so they come out on top like they always do, only thing we can do is buy metals with them so when they drop the curtain we moon with them.

>> No.15742841

The US is the only game in town.

To add:

-Record low unemployment #s.
-GDP growing at 2-3%.
-S&P 500 companies posting record earnings.

Are recessions inevitable? Of course.

Has Schiff called for a recession several times a year over the last 8 years? Yes.

Has a major recession occured in the USA where PMs mooned? No

Is the US economy doing ok relative to the rest of the world? Yes, the US is doing great compared to the rest of the world (e.g. Spain - 30%+ youth unemployment, BREXIT, EU issues, India/Pakistan potential nuclear powers going to war).

Is the US planning on or going to inflate away a serious amount of the nation debt? Yes. Why can the US do this? Loaded question (i.e. many reasons), but it boils down to the US being the only trusted game in town for producers to sell their goods.

>> No.15742901
File: 354 KB, 512x426, 1569285126201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This time is different

>> No.15742988

Intentional ;)

The GDP and world standing of the Weimar Republic (WW1 loser -> financial crisis) is not even close to the modern day USA (big dick winner - best business playground in the world).

>> No.15743076

Money laundering. How come none of you brainlets ever see this? You buy crypto with dirty money, then nobody can prove you didn't mine the coins or buy back in '12.

>> No.15743102

>The US is the only game in town.
we're not bigger the The World Island and chinas gonna run barter town with their Belt and Road Initiative

>> No.15743119
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>> No.15743371

>The US is the only game in town.
wrong, china and russia are too.
>To add:
>-Record low unemployment #s.
thanks to trump
>-GDP growing at 2-3%.
abysmal, obama has the same figures, shit is less than the inflation percentile
>-S&P 500 companies posting record earnings.
in unbacked fiat. that's thanks to the FED with these interest rates. Same reason for stock market, companies are just buying back stocks because they have so much cash laying around. i.e. apples 250 billion in cash.
>Are recessions inevitable? Of course.
so you think a recession is inevitable but not hyperinflaiton? how the fuck does that happen? FED will do anything to stop a recession and by doing that they'll put us in a hyperinflation.
>Has Schiff called for a recession several times a year over the last 8 years? Yes.
Doesn't matter, only takes one day for us to be right and for you to be a fiat bagholder.
>Has a major recession occured in the USA where PMs mooned? No
straight lying now.
>Is the US economy doing ok relative to the rest of the world? Yes, the US is doing great compared to the rest of the world (e.g. Spain - 30%+ youth unemployment, BREXIT, EU issues, India/Pakistan potential nuclear powers going to war).
doesnt mean anything, this shit would've TANKED under hillary, only reason it hasnt shit the bed is because the market likes trump. Day he loses election (he wont) or ends his term is the day the economy goes to shit. Could even be earlier or during his admin.
>it boils down to the US being the only trusted game in town for producers to sell their goods.
countries already moving back out of trusting the petrodollar, i.e. Iran selling oil for yuan.
global finanical collapse imminent. Only asset to hold that will reap rewards are physical metals and mining stocks.

>> No.15743398

Also banks rigged metals futures price to drive mining companies out of business, they either straight out went bankrupt and collapsed or got bailed out and now owned by banks. Banks own so many mining ops now. Wonder WHY they have such a HUGE position in not only physical, but futures AND mining companies. Every mining company that isnt outright owned by banks OWE the banks their promised futures contracts.
All by design, banks win again

>> No.15743463

>money laundering
>he thinks king shitcoin is anonymous
except that they literally can just by hiring some guys to look at the blockchain. Even if they couldn't it's completely irrelevant, big players dont need to money launder, they're untouchable.

>> No.15743719

1,000,000 dollars of money laundering makes you a nobody in crime, but a top 10 whale in crypto. Lots of embezzling accountants, Ohio mob bosses, and asshole of nowhere warlords in that range.

>> No.15743798



>> No.15743818
File: 121 KB, 600x900, 1566588911160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck cares, every massive corporation does illegal shit all the time, everyone knows this.

>> No.15743905

>wrong, china and russia are too.
Only the most trusted countries. Right? Backed by the most powerful military in the world (NATO)? Right?
>-Record low unemployment #s.
>thanks to trump
Thanks Trump.
>-S&P 500 companies posting record earnings.
>in unbacked fiat. that's thanks to the FED with these interest rates. Same reason for stock market, companies are just buying back >stocks because they have so much cash laying around. i.e. apples 250 billion in cash.
Buy back stocks = pay me
>Are recessions inevitable? Of course.
>so you think a recession is inevitable but not hyperinflaiton? how the fuck does that happen? FED will do anything to stop a recession and by doing that they'll put us in a hyperinflation.
A recession = over investment into a market sector(s) that do not end up producing profits = the economy catching a flu and divest accordingly. This is normal in capitism (i.e. too much investment -> no ROI -> potential recession). Except US economy is screaming forward.
>Is the US economy doing ok relative to the rest of the world? Yes, the US is doing great compared to the rest of the world (e.g. Spain - 30%+ youth unemployment, BREXIT, EU issues, India/Pakistan potential nuclear powers going to war).
>doesnt mean anything, this shit would've TANKED under hillary, only reason it hasnt shit the bed is because the market likes trump. Day he loses election (he wont) or ends his term is the day the economy goes to shit. Could even be earlier or during his admin.
Speculation. Hillary is not president.
>countries already moving back out of trusting the petrodollar, i.e. Iran selling oil for yuan.
>global finanical collapse imminent. Only asset to hold that will reap rewards are physical metals and mining stocks.
Iran. Who trusts Iran or wants to do business with them. How big is their economy. Can their economy buy China shit to support China jobs?


That's right, there is only one player in this game.

>> No.15743990

US gdp is consumption based. That’s not prosperity. Americans are broke. Wages are not keeping up with inflation. Add on top of that taxes and subsidies for corporations and we have a fucked up economic system. We need to cut taxes, cut spending, and stop subsidies for corporations. US might be the best shithole but on the world freedom economic index we are 16th. We have very high taxes here. You’re obviously a trump supporter referencing corporate profits in the stock market as somehow a great indication of prosperous economy. You’re a low iq partisan shill authoritarian idiot. We need sound money not a weakening dollar and 0 to negative interest rates and a fiat currency.

>> No.15744172

Late. Last one.

>US gdp is consumption based. That’s not prosperity. Americans are broke

If Americans are broke, who is funding them? Why fund Americans?

>Wages are not keeping up with inflation.

No argument there.

> We need to cut taxes, cut spending


>and stop subsidies for corporations

Not sure. You have to be on top to run the numbers. Life isn't a vacuum.

>We have very high taxes here.


>You’re obviously a trump supporter

Eh? Better than Clinton. Oh, yes.

The USA is playing game on the grand chessboard to win.

>> No.15744591

So pretty!!

>> No.15744605

Peter schiff is a whiney little bitch.

>> No.15744624

Idk same reason as Russia n China buys I hope

>> No.15744643

Gold is not fiat.

>> No.15744651

He recently said BTC would bottom out around 4k. Think the landslide will continue? Honestly not sure which way it will go short/medium-term.

>> No.15744713

One is physical, one is digital. One quietly sits there, and the other bounces around the room like Calvin getting sucked by Suzie.

Also explain why you think gold is a fiat currency.

>> No.15744715 [DELETED] 
File: 80 KB, 760x507, 190208-stock-money-fanned-out-ew-317p_fa445b2f6f3e86a3ffa18707e6a8adcb.fit-760w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People are clueless about what actually controls the world and people's actions. It's money, and the people who create it. Yes, it sounds like a cliche, but it's true and not in the way that you think. Everything else is just theatre, to distract you from what is really destroying our society. Ask yourself... why do you get up in the morning and drag yourself to a job that you hate... It's money. It’s obvious right? You need the money to keep things afloat and maintain your lifestyle. But you're probably barely making ends meet. Most of that money is paying for shit you don't even want: bills, payment on debt, etc. Most of the debt that you have taken on has been against your better judgment too. You almost certainly took out a loan for college, to get a degree in some mind-numbing bullshit that you don't care about. You pay for a car to get you to the job that you don't care about, so that you can pay for the car to get you to the... you get the idea. Meanwhile, you're wracking up credit card debt. Because while your actual earnings are going toward your obligations, you need to justify the hell you put yourself through everyday to pay for the things you don't want. So, you buy some consumer quality shit that you'll use twice, get a small dopamine hit from, and then never touch again.

>> No.15744903

if you wanna roll over and take it i hope you got lots of lube

>> No.15744915


>> No.15745181

mostly this

>> No.15746433

peter stiff is the incomplete gold bug
the complete anti fiat gold bug also puts his money on crypto, because they understand it

>> No.15746628

honestly the best thing with gold is that you can send it instantly through internet

>> No.15746688
File: 40 KB, 398x376, A3473475-9C24-4D09-8D32-941CD34903E8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When the financial collapse happens every investment possible will drop off a cliff go down 90%, except gold and silver.

>> No.15746733

It is though. If it gets to the point that fiat becomes worthless, bullets, weapons, alcohol, fuel, food, tobacco, drugs and water will moon.
Gold will be traded for these

>> No.15746901

Why would you need gloves at all? I touch my gold coins with my fingers all the time. Its an inert metal.

>> No.15747430

Coin collectors are really autistic about their coins, simple as that.

>> No.15747594
File: 3.23 MB, 2732x2048, A486F560-9C95-4F0B-B8E6-8A89227D2C4A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The actual science alone should be enough to entice everyone to get at least an Oz.
Created in the collision of neutron stars.
Let alone it’s been the only real money for 6000 years of human civilization.
It’s literally a piece of the creation

>> No.15747635
File: 704 KB, 480x287, 1481275182072.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the 2008 financial crisis, the price of gold went down.
If there is a large gold reserve found in Africa or elsewhere, the supply increases and the price of gold goes down.
If, because of technological advancement, gold extraction is made more seamless, the supply increases and the price of gold goes down.

>> No.15747660

Keep thinking that, and stay poor!

>> No.15747693

Bullshit. Your misinformed, uneducated and retarded post is the literal equivalent of a soiled diaper. Go stink up some other thread with your pseudoscience.

>> No.15748623


>> No.15748695
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>> No.15749355
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Also before we didn't have this low interest rates and so much stimulus.

>> No.15750082

It's illegal for a reason.
Corps take loans to buy their own stock to prevent it dumping, because the real stockholders are selling, because the revenue is rolling downhill.

Which means that the corps eventually (very soon) won't have enough money to settle the debts and will have to default, which snowball into panic selling of stock and debts, which will snowball into derivatives being BTFO.

Basically it's the reason #124 the financial collapse is coming this winter.

>> No.15750678

What are the advantages of mining stocks vs the physical product?
Who do you sell it to? People who buy it from you probably want to buy it at a profit.

>> No.15750789

when the stock market dumps, they will too most likely. anyone holding them who needs cash will liquidate. when they bounce back and by how much needs to be looked into

>> No.15751844

he was wrong 11000 times if you can't beat a coin toss you have no business giving advice

>> No.15751911

He is jewish
but yeah he probably is

>> No.15751925


we will be able to afford so many zoomer slaves with our boomer rocks

>> No.15751927

>not buying government coins
enjoy that gold and silver being seized at the first attempt of selling it

>> No.15751956


You don't seem to understand, goy. When a recession finally does come, he wasn't "wrong for 10 years straight," he just predicted the recession 10 years in advance. You should have listened.

>> No.15751968

no he was wrong every day for 10 tears precisely

>> No.15751989

That doesn't make something fiat currency.

>> No.15752467

>any decade now
The Schiff has sailed.

>> No.15752485
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>cant wait until you are in a food line

Why? couldn't stand the line being longer now?

>> No.15753272

Mining stocks have the potential to grow much higher and possible dividends.

>> No.15753327

You can always be out stacked by someone else. Call me when you have AT LEAST 1000 ounces.

>> No.15753335

I sure hope it does.