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File: 188 KB, 680x680, EB5AB693-CAD6-4DF2-9FBC-00678A26B147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15717930 No.15717930 [Reply] [Original]

I basically have 7 months to turn 4k into 40k (I get about 320 dollars a week) or I will die (not a larp).

Should I margin trade with a vpn on bitmex? I have an acct set up. Just need to make the decision of depositing a crypto there.
Redpill me on quant staking (i cant believe it 100x in only a year..).
Without investments, my 4k will turn out to be more or less 14-15k with my shit paying job. I live with parents and just want to save for the 40k. I would have liked to have used that for more investments, but this is the price of living in a clown world.

What would YOU do to turn my current cash to 40k in 7 months? I am tempted to margin trade. You cant get liquidized so long as you make a stop order before the liquidized amount, right? So the risk seems miniscule.
My life literally depends on the 40k.

>> No.15718027

Buy link

>> No.15718059
File: 31 KB, 655x522, D6F510F6-F509-4813-A712-048E1AF5FF9E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you need to make around 180 dollars per day anon. Easy.
Firstly you need to take that 4K and use some of it to invest into high quality knee pads + gym membership and maybe some nice clothes. You only need to suck 3 cocks for $60 a load to reach your dreams anon. Obviously your going to want days off so some days will require more than 3.
>>>b-but I’m not gay anon!
Yes you are OP! just look at the thread you created

>> No.15718062

i need real advice. I doubt link will x10 at this point. Especially within 7 months

>> No.15718071
File: 128 KB, 694x864, 3DB0A1E5-A4E6-4C06-A1DC-8E852763E88E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i had hopium, and then I read the rest

>> No.15718075

or coffeecoin

cof > link

>> No.15718100

why do you need 40k? find a way to borrow the money through an unsecured loan and then declare bankruptcy.

>> No.15718106

I tried but I got denied of loans that high.

>> No.15718212
File: 183 KB, 720x1280, 18207991-90F6-4E2E-91B7-0E8977DC22E4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about you tell us why your going to die if you don’t get 40k instead of being a massive faggot and expecting people to spoon feed you and give you a free x10.

>> No.15718705
File: 873 KB, 1200x1156, 1C57E046-C4D5-4654-9440-DC3B82718087.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I look like a retard (objectively speaking) due to being 5'5". it gave me ptsd and I have been suicidal for 7.5 years over this. I need 40k for limb lengthening surgeries. I was actually supposed to kill myself on my 24th birthday. I 100% will do it on my 25th if I dont get the surgeries. This is driving me fucking crazy and I think the depression and stress gave me brain damage. This retard extra chromosome god can go fuck himself for what he did to me. I used to train like a demon and god was probably jealous of my will power hence the emasculation (I am the most emasculated male on planet earth. Fact. I also plan on castrating myself since I have shit genes).

I have a full body mirror and holy shit, it isnt "all in my head". Objectively speaking, I look like a middle schooler

>> No.15718776

Drinking Sperm will make you grow taller

>> No.15718783

Put it all in Chainlink right now. You either get rich or die.

>> No.15718797

And here I was feeling bad for you, thinking you're caught up in some shit and need to pay the money back or you'll get your limbs cut off one at a time.
Jesus Christ, anon, stop being a fucking pussy.

>> No.15718799
File: 44 KB, 494x450, honklhonk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lition might

>> No.15718805

Being short sucks but you can compensate in other categories. That surgery looks painful as fuck with long recovery time. Shits not worth it. I knew a 5'4 pajeet who got laid left and right because he was a chad in every other way.

>> No.15718845
File: 1.03 MB, 1406x1079, 7FB14B8D-0429-4D2C-94CE-BCA7E4FFB858.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know from experience?
my problems are obviously worse
what part of "im castrating myself" dont you understand? Pisses me off when people mention roasties as if that will fix everything.

>> No.15718863

Why do you feel the need to be tall? It seems you're not interested in attracting women, which is usually what short men are concerned with. What is your height preventing you from achieving, anon?

>> No.15718873

post tits or gtfo

>> No.15718905

the perfect form. I wanted to break world records and be king.
Ill copy and paste a note: "Well long story short, god is a bitch.
At age 12, I would do 100 pushups in 1 minute and 20 seconds without stopping. At age 16.5, I used to do 17k pushups with 45lb in a month, 51k situps in a month, curl a 20lb dumbbell 1,800 times per arm in one single set, almost maxed the machines I used for 2 yrs (ages 15-16), curl 50lb dumbbells, hand stand pushups, Etc. That's just a brief summary. I basically did one of everything. Trained 2-3 hrs everyday for 4.5 yrs from age 12-16.5.

As for the weights in the machines that I used, I couldn't tell you. I put pins randomly. I tried to put it in the heaviest I could handle, but never looked at the amount. The fitness room in my highschool also had pins for bench presses. I had my own bench press too with not much weights (maybe about 200lb. Nothing really).

I was planning on doubling my routine and doubling of that and doubling THAT, but it hit me I wasn't going to grow anymore and it completely destroyed me to oblivion at age 16.5. Now I'm 24.

I trained EVERY part I could. I did yoga too. Etc. Training was literally what defined me. So why did I stop? Because my final height was 5'5". That messed up everything. Schooling, jobs, mental health, etc.
Now I need 40k to get surgeries to make me 5'9" (5'10" was my dream height).
I have been suicidal for about 7.5ish years over my height.

This + wagecucking makes me want to end it."

>> No.15718915

Also I would look into arbitrage desu.
I think you can make a steady couple hundred a day and climb out of a hole.

For instance since i just named Lition.
That is trading on IDEX with bots bidding it to 0.000391 sats and constantly going up.
But the spread is to 0.0004248 or something.

You can actually manipulate these bots on this exchange by trying to outbid them with a small amount, say 500 or 1000 LIT. This way you drive up the asking price of the bots and then when you cant drive it up higher you sell to these bots.

Which lit do you sell them?
The LIT you just bought on Binance DEX where you now can get about 1000 LIT for an average of 0.00415 BNB or 0.0667 cents.
You can then switch them onto the ETH chain and sell them on IDEX to the bots that you manipulated for about 0.00042 ETH or 0.0716 dollars.
This would make you 5 bucks on an investment of about 67 bucks.

Perhaps there are better arbing opportunities out there where you can arb a percent on a couple hundred bucks at a time.
If I'd really had 7 months, I would look into all exchanges look through all the order books and try to arb for 5-50 bucks per opportunity.
There might

>> No.15718918

You have to embrace your shortness, just pretend you're like a genius gnome or something. You think Santa's helpers are suicidal? Vladimir Putin? Fuck no. They have swag that lanky tall walking skeletons are physically incapable of having.

>> No.15718921

"I was doing like 1k in the low 40 min mark in sets. Once I did 3 consecutive sets of 100 pushups in 1 minute and 20 sec with 45lb. 4 min and 20 seconds total for 300 pushups (10 second break in between sets). Again, as a 16 yr old. Imagine if I had never stopped?
I've spent more time being suicidal (7.5ish years) than training (4.5 years). I already lost in life. Even with my surgeries, this faggot god already won. I am broken. I would have broken world records in a fair world. I realized the hard way we live in a world that rewards you by luck and luck alone. "

1 note. I have over 4k. Mostly started writing them in 2016.

>> No.15718952

Save up for upto 1000$. Find a good gambling place and bet on black at roulette, table minimums and start earning. Everytime you win, save the bit for the bet. Idea is to double down till you win and a 1000$ can allow you to double down around 6 times. Modified ones can allow you to get to 7 times.

Just pick black, red, even or odd and don't change ever.

>> No.15718957


Oh it's this thread again.

Some retarded manlet demigod who made himself a manlet by doing heavy training while a kid is whining about being a manlet.

>> No.15718965
File: 64 KB, 634x846, 1CD0E4D0-C987-45C1-88B4-BFE790D39A67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"prime physique"
>"something only lanklets could dream of having"

>> No.15718971

If you lose 7 times in a row. Stop and don't do this again.

>> No.15718981

might as well margin trade on bitmex with 100x leverage
seems one way or another, Im gonna have to gamble my meager savings. Ive been scared to do that since losing this will devastate any hope I have of reaching the 40k in time

>> No.15719006
File: 13 KB, 123x114, 20190925_112453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're stupid as fuck!

>> No.15719021

No that short guy looks like a tard, his pants don't even fit. I'm talking about short guys who are on top of their shit and walk around like they dgaf about their height. A top tier short guy is way cooler than a loser tall guy.

>> No.15719036

Just cut off your legs and put a booster seat in your wheelchair, if you hide it under a blanket no one well ever know and you'll look tall

>> No.15719061

cope. Youre short too, arent you? We are both degenerates. Just accept facts

>> No.15719072

What if I fall off my chair? Then everybody will know.

>> No.15719111

Good point. you'll also need to strap yourself down, you can disguise the straps as overalls or lederhosen

>> No.15719128

No margin. Buy Band while it's under IEO and stake for 6 months.

>> No.15719129

lol yeah I'm short but I've never had problems with girls and my life is pretty awesome. Definitely not a degenerate, my life is in the top 10%. I just have a positive mindset and virtually everyone in real life tends to go with it.

>> No.15719137
File: 105 KB, 398x409, 1553662812357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ask a loanshark. You can trust us.

>> No.15719156

redpill me on staking. How do you feel about quant staking? Spoonfeed me plz

>> No.15719165

Post a picture of yourself and I’ll consider helping you out.

>> No.15719169

VID got into 160x in mere 3 months, its still growing right now albeit not as rapid. You can take a shot with it.

>> No.15719174

help me out first then you get the pic to fap to

>> No.15719191
File: 74 KB, 1242x351, 08D76640-C0E5-4BA7-A300-BB19370369B4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I look at coinmarketcap. Didnt seem to 160x according to that. I also think that coin has potential tho

this is like a 13ishx, not 160x

>> No.15719205
File: 113 KB, 1242x526, 8A2FCF26-7D71-49A8-AD53-73E8493DFC39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong coin. Heres vid. I was talking about vidt having potential.
Im a normie amd look online for coin predictions and this one seems bullish but not enough..

>> No.15719210

this is 2.8x
idk where ppl are getting 160x from

>> No.15719240
File: 379 KB, 725x945, 1478647156191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Should I margin trade with a vpn on bitmex?
Yes but only if you post your results here so anons can give you their energy

>> No.15719251

okay. What coin you recommend? I have the acct ready.

>> No.15719283

why they gotta call btc "xbt".. well whatever..

>> No.15719311

K go kys

>> No.15719320
File: 90 KB, 320x320, 1525772741347.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I was gonna tell you but then I read this post >>15718905 and you sound like a bitch who quit early so now I wont. You think that was "hard training"? Im mad I fell for this obvious bait thread go ahead and miss this perfect opportunity the crypto market hasnt been this obvious in months. It is a loaded gun waiting to go off after this mini dump but you are big time gay so fuck off I wont tell you

>> No.15719344

I trained for 4.5 yrs 2-3 hes a day faggot. I bet you dont even margin trade anyways

>> No.15719350

jesus christ dude, im 5'5'', you need to seek mental HELP. cant tell if troll or not.

>> No.15719390
File: 1.69 MB, 913x1649, 551417EF-05AB-48B3-9A80-A060A90E108D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have a submissive personality. Not a dominant manly one. Thats why you dont get it. Also, mental hospitals are filled with retards (confined twice). I btfo people with stats, and they brush it aside. Very logical.

Im thinking of possibly waiting out the btc weirdness since I cant tell now if it has finished dumping or not.

>> No.15719411
File: 576 KB, 810x793, 1569368351987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek i'm barely 5'7" and have a very cute 100lb half korean gf. Don't be so gay

>> No.15719422

wait let me tl;dr this, you are suicidal because
>you are 165cm /5'5
>wanted to be weightlifter/bodybuilder
dude kevin hart is like same height,on top of being black and he is most succesful comedian of all time, making millions for one instagram photo, millions on some stupid flicks, living the best possible life.

joe pesci the legend of mob movies is same height

this has to be a bait, but if it's not, who the fuck cares about weightlifting, everyone is on steroids, and being natty doesn't mean shit.

break the records in something else, or maybe you already did, because being suicidal about
>lifting weights / gene max
is about as beta as it can be.

put your fuckin shoulders up, work your portfolio slowly, and don't cut your balls because you need them for test you dumb fuck.

either way good luck. you will be short in hell too, probably your endless pain will be standing next to some tall fence , and on the other side just out of your tiny quitter ass suicidal over lifting weights will be a LINK yacht party

God bless You anon, stay hard and delete those sissy notes you are making schizo out of yourself.

>> No.15719456

>comparing me to others that have personalities polar opposite to me
stop. This is not ylyl.
I dont care about "muh celebrities". Im not some sheep that just copies someone's life. I have my own goals. Others have theirs. I dont care if other deformed midgets accept being disgusting. Thats not me

>> No.15719473

I hope you learn to overcome your judgment and assumption of others. Also look up the word projecting

>> No.15719480 [DELETED] 
File: 91 KB, 493x639, 1528864381429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I trained 2 hours a day for years I did ten thousand pushups Im so hardcore
>waaa why is god so evil with me waaaa im going to kms waaaaa
Gr8 b8 but the gig is up sage this gay thread

>> No.15719492

How am I projecting? :)
Learn to use words properly.
>inb4 youre saying im the retard and not them
false. I used data to back up my thoughts. They dont. All they do is talk and talk a lot of bullshit like "dur hur prestige matters more than your body" (legit was told that kek). They dont understand success is subjective.

My "assumptions" are sound ones.

>> No.15719514

>Yes you are OP! just look at the thread you created
kek, here's your (you)

>> No.15719536

yeah with that mental you would probably crumble halfway through, inject every substance possible and die of heart attack at 35, addicted to oxi and painkillers, subbing for someone nicknamed "GooseMan" on some bootleg WWE show in Minnesota.

cashout 1K, get couple of sessions with shrink, sort that bullshit in your head.

stop thinking that some fuckin leg extension operation which will probably hurt for the rest of your life and fuck up your spine will help

get back to the gym, get lean, fuck some bitches

i'm 185 with ugly ass face, still fucked and fighting with demons everyday. play your fuckin hand, there's only one life dummy.

don't let those fuckers win, imagine people talking about you on funeral, that you just bitched out of life because you cant lift weights and you are short.

i would understand a proper reason for ending it, but this ain't it.

get older, i got my shit together in head around 27-28, started coming from 25. i guess rogan talking about that frontal cortex or some shit was right.

anyways. height isn't a problem here, you are just looking for a problem and blaming this one shit just to throw away your life.

therapist will dissect you in like 1-2 sessions, but you just have to be open about it

>> No.15719554

Bybit with VPN is alot better and no chance of scam wick liquidations. x25 or even x50 the next drop to 7k as the HTF are severely oversold and are bound to at least bounce 2%-4%

>> No.15719643

Look at that messy ass room. Bitch needs to get her life together.

>> No.15719677

You should get your testosterone levels checked by a doctor. If you feel like a bitch then it's probably cuz you have low T.

>> No.15719686

>yeah with that mental you would probably crumble halfway through, inject every substance possible and die of heart attack at 35, addicted to oxi and painkillers, subbing for someone nicknamed "GooseMan" on some bootleg WWE show in Minnesota.

projecting hard

>cashout 1K, get couple of sessions with shrink, sort that bullshit in your head.
>dur hur talking is MAGIC
I have talked to them. All they do is spout bullshit. If I chopped off you arms and legs then killed your family in front of your face by burning them alive, do you motherfucking think "talking it out" will fix that like magic? So naive.

>stop thinking that some fuckin leg extension operation which will probably hurt for the rest of your life and fuck up your spine will help
one way or another, im dying before 30 anyways. I want the surgeries for catharsis. Couldnt care less about long term consequences. Irrelevant

>get back to the gym, get lean, fuck some bitches
no. Degenerates are supposed to get castrated and I swore off training until I get my surgeries.

>anyways. height isn't a problem here, you are just looking for a problem and blaming this one shit just to throw away your life.
false. It is a legitimate reason to die

and again, mental health industry = load of bullshit

>> No.15719707

is that why I did that hardcore training? Cause of low testosterone? I wonder what that says about people like you who could never touch what I used to do :)

But bitmex offers 100x leverage and you can just input the price to close the position to avoid liquidation so isnt this better?

>> No.15719723

I'm not insulting you. I'm just saying your hormone levels can influence the way you feel. Which is why I suggest getting your levels checked.

>> No.15719750

and you ignored what I said. Nice. Again, if I did that much with so little testosterone, what does that say about you?

>> No.15719781
File: 85 KB, 700x700, 1569242117076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw also 5'5 and 24yo
>just graduated college and getting a promo at work soon
>have investments, savings, hobbies, and travel plans
>generally feeling pretty good about myself

You always could try just not being a bitch. The only people that care about height are shallow bitches and basketball scouts. It's more attractive when you actually joke about your height and own up to it.

>> No.15719785

Doesn't mean shit. If you had normal/high levels you wouldn't be feeling like a little bitch and you wouldn't have made this mediocre post.

>> No.15719803

kek fail. If I have low testosterone, you must have Waaaaaaay lower levels than me if you cant even do what I used to. Trying to act dominant without any merit to back it up. Fucking pathetic

>> No.15719813

retard. This is for you, brainlet >>15719456

try to put 2 and 2 together.

>> No.15719815

Bybit also offers x100. It even offers TP and SLin the same box when entering your position and you can change it easily without having to close your position

>> No.15719816

Since you’re doing this because of how people perceive you, especially females, have you considered just fucking lots of hookers instead?

>> No.15719830

Try reading. Post my id in the search bar. Already addressed this has nothing to do with roasties

>> No.15719833

Take your 4k get a flight to the USA and overstay your visa and leech off the welfare system in a sanctuary city/state and live as a NEET.

>> No.15719839

Who said I was trying to "act dominant" just cause I gave you some advice lmao.

You really are an insecure little bitch. Get fucked and kill yourself, manlet.

>> No.15719867

Aww looks like I offended you QQ
go take some testosterone pills

>> No.15719883
File: 75 KB, 680x504, cd8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope more, manlet.

>> No.15719896

>height isnt a good reason to become suicidal
>ah shit, he btfod me
>heh height IS a good reason to kys

>> No.15719913

I said nothing about height in my original comment, dumb faggot.

>> No.15719941

So in other words, you are saying it is NEVER justified to complaint EVER and if you do complaint EVER, you have low testosterone? Jesus fuck, you are dumb.

>> No.15719973


When did you turn 24 OP?

>> No.15719977

youre a waste of time, garbo, so im not responding to your shitposts anymore

read some reviews. im convinced now that bybit is better (cheaper fee structure too from what I see)

>> No.15719978

Keep putting words in my mouth, dumb faggot. I was only trying to help you and you interpreted it as me disparaging you.

Get those levels checked.

>> No.15719986

early may

>> No.15719996

The only thing I've gathered is that you're extremely insecure in who you are. Learn to love yourself for who you are.

>> No.15720035

A little late to the party. But you should just kill yourself. If your going die at 30 anyway. Why just put of the enviable. Now or later what the difference. Unless your the pussy faggot Manlet crying for help and attention like you seem to be.

>> No.15720062

op dont listen these fags i will tell u how can u make 40k in 2 months not 7. First registier on bitmex you can use leverage what means htat if u have 1k u can use 100x leverage (DONT USE LOW ONLY HIGH LEVERAGE) that means these 1k now are 100k and u can open positions. Then transfer 2k in mex and open 100x short from 8500 and close on 7k now you will have moar than 25grands :) thank me later honk honk

>> No.15720087

Oh my god it's this fucking faggot yet again. The "most dominant male on earth" who does nothing but bitch about how "unfair" life is to him.

>> No.15720104
File: 72 KB, 468x608, D57F4BB2-C6E5-40FD-A0F3-3F61A064A35C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhm, Anon? What makes you think height does matter MORE than sth else? NOBODY is perfect, hence EVERYBODY has to cope with unchangable flaws - don’t focus on what is not supposed to be changed, focus on what lays in your own, mans hand to be crafted and forged after your own will!

>> No.15720146

Oh it's THIS thread again

If you want to train, limb lengthening surgeries are NOT for you then.
Do you know how those work?
They break the bone into two, then connect it with a nail, and hope the gap heals.

It'll forever be a weak point.
Most can't even walk for months after it is done, and get recurring leg fractures.
You won't ever be able to hope to squat nor deadlift any decent amount of weight.

You won't ever be able to run, and you'll always be wary that you'll break your leg if you lift any significant amount of weight.
It's this what you really want?
You'd basically be like crippled forever.

>> No.15720169

Not gonna parrot the "muh mental health" that everyone's going for, but obviously you won't be able to train anymore if someone DOES magically spoonfeed u a way to 10x

Why not learn how to fight instead? If you're that dedicated to training you could be an awesome fighter instead of "I pick shit up I put it down"

>> No.15720212

I love that you low effort retards still think you can post a "give me financial freedom good sir or I die" posts and get anything done.

>> No.15720228


>> No.15720257

idk what that is. You mean btc im guessing. Thinking of shorting it but idk right now.. Fack if only I shorted 2-3 days ago

>> No.15720263

>doesnt know what upper body workout is
anyways, legs will heal fully according to the surgeon after 1 years time

>> No.15720271

How do I short this? Or do a long?

>> No.15720283
File: 884 KB, 1242x2208, DD3D8362-6DC1-4CC7-8A2C-7FE1E449557A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15721157

short op with 100x

>> No.15721267

You won't die. Do carnivore and fasting.