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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15717533 No.15717533 [Reply] [Original]

that's it.

>> No.15717537

more like 100

>> No.15717543

>"H...How do you know..?"

>> No.15717544

Someone order me a pizza the bitch at panda gave me burned skins of orange chicken

>> No.15717554

its like the bilderberg group who gather here and share their smart thoughts. we are literally gonna make it.

>> No.15717565
File: 158 KB, 462x725, 1567633287348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gentleman, let the SNIFFING commence.

>> No.15717567

There has to be more. When I hit this site up on mobile, there are erratic bans by cell tower. Unless the majority of that 100 are in my podunk leaf city, your story doesn't pass.

>> No.15717573

we’re all best frens

>> No.15717587
File: 620 KB, 1440x1168, braaap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15717594

Can you even get banned on a board by board basis? I thought it was a global ban

>> No.15717616

Could be true if we finally worked together instead of posting memes, pajeet jokes and obvious scams all the time.

>> No.15717780


>> No.15717785

let's count


>> No.15717801

But how did you count all the lurkers?

>> No.15717856


lol you sad fuck

>> No.15717902

if we got organised we could all become very rich.

>> No.15717922

I think its closer to a few thousand regular posters, really depends on what's going on in crypto though

>> No.15717924
File: 11 KB, 640x640, 1498196139994.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there was a virginity strawpoll a while back. it got brigaded but the people in the thread said that before that happened, non-virgins were at 55%. When the the thread died,, 81 people had said they weren't virgins. multiply that by (1/.55) to get about 147 real responses. Thread was up for a good five hours so I assume that 70% of the board's population got to see it. That gets us to 210.
This board's activity is at a sort of low because of the crypto lull, and also directly evidenced by https://4stats.io.. The recent spike is easily explained by chainlink hype.
This means that the only people here are dedicated/addicted/enjoy interacting with the board. If that's the case, that assuming 80% of the people who saw the survey, a simple ten second thing, participated, should be reasonable.
So we multiply by 1.2.
about 250 regulars here.

>> No.15717977

Only people still here after crypto bubble popped in late 2017 are incels, retards, and the mentally ill

>> No.15718006

Only 1/3 will be in LINK
Only 10% of those will hold till $1000

To the other 6 future billionaires on /biz/, I salute you

Never selling

>> No.15718101

>I am Anonymous, and /biz/ is my domain
/biz/ is a great board, and many anons from other boards visit here on the reg.

>> No.15718111

And 249 of them are pajeets