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15683753 No.15683753[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I think it's time anons. It's time to actually kill myself. I've realised everyone around me resents the fact that I can't get a job, and a part of me blames myself for the fact that I'm a 29 year old NEET about to run out of my last 3k. But then a part of me realises that in a way, I am true to my nature. By what right can a bird judge a snake for not flying? My brain was designed by billions of years of evolution to deal with immediate problems with my own hands. If I need shelter, I am designed to build it. If I need food I am designed to hunt for it. I am not designed to apply for a degree, to solve math problems, to fill out a CV, to buy a suit. I understand that 99% of my peers do this, and I tried. But the problem is you can't solve a problem from the past, I have a 2.0 GPA. I have done 100s of job applications. No one will hire me, even construction workers want someone younger and strongs, janitors want illegal migrants. That's it, I fell into an inescapable trap and everyone hates me for it, but I tried. I really tried. I even tried to go live innawoods but humans were never meant to survive alone in the woods. And I can't immigrate to India or some other more basic society due to language issues. So ultimately it's all pointless. I can't get work and I can't survive in a world that is literally NOT designed for my biology. This is some abstract time-prison. Goodbye anons, it was fun.

>> No.15683783

Seem like you need to stop being a little bitch and git gut @ lyf.

>> No.15683790

See you tomorrow fren

>> No.15683796

Are you serious... If you need a rich fren I'll be one.

>> No.15683803

Maybe you can't get a job because you keep posting depressing shit here instead of doing productive things.

>> No.15683806
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>> No.15683811

Use your last money for a heroin OD. God speed.

>> No.15683834

Jus B u're self

>> No.15683854

I have trouble thinking that someone this eloquent can't add some value to society, at least you don't talk like a retard

>> No.15683968

quit spreading nihilism on my board faggot. go back to r9k and waaahhh with the other waaaaahhhs

>> No.15683998

god speed anon

>> No.15684000

>By what right can a bird judge a snake for not flying?
this made laugh

>> No.15684023
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Don't do it anon!

>> No.15684047

do it faggot

>> No.15684056

Stream it

>> No.15684071

Have you tried working on your handshake?

>> No.15684086

go teach english in japan or some other asian city, lie on your resume about experience or how you did in your degrees. They don't even need you to learn their language. Use your 3k for the ticket.

>> No.15684126

Don't do it. It will get better again. I'm going through some shit too. 31 y/o NEET, couldn't find a job in 1,5 years, will have to move out of my apartment and back to mommy's basement if I run out of cash in 2-3 months. I had a crisis around 30 and everything stopped making sense, it was blank lethargy. It's getting better again and I actually start to have motivation and goals again. It will get better for you as well, just hang in there. Also we've got the next halving coming soon, be patient breh

Best wishes

>> No.15684196
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It will take real effort but you can dig your way out. Suicide is the permanent option. You have a solid ten more fucking years of peaking. Men only start peaking in their 30s, you haven't even hit it yet.

>> No.15684235

You are not killing your self you fucking fuck! You are not getting the easy way out. If we have to do this crap, so do you, you fucking cunt!!

>> No.15684247

did you try sucking cock yet?
your biology supports that