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15616908 No.15616908[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The worst thing about this is that capitalist actually think communism has been tried instead of undermining everyone who tries to attempt it. Capitalism has the largest death toll in history.

>> No.15616929

>Capitalism has the largest death toll
Pretty good bait to use on unsuspecting college freshmen

>> No.15616940

I know leftypol is deleted but Im sure theres another place you could spam bullshit

>> No.15616944
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>> No.15616949

What is the argument they use again? I know they really stretch it and basically say everything up until now was capitalism so capitalism caused all those deaths.

>If it wasn't for capitalism and people using the Silk road to buy and sell goods the black plague would never have spread across Europe. How can people defend something directly responsible for the black plague?! Do you hate people?

>> No.15616972

Capitalism is responsible for the death tolls of the Iraq and Vietnam wars, the deaths of the homeless and impoverished, etc. you’re thinking about governments who have stacked up bodies but that pales in comparison to the amount of people who die because of capitalism, every time someone dies from diabetes, that’s capitalism, can’t afford treatment, that’s capitalism, gang shootout, capitalism, literally almost every death is caused by people fighting over wealth or not having enough wealth to have avoided their situation

>> No.15616988

Oh yeah the "COLONIALISM was bad" argument from Commies. Africa's population is growing a lot more than they are dying from lack of clean water, basically growing pains for the dark continent.

>> No.15617006

>implying that you can centrally manage a reallocation of worldwide assets and incentive structures to solve the listed 'problems' without merely displacing (at best) extant levels of suffering onto other populations.

>> No.15617022

>literally almost every death is caused by people fighting over wealth or not having enough wealth to have avoided their situation

I didn't know literal chimpanzees practice capitalism. The more you know I guess.

>> No.15617098

Capitalism is directly the reason why they will not solve all the war, starvation, disease, and suffering in the world. Rich nations and companies could if they want, but they know they make more money off of all of it. At least communists tried to help people and solve problems.

>> No.15617114

Basically any perceived imbalance in material is the result of (personified) systemic exploitation as opposed to organic logistical reality.

>> No.15617140

>fuck off porky you'll get the fucking rope
>wait, why are you using your military and economic prowess to disatvantage us D:
I guess that's simply something you have to take into account going in, that the global power structure is capitalist. Retard.

>> No.15617145
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Mass death was intentional under communism.

>> No.15617146

I suggest that you start a business.

>> No.15617156

I fight to help the worker, not exploit them.

>> No.15617175


>> No.15617201
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karl marx never was a worker, all famous communist leaders did not work 1 hour in their life.
they just tricked the stupid low-end iq retards...

>> No.15617263

You dont have to work to understand how the worker suffers and is exploited.

>> No.15617306

of course you have to, otherwise you don't know it.

why is the biggest age group of commie supporters underage - 25 year olds?

>> No.15617340

No you literally don't have to work to know how power structures support inequality. There is a reason why educated people understand this and even supposed ground level labor fails to understand. We know how to solve this and help them and that is why we fight so hard to better their life experience and save them from exploitation.

>> No.15617356

>power structures support inequality
with communism you also have a power structure.

inequality is a fact in life, equality is stupid and can not work.

there is not a single educated person thinking that way other than those wanting to get into power positions of a communist system.

>ground level labor fails to understand
ehm... that's your biggest voter base, the stupid ones, mostly unemployed.

>We know how to solve this
yep, venezuela looks good with the hyperinflation, a direct result of communism as seen throughout history.

>save them from exploitation

>> No.15617362


It is entirely profitable to offer people clean water, food, and cures for diseases. The problem is that the people who are dying from these either have little to no economic value, or there are barriers outside of cost preventing them from receiving the goods and services they need. Even when we have charitable organizations offering to provide people food and vaccinations, they have to contend with warlords destroying infrastructure and propaganda telling people that said vaccinations are evil.

>> No.15617410

Actual communism gives power to the people. There is no inequality because all the power is spread equally among the people.

Workers think they mean well, but are often not educated enough with university level to understand how they are exploited and how to combat it.

Venezuela is fundamentally a state capitalistic government that turned its back on capitalism to become a dictatorship. Even then outside capitalist governments are doing everything they can to destroy the country. The biggest fault of Venezuela is that it did not actually follow through with true socialism to achieve a communist state.

>> No.15617415

>national economic structures are a pure dichotomy between gulag communism and unrestrained neoliberalism and i'm too much of a brainlet to see any grey area or nuance in between those two polar extremes.
t. pretty much fucking everyone these days.

>> No.15617420

>turned its back on capitalism

>> No.15617430


so you're now admitting what i said, some "privileged" use their "privileg" to be above others.

oh there it is again. "it was not correctly implemented".

>> No.15617453

I am not more privileged. I am just more educated and understanding of the power dynamics of a capitalist system that destroy workers rights and equality for all.

>> No.15617463

of course you're. where is the equality if you're more educated than others?

>> No.15617492

Education is only unequal because of capitalism. Once we have a communist society then high level education will be free to everyone.

>> No.15617501

but you can't be more educated than someone else then because that would result in inequality. you can't even study what you want because it would be inequal to be more educated in something than someone else that did not study it.

>> No.15617520

I am literally only educated more than others because of this capitalistic society. Once education is free then all of the workers can be freely equally educated.

>> No.15617531

>kek, he admits he loves capitalism

you seem to not understand it. i'm bad at chemistry, it would be inequal someone being better at it. the best one can only be as good in chemistry as i am otherwise it's an inequal system that doesn't saves me from exploitation.

>> No.15617555

>niggers dying is bad

>> No.15617564

There is nothing I stated that supports capitalism. Just because I was born with enough privilege to get me into a university that could teach me about the inequalities in the world and how privilege in structures plays into that does not contradict anything I say. I am trying to help people who did not have the access I had and solve the exploitative model that keeps them oppressed.

>> No.15617588

can you now answer my point of continuous inequality?

while you're at it, could you also answer why you're at /biz/ and i guess also in crypto? both highly capitalistic and can not exist in communism unless you pretend xrp is a crypto.

>> No.15617602

There is literally no issue with continuous inequality since actual communist theory exist to solve that exact problem.

I am here because this is some capitalism board. Crypto is the same as dollars to me, something that is a bunch of meaningless numbers that capitalist use as an excuse not to provide real world resources to the poor.

>> No.15617608

how does it get solved if i'm bad at chemistry? there can't be anyone better at it because that would be inequal.

>> No.15617634

You are in a system where you can choose to do what you are best at. Why would any choose something less?

>> No.15617652

how does it get solved if i'm bad at chemistry? there can't be anyone better at it because that would be inequal.

>> No.15617668

You clearly wouldn't be in chemistry, you would do the thing you were better at. This is an absurd hypothetical.

>> No.15617683

but i want to be in chemistry. how does it get solved if i'm bad at chemistry? there can't be anyone better at it because that would be inequal.

>> No.15617693

If you are that stubborn then the community wont allow you do do that. The people have the power if if you are not going to work for the people then you will be forced to do what does. I

>> No.15617706

so you're saying that i can not chose, meaning i do not have any freedom and have to accept it? sounds like dictatorship mixed with slavery.

capitalism gives you that freedom. equal opportunities, communism doesn't provide equal opportunities. what an inequal system you got there.

>> No.15617723
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labor has no intrinsic value

>> No.15617725

You have the freedom to do what is the best for yourself, the people, and society. The freedom to fuck everyone else is a fundamentally capitalist concept. Why are you shocked that a communist society that is trying to make everything better is against the choice to sabotage everything?

>> No.15617727

How can the people force anyone do anything if there is no power structure held above anyone?

>> No.15617735
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why sabotaging if my dream always was to be good at chemistry?

>> No.15617773

Commies again proving they are incapable of true critical thought.

Well done you shitstain brown ID

>> No.15617776

The people and the community are in control for what is best for everyone.

>> No.15617793
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full dogma mode, as any commie

how the fuck community knows what's best for me? it doesn't, what community does know is an average of everyone's 'best', which in large groups tend to be just bread and water, and since community can't solve individual problems but instead enforce everybody else with common 'best' denominator, nobody gets what is best, but sub-mediocre that they have to live with and pretend they are happy, otherwise they are sent to gulag for not sharing common vision.

this is why communism fails, and for the same reason every communist is just an oppressor of free people and should be physically removed by any means necessary.

now fuck off

>> No.15617799

Part of Marx's theory was that any Communist society that forms must become more efficient and resilient then its capitalist neighbors or of course they'd be oppressed and destroyed by their neighbors. Its part of the scripture like requirements to actually be a communist nation you have to 'win' if you don't you clearly weren't real communism. Its a bit like Christians talking about God's infallibility and perfect plan that bad things happening in the world is because of sin and if there was no sin and we just all listened to God everything would be perfect the scripture can't fail but you can fail the scripture. Once you realize it you can discard it like the horseshit ideology it is. Any system who's implementation requires perfect adherence or everything will go tits up has no business being anywhere near humans. Economic, political, and social systems should be critiqued on how they function in practical unideal situations not how hypothetically cool they could be if everything was perfect. No shit things would be perfect if everything was ideal you retard.

>The people and the community are in control for what is best for everyone.
Who, what, and how is "best for everyone" decided. Differentiating goals and ambitions exist ya know

>> No.15617832

Communism has never failed yet, only bastardized versions have. The fact of the matter is that capitalism allows the worst to exploit and excel in areas that do not benefit society. When I say the people wont let someone pick a job that is bad, it is because they know what is best for the society and move them into the areas that will help them and the society as a whole. Communism if implemented properly is a self correcting system that will lead to the best equal circumstances for all.

>> No.15617840

You aren't addressing anyone's points retard.

>> No.15617850
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it's over. people are waking up

>> No.15617852

>Communism has never failed yet, only bastardized versions have
not a real communism fallacy, let's move on

>The fact of the matter is that capitalism allows the worst to exploit and excel in areas that do not benefit society

only small minority of capitalists do that because it eventually ends in your own destruction, every sane capitalist know that, and pushing this as main narrative is a fairy tale for emotionally unstable people like yourself.

> Communism if implemented properly is a self correcting system

only if we knew how to implement it properly, which unfortunately we will never know, and experimenting with implementations so far took >100M people

it's a huge toll bro

>> No.15617853

None of what that says complies to actual communism.

>> No.15617854

what do you expect from a commie.
Most probably the faggot is either in a tertiary education system and dreams of being part of the "upper" class and oppress everybody or he lives off gibs as a public servant and never worked a day in his life or paid taxes

>> No.15617867
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>Communism has never failed yet

>> No.15617873

>i-it wasn't real communism ;_;
Every time.

>> No.15617881
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you have to understand that communism works, therefore anything that didn't work out can not be communism... it's that easy.


>> No.15617884

>Communism has never failed yet, only bastardized versions have. The fact of the matter is that capitalism allows the worst to exploit and excel in areas that do not benefit society. When I say the people wont let someone pick a job that is bad, it is because they know what is best for the society and move them into the areas that will help them and the society as a whole. Communism if implemented properly is a self correcting system that will lead to the best equal circumstances for all.
>Its only communism if it works
Worthless. Using this mindset I can excuse and erase the flaws in any political system
>Its not a REAL monarchy if the Monarch doesn't do what is best for the nation
>Its not REAL capitalism if there is any regulation at all allowing for REAL invisible hand to distribute accordingly
>Its not REAL anarchism unless everyone agrees anarchism is the best and no one bands together
>Its not REAL tribalism if the shaman is ever wrong
>Its not REAL theocracy unless the people and the priest leaders follow God's perfec word to the T

If your system of governance requires perfection to exist then it has no right to critique systems that function and act in the real world and not your fantasy ideal setting. If your system has so little redundancy that common human vices cause it to become a monstrous bastardization then its a shit system. Fantasy systems only have the grounds to critique other fantastic systems not real useful ones that have to deal with practical problems. Go back to making AnCap meme's its all your good for.

>> No.15617889

Yes, but we have no reason to believe a new form of communism would be any better. It would be incredibly risky to shift the entire worlds ideology.

But you should be allowed to discuss it without on the incels screaming BuT CoMmUNIsm HAs tHE laRgEST DeAtH tOLL

>> No.15617903

Oh look the free speech absolutist is here
You faggots are responsible in the first place that neo marxit nutjobs are given free hand to teach children about gay sex and how great it is to change your gender. Kill yourself liberal, you are unironically worse than a communist

>> No.15617921

Except that unlike every other system, communism has been systematically attacked and undermined by all the others because its very existence threatens and solves the very problems they cant.

>> No.15617929

>Claims without proves
Typical hobby middle class communist.
Lets stop here and talk about you. How did you come to the conclusion that communism is worth pursuing. Where there any specific occurrences in your life that made you embrace it? btw, what is your net worth, are you employed or in training and what do your parents do? What race are you? Have you fapped yesterday?

>> No.15617933

Exactly, because it is a dogshit self-contradicting ideology that has never been successfully implemented due to the fundamental flaws within it's thinking.

>> No.15617948

>communism has been systematically attacked and undermined by all the others because its very existence threatens
... to kill, enslave and starve everyone

>hurr durr why does nobody likes me, says the cancer cell

>> No.15617950

That wasn't real capitalism. Real capitalism has never been tried.

>> No.15617958

>Except that unlike every other system, communism has been systematically attacked and undermined by all the others because its very existence threatens and solves the very problems they cant.
Every single system I listed has attacked and undermined eachother in millions of ways hell even the same systems attacked their ideological counterparts and your telling me that only communism gets singled out?
Also if a requirement for your political system to succeed is that it has no enemies and everyone agrees its the best system I hate to break it to you fucking EVERY other governmental system works perfectly under those systems. EVERY governmental system works under ideal conditions (yes even the retarded ones) the worth of systems is measured on how it adapts to un-ideal situations. If it can't or has very low tolerance for errors then IT IS SHIT. Fantasy conditions needed to erect your Utopian big brain ideas will only ever happen in your head if "Communism" can't or won't adapt and thrive in hostile environments it doesn't have a place on this earth

>> No.15617964

I am a person who has been educated enough about their own privilege and how their power dynamics influence that. Also how I can be a better person to help those who have been oppressed and create systems to create equality for all. Its sad that many may not have been exposed to the higher education learning it takes to understand that, but I am working to fix it for everyone.

>> No.15617968

Holy fuck these delusions of grandeur

>> No.15617979

but i've shown you that you can't provide equality for all, yet you're listing it once again.

>> No.15617988

Why? Do you expect them to ever show you any gratitude?

>> No.15617995

You didn't answer any relevant question, all you did was proving that you fap to your own reflection and think you are better than anybody else. That is the opposite of communism. You are an egomaniac that would be shot under any form of communism

>> No.15618009

>but I am working to fix it for everyone.
please stay away from me, i don't need or want your help

>> No.15618011

How is being educated enough to understand dismantling capitalistic power structures the opposite of communism?

>> No.15618014


>> No.15618023

dude, you have been so brainwashed on that social science course of yours that you can't even understand concepts, you're repeating your dogma about oppressed and power structures why are by definition social constructs, you can't even think critically or you're just fucking with us

jesus i've never met someone brainwashed to this bot-like level, it's fascinating

>> No.15618026

>educated enough
That is what happens when you let every middle class retard enter tertiary education. I'm sure you know Futurama. The professor once said something along the line, if there will be ever a time where there are no questions to ask, please kill me.

You are not educated you just have or about to get a piece of paper that says that you are able to pass tests.

>> No.15618028

every commie is exactly the same. the fascinating thing is they always have the exact same answers

>> No.15618041

> exact same answers

it's almost like instinctive behavior

>we must oppress everyone else until they conform to our dogma
>we good, everybody else bad

>> No.15618060

I am done with this. I thought maybe I could educate you on some things, but its clear you are clearly unable to understand. Please go to a university to unlearn your biases and learned bigotry. As long as you people exist you prove that democracy as exists now can not possibly work with so many uneducated people.

>> No.15618066
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>I am done with this. I thought maybe I could educate you on some things, but its clear you are clearly unable to understand. Please go to a university to unlearn your biases and learned bigotry. As long as you people exist you prove that democracy as exists now can not possibly work with so many uneducated people.

>> No.15618074

>democracy bad because you don't agree and repeat same mantra as i do, so you must go to re-education camp

hint: education never stops, you can never ever be 'educated enough'

>biases, bigotry
you learn these terms by hard at your uni? don't ya mate?

>> No.15618077

It is individually and economically rational for them. They get taught that they are the elite and that the elite has to think like what their marxist professors tells them or else they will not be part of that elite. It doesn't help that legislator in their regulatory delusion and in an attempt to expand their institutional power to every aspect of life support that line of thought.

Gladly only a minority of those faggots ever enter public service or stay at the tertiary brain washing centers, and the majority has a very rough awakening once they enter the private economy.

As Churchill said it well, beeing a socialist as a child is normal, being a socialist with mid 20 proves that you have no brain, being a socialist with 30 is a sign that one has no heart

>> No.15618083

>As long as you people exist you prove that democracy as exists now can not possibly work with so many uneducated people.
Add genocide to the list of things that need to be done to get my perfect gommunism

>> No.15618091
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comrade has left the room

cheers mates

>> No.15618182

Vietnamese here, personally I think the reason for the high deathtoll of the war (and the war itself) is due to communism.

>> No.15618233

>communism works to create starvation
>capitalism works to end starvation
>communism tried in like 20 empires (fails each time)
>capitalism tried in literally thousands of countries (works 95% of the time)

>> No.15618245

Real capitalism was never tried before you troll

>> No.15618250

Daily reminder that communists aren't real people.

>> No.15618300

is this a condom commercial?

>> No.15618337

Today's reactionary neoliberalism is clearly the superior solution. Especially if the fallout caused by the people behaving according to it should then be "socialized" or paid for by those who aren't reactionary neoliberal cancers, because of capitalist lobbies propagating how good all this cancer (like "liberated" women fucking around and causing all sorts of incel-type problems) really is. But if you were to then suggest that maybe scriptures like the bible and morals are inherently necessary, because morals ultimatively also exist in order to ensure survival in a situation void of strife ("I don't become fat and unhealthy even if there is no current threat")... then they would call it "bullshit." All the while said neoliberal cancers (worse if combined with "democratic socialism") destroy the planet, fuck around, become fat, etc... because it's clearly the better system.

And ultimately there's also the question of, if people become too degenerate, why anyone capable of long-term survival (e.g. a person that isn't a hypersexual fatty) would continue working for a population full of degenerate fatties who will ultimately only use his work to further their own destructive retardation? It's kind of like how, today, a "meritocracy" simply means that a guy best catering to the biggest retards (destroying the planet and themselves in the most retarded way possible) would be deemed the most "valuable." Doesn't mean they are capable of surviving. Why would an actually intelligent person capable of big-picture thinking want to participate or "compete?"

We really could have more people striving for moral superiority today. Instead of more and more people trying to become the "shamelessly" regressing lowest possible denominator.

>> No.15618384

No True ScotsmanTM

>> No.15618397

And everyone will get a high degree because all the people -but the bourgeoisie you starved to death in camps- are equally intelligent and deserving

>> No.15618425

Why isn't the communist paradise of China solving all the worlds humanitarian issues?

>> No.15618455

>Why would an actually intelligent person capable of big-picture thinking want to participate or "compete?"
They don't. The reason why practically every organization in the west, from mid size companies to political institutions has a recruiting problem and screeches for qualified employees. It is not like there are no qualified creative people, but they simply refuse to participate in an environment that has nothing to offer beside "Boomers" relentlessly trying to save their "wealth" and propagate their degenerate from centralized propaganda taught way of life with one foot in the grave.

The result is every organization being composed of actors with neither loyalty nor interest in preserving the organization nor the greater environment, but just make enough cash to pay for their next fix, whatever that is. We are currently in a society of hedonistic mercenaries that is taking its last breaths, and what comes afterward is only chaos, blood and fire with the barbarians plundering Rome.

>> No.15618470

China isn't a paradise, and if it isn't a paradise, it isn't real communism. Come on man, keep with the program.