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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15581913 No.15581913 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.15581923

Dolphin shakeout

>> No.15581930
File: 157 KB, 1032x862, 0675_-_YoKN9gz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but who's buying all this

>> No.15581948

Nobody at these prices.. that's why the price is dropping.

>> No.15581957

Is this the first wave of early sells? We are about to hit the singularity arent we.

>> No.15581965

>whale dumps on cb to avoid people getting liq'd on binance

>> No.15581967

You mean a speculative asset based on vaporware, PowerPoint presentations and one flannel shirt aren't going to get me to lambotown?!?

>> No.15581973

You idiots know that the whales will buy back at 20c and LINK will reach $100 in 2020?

>> No.15581974

They'll be moved, a sell order that big is stupid as it tanks the price. The idea is to create downward movement to buy into.

>> No.15581986

>token gets sold but not bought
hurrr duurrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

>> No.15582000

Dump your whole stack and be ready to re-enter when it hits $0.90-$0.95. Easy 1.5x swing for all the retards who didn't sold at $4.

>> No.15582025

hopium, it's going to zero and staying there

>> No.15582032

Pajeet gives the best advise, sirs. Please 4 u to be following. Thank you, read again.

>> No.15582055
File: 2.00 MB, 2048x1536, 1567383651002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why didn't the price dump hard, I sold hoping to buy back lower

>> No.15582061

kill yourself, subhuman trash.

>> No.15582190

maybe it's because price is at a critical support?

>> No.15582507

link was a huge russian pump and dump
largest holders are all russians.

institutions will never hold this pos

>> No.15582530
File: 34 KB, 634x494, 44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you see the sell orders? The whole orderbook was 400k and in the span of 3 minutes 2 million link were sold. So I ask again, why didn't the price dump? Someone bought all of those as they were being sold.

>> No.15582550

/biz/ reqt again

>> No.15582554

did you read my post you fucking mouthbreather?

>> No.15582556

it's all wash trading..

>> No.15582582

Bitcoin is definitely dead. Its mind boggling that people still think this is a bull market.

>> No.15582586

yeah I did
Support should have been broken with that heavy selling.

>> No.15582650

2 million link were not sold, look at volume data.
even then 2 million would not be enough

>> No.15582668

not yet, step one is sending to exchange ofc. smart strategy would be to sell over a few days so as not to move the market too much

>> No.15583537

You're missing the glaring inescapable fact that they ran an illegal fundraiser generating 32 million dollars and did nothing for 2 years other than get some chick to make a website last month. ChainLink is a scam, the tech isn't there, the idea even isn't there. It's so fucking obvious. Sergey is a massive scammer who's managed to keep people trailed along for a while. There's a reason they never advertised wildly or made huge public appearances. It's a slow vapourware exit scam. The idea is to vanish when people finally get fed up with their lack of progress in anything at all. That's the con, make it look like you're taking a very long time to do something until people leave, at that point it's not an exit scam but a 'oh well we tried but people lost faith and we couldn't continue bye guys I'm off to suck puréed Big Macs out of a Filipina's butthole'.

Weren't his lethargic repetitive speeches enough? The whole concept technically doesn't make much sense and practically can't fucking work. That's why nobody cares about ChainLink. You didn't keep it a secret for 2 years, everyone saw, no one cared. His average crowd was 8 people.
ChainLink was issued as an unregistered security under United States law, this is a fact. ChainLink was an illegal ICO. ChainLink will never be listed on any mainstream exchange because it does not serve the average person it is for enterprise (as the scam script goes at least) ONLY. No average person is going to be running a 'node' or 'pooling'. This is irrefutable fact. Sorry about your victimhood, it's not too late to sell before it plummets and never returns due to being illegal in the US to ever use commercially.

Fucking retard.

>> No.15583545

The pure delusion. You retards actually think you have fundamentally analyzed link and are some sort of elite investor. You know about link because its been shilled to fucking death on this shitty board with terrible infographics and extremely far reaching claims with no evidence. I guarantee none of you have actually even tried to use the mainnet or have even considered the token economics at play here. The mainnet is a piece of trash centralized (it uses one source) API scraper that uploads data into a non self executable smart contract. A fifteen year old could write the code to do this, it tests nothing envisioned in the whitepaper. Now for the token economics 35% of the total supply is in the hands of Sergey himself. The top 100 wallets control 85% of the supply of this coin and it's not exchanges. Binance, the biggest exchange owns ~2% of total supply. Your investment can be quite literally wiped out overnight without a moments notice. Going all into this project is probably one of the stupidest things you can do with your money but retards like you keep lining up thinking you are the next Warren Buffet. Chainlink is so far from a sure thing. I love it how all you gullible fucks think you've already made it just by purchasing a bunch of meme tokens on a meme cat picture trading platform which does nothing just because a bunch of anons on a kosovo organ trading board said they will be worth a lot someday. Their arguments sound so convincing, so well researched, but the painful truth is that you've been fooled into investing in a honey-worded fairytale of a solution to a problem that isn't even needed outside its whimsical world of princesses and dragons. Starting to notice the pattern? I mean, the project leader is a fucking philosopher for fuck's sake.

>> No.15583566

Can confirm, half-hohol, half-moscol with 2.5k link, $8 DCA (you read that right)

>> No.15583575

Refer to

>> No.15583576

>ChainLink will never be listed on any mainstream exchange
coinbase is about as mainstream as it gets, otherwise i agree with most the rest. is this pasta?

>> No.15583583

Smart money would not send millions at once sending whale alerts off everywhere.

>> No.15583598

the spread is getting annihilated with no new buy orders to replace them. See you at 20 cents

>> No.15583617

>with no new buy orders
lmao m8 ive seen massive 70k buy orders multiple times fucking kill yourself already

>> No.15584126

glorious pasta yes

>> No.15584143


rookie numbers

>> No.15584154

ya im thinking this too. it is probably smart to just sell all your link and rebuy when it bottoms out more

>> No.15584158

This is good for LINK :^)

>> No.15584317

>You mean a speculative asset based on vaporware, PowerPoint presentations and one flannel shirt aren't going to get me to lambotown?!?

>> No.15584999

>kosovo organ trading board
Hardest Kek of my life

>> No.15585017

I sold. Will buyback when it’s lower. Goodluck anons

>> No.15585025

TA is a meme, this has been established literally decades ago

>> No.15585029

>For every sell there is a buy


>> No.15585042

You seem smart. Look into 0xBitcoin. Enjoy!

>> No.15585047

i mean ive spent $600 on linkies. it not that serious bro lol

>> No.15585048

>this time it will be different

>> No.15585819

bullish af