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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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15563791 No.15563791 [Reply] [Original]

funny how it was around this exact time in 2017 that the market was crashed with all that china fud
i remember picking up a huge stack of bytom for next to nothing when that happened

amazing how fortunate we are to be linkies
no matter what the outcome of this fud is, we can't lose
THIS is how balls-to-the-walls HARD whales PISS AND SHIT THEMSELVES IN ABJECT FEAR when linkies NEVER SELL
they are so incredibly fucking angry right now—like they're failing to meet a quota before a planned price movement
it's like—gradually, as many of us took time to learn what link was—the whales are realizing the true-to-life honesty of linkies
they're realizing how much weight our words carry
they're realizing that WE,
as implicit by the very laws of nature,
are in control

and this reality fills them with such a powerful fear—
and it's because,
the only tactics they have,
don't work.
not on linkies.

every time more link enters a linkie's hands, a whale that wants to financially destroy you and would smile to see you commit suicide hemorrhages money.

now, i think everyone gets what they deserve—fools are fools.
we are making full-time clowns out of the most powerful forces in crypto.
linkies are the most powerful race in the world.

>> No.15563806

$1000 eoy

>> No.15563810
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Not selling

>> No.15563817

Just bought another 1000 LINK

>> No.15563822


>> No.15563882
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the most based post this month

>> No.15563921


>> No.15563926

SEC !!!!! FUCK !!!!!!!!!!

>> No.15564265

Based this thread deserves a bump.

>> No.15564401
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It's very comfy. But the main difference for me is that nearly every other chinkcoin and shitcoin has been exposed as a pyramid scheme or failed product. From BitBean and NEO to EOS and XRP there really aren't many coins that you can look at and consider even halfway viable.

At this point it just makes more sense to strong hodl and keep faith in KeK’s prophecy when you look at the competition.

>> No.15564427


>> No.15564470

Lmao i remeber i bought a little stack and sold at the top. I still have no idea what it does

>> No.15564498
File: 59 KB, 500x667, D6409D38-3AD7-4B9F-86EE-5E52E561D994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your autism is truly a mighty and powerfu sight to behold felow Linkie Winky.