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File: 16 KB, 312x151, namecheap or godaddy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1556265 No.1556265 [Reply] [Original]

Namecheap or Godaddy?

>> No.1556272

Whatever is cheaper after the special offer

>> No.1556293

As long as you don't use them for hosting, it shouldn't matter.

>> No.1556298

Godaddy is shit.

>> No.1556309

What do you suggest I should get for hosting?

>> No.1556329

justhost is cheap, but depends on whats gonna be on your website

>> No.1556336

WordPress with around 50k unique monthly visitors

>> No.1556353 [DELETED] 

Depends on the type of website you're making.

>> No.1556358

Again, it depends, but depending on what's on your website, hostgator is good all around.

Bluehost is probably better, if I remember correctly (it's a while since I was into it), but they don't allow any type of adult material.

>> No.1556754

Godaddy. Cuz Arizona FTW

>> No.1556766


>> No.1556997

namecheap accepts bitcoin

>> No.1557423


>> No.1557447

Just in case anyone needs anonymous hosting and a host that accepts bitcoin but also wont keep all of your personal info on file, you can try out mycodehost.com, they're legit. Just email support for details.

>> No.1557450


>> No.1557469

they have tons of 'errors' and will sell information out to affiliates to try and extort domains back from you because you 'made a mistake'. Everything about godaddy is sleaze. Search for a few random domains using 2-3 word combinations of somewhat common words. They will be available. Check back in a few days. If you picked the right keywords, they will be held by squatters. Every single time. godaddy is by far and away the worst about this.

If you want a decent registar, go with gandi. Few extra dollars a year, but they really mean it when they say no bullshit.

>> No.1557695

and yeah, I agree, godaddy sucks. they're only good for public domains.

>> No.1557709

Agreed. I have hostgator for my wordpress site

>> No.1557733
File: 61 KB, 1000x800, 1474625622355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1557846

Namecheap is who I use. I use 1and1 for hosting, but their cpanel is garbo.
I chose them over hostgator and bluehost because they show how much CPU and other tech details you are getting on each hosting plan.

>> No.1557863

I use dynadot.
They were cheap as fuck, but I upgraded to also get email hosting, and, well, their email hosting is absolute garbage.
You can't use an email client like Thunderbird unless you want EVERYTHING to be sent unencrypted, even your password.
Because of that I probably wouldn't use them again

>> No.1557888

Depends, are we talking just domain names, or hosting?

My preffered solution is to use namecheap for the domain registration + ssl and digital ocean for the actual server.

>> No.1557944


don't listen to faggots

namecheap dude

always namecheap

>> No.1557967

>Looked up a domain on namecheap the other day
>Was deciding on whether or not to buy it
>come back few days later
>Someone bought it to try to sell it to me because I searched for it
>fuck namecheap

>> No.1557976

Hmm I just paid 85 Canadian-bux for a domain + year hosting for the wordpress site I'm working on.

It's pretty bare bones so I just needed a basic hosting package. Was that a decent deal?

I should've shopped around, impulse bought the hosting package with the domain...

>> No.1557992
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>85 dollars
>for a website

What in the fuck.

You can host a wordpress site that doesn't get heavy traffic for 20 dollars a year. And on a server that gives you full control, so you can do SQL bullshit if you want in the future. Go to ramnode and rent a cheap VPS.

>> No.1557995

>Namecheap or Godaddy?

both are scam infested crap

Why not drink the water form it's source a.k.a Enom?

>> No.1557999

You slightly overpaid for your hosting assuming you didn't get domain name privacy or anything else, hosting can be gotten around $4 per month, it's not really a big deal though

>> No.1558000

yeah fuck i knew it was too convenient and accessible... whatever, the domain would've been 15 bucks without the hosting so ill justify it somehow :^)

once it's expired I'll do my research and not idiot tax myself again

>> No.1558015

In all fairness, renting a server might be cheaper, but you have to set up some extra stuff yourself. There's automated scripts out there that will handle these things for you for the most part, but it's a little extra work.

Assuming it's a pretty blando basic site though, once it's up you basically just forget it and never look at the backend again. Ramnodes a good company for basic boxes, and they are really good about letting you upgrade/downgrade services without changing your IPs, or requiring you to do much reconfiguration for anything.

They can't take heavy DoS attacks though. Even with their monthly DoS protection package (5 USD a month), you really can't expect to stop all that much. You get what you pay for in that department. It will stop some skiddie LOICing your site on their cable line. Even a semi decent paid stresser/booter is going to kill you through it. Enterprise level protection is going to run you 100 a month, and that's entry level. High end filtering can run you tens of thousands a month.

>> No.1558060

I have hosting with both namecheap and fastcomet and I've had better service with fastcomet desu

>> No.1558328

Godaddy is far superior. Way way way better customer service. Better deals. Namecheap is a joke honestly if you fuk your two tier security high chance you will lose your domain. Fuk namecheap.

>> No.1558330

Ye with 90% uptime lol. Only 2-3 host have 99%+ uptime In the whole industry.

>> No.1558663

Don't listen to any of these people.
Rent a cheap vpn and learn how to set up your own web server.
You are just throwing money away using middle men.

>> No.1558815


>> No.1559006

Domain tasting is a lot rarer than it used to be...

And I don't think Namecheap ever participated in domain tasting.

>> No.1559072

i've been using namecheap for nearly a decade since i started my web developer journy


they have THE BEST prices (except if maybe GD is having a crazy sale)

the best customer service

and the best control panel, which honestly makes or breaks these domain registars.

and amazingly priced wildcard certificates

transferring a domain out of godaddy is a pain in the fucking ass, and namecheap handles the process a lot better.

000webhost is amazing for SHITTY BASIC WEBSITES
wordpress sites tend to overload the system and it shuts the site down for 30 minutes, if you're just learning shit, its more than enough.

hosting24 is a paid service from the same guys, IMHO not worth it, it likes to go down a lot, and a few times i noticed i lost files and everything was replaced with a backup.

starting at $5/month for a basic VPS, $10/month for a VPS wordpress wont bitch about for daily users

imho it's not worth it unless you feel you will use amazons server tools in the future

BUT even with the micro instance, you need a lot more knowledge of servers than you would with digital ocean.

its also almost a scam, they will charge you when you use more power than you "paid" for, i've had a few people tell me they got charged for stuff without realizing they went over.

>> No.1559123

>Paying for SSL certificates

>> No.1559156

I use Godaddy for everything, check out the latest venture at previoustaxpayer.com

>> No.1559188

>tfw Tucows owns my last name dot com

>> No.1559674

Again, I feel like these guys are leaving out one new host that isn't all corporate and shit. MyCODEHost does hosting for low as $2 per month, servers perfect for wordpress AND if you request to remain anonymous, they accept bitcoin and will ensure your personal information is not stored on their end. I mean, they're new but they respond quickly to tickets and generally do more sys admin/dev stuff than any host I've encountered. I would take a look at their site or at least inquire about what they can do to help if I were you. Hostgator sucks, godaddy sucks, 000webhost is beyond terrible. and none of these earlier mentioned hosts protect your privacy as much as mycodehost.com

>> No.1559690

Neither. Uniregistry instead.

>> No.1560364



They are open 24/7 but the whole team is shills

emails down constantly

don't expect it to work when you really need it, that's my two cents.