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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15545502 No.15545502 [Reply] [Original]

>Be me
>Go to starbucks on the daily
>Buy my venti coffee of the day with cream and milk
>Cute and funny barista girl with french braids always writes my name on the cup and draws a heart besides it
>Has done this about 20 times now
>Gives me a 30% discount no the coffee every single time
>Always says hi and smiles, goes out of her way to talk to me even when she’s not attending me
>Picks up my kindle and asks what I’m reading about
>Mentions she collects fridge magnets from places other people go to
>Mention I’m going to NYC and will get her a magnet
>Go to NYC, get a magnet
>Get back from the trip, take the magnet to her
>It’s king kong climbing up the empire state
>One day ask her if she draws hearts for everyone
>Says “Oh yes, I’m terrible at drawing stars and smiley faces.. they always say to us we should be nice with the customers”
>Say “Oh, I thought it was just for me..”
What did she mean by all this? All I do is fantasize about fucking her from behind while I pull her french braids

>> No.15545522
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>> No.15545531

It would seem like the company found a way to profit off the growing number of incels

>> No.15545545


>> No.15545567

>One day ask her if she draws hearts for everyone

Like she would every blatantly admit it, you should have just ordered an extra coffee for a friend and see if she puts a heart on his cup too.

Ya blew it

>> No.15545569


>> No.15545581

>alright lads we've noticed an increase trend in beta's posting on incel forums fantasizing about our bar girls, how do we make money out of this

>> No.15545681

no I just go for the coffee and sit to read

>> No.15545712

ruined ur chance congrats

>> No.15545794

Maybe she has to draw hearts, but I doubt they encourage her to flirt with regulars. She was probably just trying to play it cool but you might have fucked up with your response. Don't let it stop you though.

>> No.15545805

And they sure as hell wouldn't tell her to give you 30% off coffee every day.

>> No.15545807

Next time the two of you are chatting together away from the register, give her a refrigerator magnet with your phone number on it.

>> No.15545813

Why don't you just ask her out and that way you get an obvious answer, what the fuck.

>not your blog
>not /biz/ related

>> No.15545957

I know that feel bro.
I'd rather have subtle business smiles than overly enthusiastic when going it is just about business...
At least things are clear: "you smile at me because you want our business transaction to go well and NOT because you particularly like me". In a way I'd say I rather a subtle nod/bow (such as in japan) instead of wide smiles.

>> No.15546010
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lol you fucking cuck faggot bitch, your thought she wanted to suck you off or something? lol BETA!

>> No.15546041

I'll post a waitress story.
She is on and off employed there (a friend of the owners). One evening when she isn't working she drunkenly kisses me. Ok why not.
Proceeds to tell her friends about how she got to kiss me but she would have to reject me because I am slightly younger... (huuh ok....2 years difference whatever)
Later on is very friendly with me (whilst working this time) and I tell her "you know you could have given this a shot..." and she is like "how?", remind her she has me on FB and also write my number down on the receipt as I leave.
No calls. I ask her "so why such radio silence?". "I thought you were joking with the number! I threw it away", I then internally facepalm hard. I give it to her again, on the receipt as before.
Now one evening she is all chummy with me, the next she is a total bitch.

Women cannot be reasoned with, they fail at even basic social stuff.
Maybe she is insecure, maybe she doesn't like me that much, the least she could do is say something.
Needless to say whilst I still see her (since she works there) regularly I avoid eye contact and keep it down to purely business.

>> No.15546058


>be handsome lad
>Be barista
>Need those tips
>Be friendly and always smile
>Be extra nice to regulars since they always tip and act nice
>One regular is ham planet
>Looks sad and lonely so write her name fancy
>She loves it for some reason
>Says she's into calligraphy
>Make conversation like normal human beeen and say I should learn.
>Next day gives me some fancy expensive calligraphy pen
>Pretty neat I guess
>One day ask if I draw fancy names for everyone
>Obviously just sad fatties so they tip more but just say yeah.
>She says oh I thought it was just for me.
>Get grossed out thinking she probably flicked her bean to me.

This is you Anon. You're the ham planet.

>> No.15546074

Ask her out on a date you retarded sperg. Be prepared to accept some version of "no" as an answer. Be friends, find some other ho to beat your meat to.

>> No.15546110

this reminds me I had a phase of doing calligraphy (badly). some women found it attractive...

>> No.15546175

Should be a starter pack for chicks who also drink Starbucks fraps everyday, wear those witchy hats, have positive message stencils on their walls at home, say yaaaaas to much, and think drinking random wine with fancy labels makes them classy.

>> No.15546191

You got cucked. I bet you're the type when you go to strip clubs you think the whores are hitting on you.

>> No.15546204

Nigga, maybe she's flirting whith you when she's bored.. Don't take it to serious.

>> No.15546218

tl;dr op is a fucking faggot
>starbucks regular
>bought something for a random bitch


>> No.15546262

found the incel

>> No.15546367

OP you're beta as fuck
Wondering if she likes you and taking note of every little thing is extremely feminine. A man takes what he wants.

>> No.15546460

This, kek. Learn how women work OP, read some evo psych or redpill books

>> No.15547479

>terrible at drawing stars
>mfucking stars

>> No.15547499

ask her out?

>> No.15547518

Anon, if shes going out of her way to talk to you, shes into you. Casually ask her out and dont do anything that exposes your underlying ambition to smash her pussy

>> No.15547545

Absolute yikes

>> No.15547567

i assume this is bait but i used to work at a starbucks. i flirted with all the old ladies and gay looking people for tip money. my female coworkers did the same to the guys. ask we got lambasted if we weren't chatty and friendly with the customers

>> No.15547568

>asking out a barrista fishing for tips
Absolutely yikes. If she says no you can never show your face at that cafe again.

>> No.15547593

also when i was bored i'd flirt with the college girls to see how they'd respond and it wasn't that i was interested in them it was more just practice to prevent sperg outs at bars

>> No.15547624

>One day ask her if she draws hearts for everyone

You killed it right here..

She always had a back up excuse in case you didn't outright accept her and pour your heart out to her.

You should have just asked her for her phone or something..

>> No.15547665

Dude Starbucks baristas are fucking cancerous for this shit.
> Have unique name
> Be a regular at Starbucks
> There's 1 cute shy nerdy barista i never talk to because she's never the ine that serves me
> Be talking to normal barista roastie
> She comes out of nowhere and says my name with the proper French pronunciation and gives me a smile
> Talk to her a few times
> Always asking what I'm doing this weekend
> During same conversation says ughh you do so much fun stuff!! I don't do anything fun but work and school :(
> Say well let's change that this weekend
> Uhhhhh NO I have a boyfriend!
What. The. Fuck.?

>> No.15547677

It's almost as if service people do better when they're friendly...

>> No.15547716

> Friendly
> Outright flirtatiousness
Pick one, also
> Tipping anyone for making an already overpriced coffee

>> No.15547737

make your own coffee

>> No.15547863
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This WTF OP, Starbucks tastes like burnt asshole and cold brewing is so easy.

>> No.15547891

This guy fucks

>> No.15547904

this guy reddits

>> No.15547916

I'd like to know what the hell is wrong with their coffee. It tastes like burnt rubber on a good day, and cancer every other day. If the scent of burnt rubber could be somehow perfectly synthesized into a taste, that would be starbucks coffee.

>> No.15548001

>drinking jew juice

>> No.15548024

>be you

>girl who is paid to be friendly was friendly towards you

>ejaculate in your pants

>run home soon to write the story in 4chan

>stay virgin

>oh...and change the boxers

>> No.15548054


stop being autists and talk to people who aren't being paid to interact with you

>> No.15548062
File: 170 KB, 360x346, 43543643.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how do I short incels?
>bro just be nice bro draw them a smiley face n shit, incels love smiley faces


OP gets justd by capitalism once again