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File: 41 KB, 600x439, IMG_20190825_202103_565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15465977 No.15465977 [Reply] [Original]

Getting early Antshares vibes on DAG. It could easily 20x up to ten cents by eoy with that US air force partnership.

>> No.15466011


Chart looks a lot like our best bro FTM

If one cent is tested it goes straight to 1.5 cents. Big news such as a binance listing will get it to 5 cents.

>> No.15467022
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$0.40 cents EOY
$5.00 EOY 2020
$37 EOY 2021
$13 EOY 2022 (post crash)

>> No.15467258

you are a nigger ant shares did moon post rebrand

>> No.15467326


DAG Did not partner with the USAF. What they did is lie to everyone in their community and claim they did only to be exposed as liars a few days later.


The maximum award amount is a grand total of $250k, which it is likely the DAG team received a fraction of that.

30% of all applicants received SIBR funding, so not even hard to win this contract.

This piece of shit team ran out of money, brought in a PnD crew and told everyone they are now partnered with the USAF. And now we find out its nothing more than a teeny tiny contract anyone could have won.


They just let you all get scammed pumping the price up on yet another major "partnership" that ended up being absolutely fucking nothing. When will you people learn?

>> No.15467429
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Welcome back ICO FUDDER. Now call the SEC and bump my thread like the thirsty bitch you are.

>> No.15467534

lol we just got a 9/10 from Nik Patel bitch

>> No.15467626

Does Nick know your CEO lied to their own community about the "partnership" with the airforce? Does he know that its just a measly small dollar grant and that there is no partnership? Does he know the company fired all their employees including the coFounder and CCO and VP of Engineering and have nobody left working there?
Does he know there is no working product? Is he an idiot or did you buy this review like you bought all the rest?
I wonder if he knows the former CEO pissed away all their investment capital day trading and they ran completely out of cash.

Maybe someone should inform him?

>> No.15467721

Lying scumbag Raphael returns. Best of luck with your hashgraph bags, hope the VCs dont dump you into oblivion

>> No.15467920

Which one of these is a lie? Those are all verifiable facts. Every single thing posted can be verified to be true.
You on the other hand are running a PnD scam. Do you mind telling people that DAG has only 3 employees (including the CEO)? No, you dont wanna talk about it.

>> No.15468228

Oh man you know it’s hit a nerve when he starts moaning about Raphael

>> No.15468245
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Keep bumping it you ICO failure, your infinite effort and false FUD make me laugh every time. Now make your hourly call to the SEC about your "facts" and reassure yourself this is the end of DAG.

Meanwhile I'm still 5x and going up as BTC breaks out.

>> No.15468293

3 member team FUD was the same shit they said to chainlink, Raphael, doesn't mean anything

>> No.15468353

The difference, DAG actually only has 3 team members and lied about a USAF partnership. Link was a real company with real funding, real employees, and real partnerships.

>> No.15468386

Ty anon ain't buying this fkn scam

>> No.15468417
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you are so afraid of DAG its funny
will you still be fuding at a 1.5 billion marketcap? hmm

>> No.15468449

>3 employees
>just got caught lying about USAF partnership
>completely out of capital and applying for small gov grants


>> No.15468513
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Wait dude, did you seriously give up on the SEC violation and "2018 CEO" FUD already?

Like you spent 3 weeks on it and now you're just dropping it? Now you're just lying about the USAF without any proof outright? Damn you are the fucking FUD king. Sorry your SEC reports didn't go through.

Good luck FUDDING some neets and bumping my threads for the next 3 months about Airforce shit that you'll have to make more and more mental gymnastics to justify as they work with them!

>> No.15468543

Dont forget our deal faggot


This is going to really suck for the DAG bagholders, and I hope it personally wrecks you

>> No.15468586


That is proof of your fucking lie. Do you see the words partnership? This is a fucking small business grant.

And yes the SEC has been contacted. Everyday you say "why havent you contacted the SEC yet" and everyday I tell you I have. Why do you do that, every day? Does this prove some kind of point or you just want to see your bags hit zero faster?

>> No.15468716

How much did you lose in the presale, Raphael?

>> No.15468761

How much did former CEO Brendan Playford lose day trading investor funds for losses? And how exactly did the current CEO cover for his financial crimes and hide it from the original investors?

Sounds like a better question. Your position is so retarded, like "so you got scammed, get over it bro I like 5X my $200 investment pumping a lie for the last 2 weeks"

>> No.15468779
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No evidence of this at all.

Meanwhile pic related. Debunk that bro.

>> No.15468820

You fucking unbeleiveable idiot. This is SBIR. Small Business Innovation Research. Do you understand what the fuck the function of the SBIR is? 600 companies got tiny little grants the USAF uses to assess whats out there. The USAF itself is not partnering with DAG you god damn brainlet. So the USAF picked up 600 new official partners this week? How fucking stupid are you?

>> No.15468885

Use case has advanced to update their legacy systems. You lost bro. Shouldve waved the white flag when this was announced.

>> No.15468899

so what will you do when they hit multiple billions? you didnt answer

>> No.15468907

Yes the USAF is taking this so seriously they gave you a whole $50k to solve this $10B problem with 3 employees in a shared office space. When this scam gets exposed you wont be able to sell your heavy bags of shitcoin to anyone

>> No.15468945

I will have mad respect for perpetuating a multi billion dollar scam with 3 losers who didnt have a clue. Its not going to happen so i dont need to worry about.
You on the other hand need to worry about investigative journalism. Thats what will end your PnD scam. Its going to be even more telling when the team refuses to be interviewed or pleads the 5th on the day trading allegations.

>> No.15468977

3 man fud is the exact same fud people said about link.

your autism is tragic because you have no idea how businesses work at all. same as why you went all in on the ico. your sociopathy dooms you to be poor for life. I pity you.

>> No.15469076

Yes, so similar to LINK. Except one is a real company with employees, real partnerships, and doesnt need to lie to their community. Fun to see you try to tie them together as if they have anything in common. One is a real company, one is just straight up PnD scam full of lies.

>> No.15469165

thats in hindsight, people were saying exactly what you are, about link, before they announced their big partnerships. That its a scam, by a 3 man team, and not a real thing, Fast forward to a one billion marketcap. DAG partnering with the US air force should scare you with what they are capable of.

No way you cam stop DAG at this point.

>> No.15469198

Its also the same thing people said about the other 100000 actual scams that ended up being scams. DAG is not LINK, and the difference is everyone left DAG. There is nobody left, how the fuck do you not understand that?

Are you actually a shill or are you really this stupid. Nobody fucking works there!!!!! Check their Linkedin profiles you fucking brainlet, everyone is gone. Stop trying to fucking scam people here my fucking God man.

>> No.15469219


>> No.15469797

So delusion the kek

>> No.15470390

>Antshares vibes

>> No.15470422

Im getting Pump And Dump scam vibes. That SBIR grant ain't a partnership, they should be ashamed for misleading their community.

>> No.15470496

DAG has a lot of potential. The main advantage of DAG is that it's decentralized and that there are no central authority, hence the high price. There are no regulations. You can just buy one of those coins, put a little profit in the wallet, and it'll work. It has nothing to do with buying and selling

>> No.15470684

Here's a good question you definitely can't answer. Why was their ENTIRE team quit/fired/laid off? There are 3 people left and it's not clear if they are being paid.
You do not get rid of your entire team without hiring their replacements. You especially don't do this with 33M funding and mainnet 2 weeks away. Explain this, why did they all quit/fired/laid off?
To me this says they are out of operating capital. If this is true, they are going to zero very fast.

>> No.15470760

do you have a source on the firings, or the state of the team?

>> No.15470791

LinkedIn. Check every team member except CTO, CEO, CFO and diggles. All gone. Not only are they gone they all work somewhere else now. Not a word from the team about any of this and they ban you for asking and scrub the question from TG.
This is why you do DD people, so you don't get rekt.

>> No.15470915
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Dude, I don't even have a linkedin for the company I wagie to, are you truly this retarded that your justification that nobody works there is the lack of linkedin pages for you to reference?

>> No.15470952

So all those people who have job titles working for different companies are actually Constellation employees? And there are many more but they just dont have Linkedin profiles working in Silicon Valley. GTFO you scam artist bitch.

>> No.15470966

This isn't even bag holder cope this is just an attempt to scam people. Not even the dumbest bag holder would fall for this

>> No.15471027
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Dude just click on their profiles, you can work for more than one company and or just not list that you've stopped working for one. My linkedin still lists I'm working for a bunch of shit currently because I haven't touched it in years and only updated job just in case my Boss checks it to see that I'm connected.

Also people like this dude just put his tagline in the "current position" space, so did like 5 others there, but scroll down in the page and they work for Constellation.

But again, just because you aren't listed on linkedin doesn't mean you're not working for a company. Like 9 of my coworkers don't even have a linkedin, do you think that they just don't exist for not using the boomer job social media?
How I'm disproving this dudes claims because you can literally just click on the pages and see. And even still, people can work without a linkedin, this isn't communist china.

>> No.15471066

Are you fucking stupid? Read you dumb brainlet fuck, he says he's an advisor. Those people are unpaid advisors they don't work there. Are you fucking 12 or mentally handicapped?

>> No.15471078

Brah you are embarrassing yourself

>> No.15471088
File: 42 KB, 600x337, vergil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Those people are unpaid advisors they don't work there.
>Citation needed
And exactly how do you know he is unpaid and doesn't do anything?

>> No.15471208

Dude im serious how old are you? Advisors dont get a salary. Have you ever worked at a real job before? Saying Linkedin isnt used by people in SF is like saying people dont drink fucking water. Every fucking person who works at a tech company in SF has a Linkedin profile. 99.999999999% you brainlet fuck

>> No.15471221

OMG are you serious right now? You think advisors get a salary? Are you trolling?

>> No.15471255

I gotta screencaps this shit, pure gold. This kid is like 12 years old and doesn't know shit about the business world. And he's the main shill for DAG. I guess you get what you pay for.
Anyways little guy, in the real world professionals use LinkedIn religiously, especially in tech. And advisors don't get a salary they are usually paid in stock especially in startups. They don't work all day they just give advice and show up at a monthly meeting or even less.
And your hero DAG is a PnD scam which you are part of and which is getting exposed. Let's use this as a teaching moment

>> No.15471314
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Can you prove that they don't? And again, you are making the assumption that they have to. Just because its SF they aren't compelled by heaven to do so. I have a friend in California who doesn't have LinkedIn and they do logistics for Amazon distribution.

Ok you can keep insulting me but you haven't address that you're just making claims without proof and using a couple of Linkedin profiles as the basis for why a program is doomed and dying.

>> No.15471356

I think you're making the wrong arguments bud
I can't get into some folks' LinkedIn profiles, but if you compare some of the headshots used
a lot of the remaining people on the LinkedIn seem to be advisors. The question to ask is whether there were ever any more developers than there are currently.

>> No.15471369

*any more developers on the LinkedIn

>> No.15471382

You will not find a person actually employed full time at a startup in San Francisco that doesnt have a Linkedin profile. Especially not a new recruit that just joined the company. This is standard operating procedure. 99.9999999% bro, this is not an argument you can win.

If the team is telling you they have workers but they dont have Linkedin profiles they are lying to you. Linkedins HQ is in SF, every fucking human that lives in SF has a Linkedin.

I am not making bogus claims my man. The company has no employees because they are out of money. A company with $33M building the tech they claim would have at least 20 staff kicking ass. They have.....NONE.

I hope you learned something today.

>> No.15471504
File: 313 KB, 260x187, chimp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well they have 13 on linkedin official, and another 6 from their official page on https://constellationlabs.io/about/, just not linked up to the official page, but still active on their personal pages. So thats around 20 at least by their own record.

You say no money and no employees but I count 19 employees and don't see any reason why you think they have no money, especially when they just got a government contract.

>> No.15471607

Trabslation...you didnt buy and hope the project fails. Fuck off loser pajeet shit breath.

>> No.15471662

Those are advisors or contractors on a gig. Those are not employees. Learn how to Linkedin. Nobody works there. Try asking the team how many FTEs they have, the answer is BAN HAMMER. Ever wonder why that is?

>> No.15471734

If they aren't on LinkedIn they don't work there. Advisors get stock. Just Wyatt Ben and diggles left I think