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15454825 No.15454825 [Reply] [Original]

Girlfriend asked me if I could lend her 8k for a new car

>> No.15454831

That’s a lot of blowjobs

>> No.15454837

I hope you are not even thinking about it anon. She should just save the money and then buy a car.

>> No.15454861


>> No.15454862

if she keeps asking all you have to say it’s a plain and simple

>> No.15454876

suggest she finds a car that costs 8k less

>> No.15454882

What the fuck? I've dated a girl for 6 years and she never asked for money. Maybe if we split a check or groceries or some day to day shit but that's just ridiculous

>> No.15454887

Don't buy unproductive things if you can't afford to pay for them in cash. Jesus, thats the most bottom of the barrel investing groundwork. How much of a newfag can one be?

>> No.15454893

That's valuable crypto money

>> No.15454906
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Buy this fat bitch a $5 pair of flipflop and tell her to use her feet for once

>> No.15454914

This. That 8k right now would be triple next month if you put that into COTI lol

>> No.15454926


Time to get a new girl friend.

>> No.15454930


>don't buy a car if you can't afford it in cash

- Hurr Durrington, esq.

>> No.15454951

From my own xp, never GIVE a woman any amount of money. Never.

>> No.15454961

request blowjobs for the next 8k days in return

>> No.15454962

Car is just another expense if it’s not needed. Just let that bitch take the public transport, she even dares to ask you for 8k. Better invest that money in some silver, BTC and BPRO lad. Don’t invest in women.

>> No.15454964

whats the roi on that investment anon?

>> No.15454971

You’re not getting that money back. She might really mean it when she says she’ll pay you back. It’s not happening though. How much do you love this girl? Can you afford to give her a “gift” of $8,000?

>> No.15454999

>Lending 8k so she can buy a liability, presumably with no plan to actually pay you back.
If you're even thinking about it, you're wrong. Don't be a dick about it, but the only right answer is 'no'.

>> No.15455010

“you can't afford something unless you can buy it twice“,

>> No.15455011
File: 141 KB, 975x687, FAE117C2-F6C2-49EC-B196-D0185973ACE8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s a shameless and dumb girl you’re holding anon. 0% ROI. You should be holding UOS, making 1000% ROI, instead of holding such a waste.

>> No.15455019

only give if its 1% of your net worth

>> No.15455027

Don't do it, unless you're financially comfortable and capable of doing this without her ever paying you back.

Borrowing money to purchase a car, which is a depreciating asset, is by far one of the stupidest financial decisions you can make.

Don't fucking do it, unless you can.

>> No.15455053

GF exit scam incoming.

>> No.15455063

Why doesn't she get a loan from a bank lol?
Joking I know the answer

>> No.15455089

this kek

>> No.15455099

Absolutely not unless you're engaged to be married.

>> No.15455100

Have her suck your dick, swallow, and then LAUGH in her face.

Do NOT "lend" her $8K for a car. Lolwut.

>> No.15455703
File: 197 KB, 1024x1068, 174856CF-C9F8-44D5-8E53-281D6CD2BBE2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big red flag op. She is asking you for money instead of her parents. Tell her you have no money, and just put it in UOS a small cap gem with big news coming

>> No.15455711

>1 post by this ID

A million replies

Don't believe this shit.

>> No.15455718

2 words
"fuck" and "no"

Whichever order you want

>> No.15455734


Most fags are lurkers, just reading while jacking their shit off

>> No.15455743

All women are whores

>> No.15455870


>> No.15455991

>>15454825 Shameless money that could be put to use and staked. You could make passive income staking your money buying Coti and running nodes on what will be the biggest payment network on blockchain.

>> No.15456140

Cars are useful
8k isn't necessary
Buy her a cheap one for < 2k
Surprise her with it
If she moans about it sell it and mention once and only once how entitled, ungrateful and unappreciative she is.
Itll eat away at her, despite what her actions and words may say

>> No.15456257
File: 108 KB, 700x963, DF419D37-0812-4BCD-9E34-5602C5299459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never give a women money unless you are married. That’s a no brainer anon

>> No.15456774
File: 64 KB, 352x380, cotidagobert1fdaköf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is just larping. She will use the entire 8k just to buy COTI. Making 12k within some days and she gives you back the 8k and keeps the 4k profit. im sure she is a bitch like this.

>> No.15457139

Tell her you want to, but you're concerned shes getting and should walk a little more.

>> No.15457244

That's like MONTHS of effort. No. She should buy some cheap ass one online for like a couple hundred.

>> No.15457260


>> No.15457283

Give her the money but write a contract for 1000x blow jobs 2000x front hole sex and 10000x back hole sex

>> No.15457344

She will NEVER pay you back. She will say she’s going to but you will never recover that amount.

>> No.15457353

Do you think she cheats on you? Are you really muscular and outgoing?

>> No.15457386

Get a lawyer to make a legal contract of payment if you ever do decide to go through with it.

>> No.15457418


>> No.15457631

Its good she is dependent, don't ruin it by helping her be independent, that will burn your relationship and money

>> No.15457646

id do it
then again ive lent more to several different friends before
and eventually they dont pay me back
so if you do it, just think of it as a gift and dont expect to get it back

>> No.15457664

Its a shit test..

>> No.15457686

Very likely.

>> No.15457759


>> No.15457917

What car?

>> No.15457920

Haha hell no you kidding. Tell that bitch to lease a car and pay her monthly shit on time

>> No.15457931

Otherwise you can buy her a old Prius for like 4-5k. At least that shit is worth it.

>> No.15457937

You made already a fuck up by telling her you got (a lot?) of savings and/or crypto.

If you didn't tell her you have a lot of savings just say your out of money yourself (just a little emergency fund).

>> No.15457953

then tell her to suck your dick because she totally will

>> No.15457958

You're a cuck if you loan your gf that kind of money.

>> No.15458018
File: 125 KB, 2000x1150, 10386996_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No and any woman who would ask you this or can't afford her own shit is garbage and you should dump her.

>> No.15458027


>> No.15458062

Don't go buy her a user honda/toyota if you actually care about her and make sure you get some kind of written statement saying that if she ever breaks up with you she has to give you the car back.

>> No.15458072


Pick none.

>> No.15458109

elaborate on your xp please.

>> No.15458131

this. wtf is OP thinking. guys actually get this cucked. it's fucking sad. my loaded boss built a 4 million dollar condo complex in mexico. His beaner wife, who's 30 years younger than him wanted to run it. She's run the fucking thing into the ground and no one wants to work for her. He's losing his ass over the deal. But he won't do anything about it...cuz he's that fucking whipped.

>> No.15458143

Obvious shit test is obvious. Tell her no. It’s your money you do what you want with it.

Maybe if she ends up as your wife and performs her duties and does what you want you can give her rewards like a car ever once in a while, but until then the answer is always 100% No!

>> No.15458158

At LEAST buy the car yourself and lend it to her. Don't just give her stuff cause you won't be seeing it again.

>> No.15458582
