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15454794 No.15454794 [Reply] [Original]

>Mainnet in Sept
>6 million marketcap
>US air force partnership
>Data use case, data is the new oil
>best bros with FTM
>Chad as fuck team with fortune 500 proximity
>Psychotic presale buyer for entertainment

The real reason you need a bag is because it is solving scaling fulfilling the original blockchain promise. The next generation of projects wont be Eth and Nano but the ones like Dag and Ftm.

>> No.15454798

whats a big enough bag?

>> No.15454803

you are not best bros with ftm. we fucking hate you and all talk shit about your scammer asses in telegram. fuck off.

>> No.15454807
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500k seems legit

>> No.15454823

>we fucking hate you
That 60% pump really rubbed you the wrong way didn't it?

>> No.15454864

>it's like when you see your childhood buddy again after making it and they reveal they were seethingly jealous and secretly hoped for your downfall all along, but you're still a chad so you play it cool.

whoa, hey... dude... I'm sorry I hurt you, bro. let's go for beers, I'll pay.

>> No.15454918

ftm and dag are bros
ftm is for smart cities
dag is for data

>> No.15455048

trying to get up to 1 m

>> No.15455071

USAF partnership LOL. It's a $250k grant, you've been lied to.....again

Didn't they lay off their whole team, or people quit?

>> No.15455156

>842,330,834 DAG Circulating
>3,711,998,690 DAG Total supply
prepare to get dumped on, kids

>> No.15455169

Poor fuckers who buy this scam

>> No.15455196

still coping

that is all node payments gradually over decades have you forgotten they burnt all their tokens

>> No.15455227

But didn't they already confirm they ran out of money? 3 man team with a couple years of runway. Do you know what that is shill? That's a couple months runway for a larger team. They are finished, out of money. Sorry your PnD scam isn't working so great

>> No.15455286

That doesn't change anything. That's still new tokens entering circulation. Your bags will have to compete with this new supply, and in the end, you'll be dumped on.

>> No.15455493

Haha yeah fuck DAG!

>> No.15455808

like every other project in crypto
you know eth has infinite inflation right? dag has a deflationary coinburn model

lol your fud is actually bullish as fuck

I also love how you think early 2018 fud applies, presale autist wants to make his problem ours, truth is we dont care, we are going to enjoy our 10x while you rage and cry and tantrum the entire time

>> No.15455812

No offense to OP and I appreciate your efforts but we are in trouble if air Force is just a basic low dollar grant. We are going to dump now. I am in for the long term and these over hyped announcements always get a quick pump but damage the long term prospects. It's bad the team let's this happen and I really am starting to question their motives for allowing this to persist in the community

>> No.15456164

Lol they still have a shitload of foundation tokens.

>> No.15456237

There is still room for a legit 3x here People have no idea how undervalued DAG is.

>> No.15456244

foundation tokens are bullish too btw, look at link, after it 50xd they cashed some out to expand and conquer.

>> No.15456294

I wish I could hate something as much as scorned ico buyers hate dag. truth is Iwill 10x and leave this mfer in a couple mos while theyll still be here crying in 5 years. imagine you look back on your life and just see years and years of spamming fud

>> No.15456295

Still bullish after knowing they hyped a small grant as a deep DOD partnership.
DAG isn't link. Link has a shitload of cash, DAG has enough to pay 3 clowns to post on the internet

>> No.15456342

>DAG has enough to pay 3 clowns to post on the internet
Thats all they basicly do. CEO has too much time on his hands to regularly post on telegram.

Wyatt made a new whitepaper, wuhuu, accomplishment in itself actually for this fucker to achieve something.

>> No.15456445

But but it could be worth billions if one of them buys a winning lottery ticket you will all be salty. Wyatt and Ben are so lucky they are going to win the lottery twice and then you fudders are really going to be jealous

>> No.15456476

dude your narrative before the usaf contract was itll never happen, telegram bros bet what it would be if it did and we all said, 'its a bullshit contract anyway' your negativity is predictable and comical. if it was that easy why arent 100 blockchain projects getting it too?

>> No.15456477

Im being sarcastic obv. Dag team we need to tone it down a bit. We are going to get destroyed, we have lost all integrity at this point. Let's just be honest about where we are and our chances of success. Anything else is just pump and dump tactics. It concerns me the team is OK with it

>> No.15456618

what they're doing is my area of technical expertise. that the air force would read that proposal and think its a good idea, they must be asleep at the wheel. But I assume since they're only $250k contracts, they don't put anyone important in charge of awarding them. They probably don't even know most coins are ponzi schemes, or that its even a coin.
dag is just a worse form of EOS, doesn't solve any of eths' scaling problems. There were already a dozen better smart contract platform options in 2017, there's no reason for dag to exist.
most projects don't have the hubris to openly scam the government. blockchains take a few years to fill up with garbage and collapse from the weight, and by then the usaf will switch to something else before noticing. that must be dag's plan.

>> No.15456685

area of expertise? you mean browsing on biz?

>> No.15456757

"US air force partnership"

jesus you discord losers who bought low are reaching a new level of gross. i can't believe you spent money on this.

buy SNTVT.

>> No.15456782
File: 685 KB, 800x1280, Screenshot_2019-09-01-12-33-28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get REKT

>> No.15456840

Ive narrowed down there are three of you.

*you, the well spoken one, that is raphael
*the super angry one that spams telegram with porn
*the autist esl one that is downright bizarre

2 and 3 might be the same person and he just gets on some really crazy drugs. my advice is go into business, some shitcoin would pay you top dollar for this level of effort.

>> No.15457016

When you have no way to answer the FUD, just focus on criticising and trying to doxx those spreading the truth.

I see your game, you have no answers and brush off all fud by saying "but we will triple in a week".

Does the team condone your pump and dump scheme? You seem to be in lockstep with their messaging and somehow always have inside information nobody else has. Who are you? How do you get answers to all the questions everyone keeps asking?

>> No.15457163

He doesn't have answers, he just makes shit up as he goes. He is ruining DAGs reputation with every post. Pump and Dump is a dumb poor morally bankrupt way to make money. It's usually reserved for Indians

>> No.15457169

what FUD? that the USAF contract every other project would kill to acquire was easy and no big deal? dont think you realize the magnitude of dags tech. they solved scaling.

if its because you hold hashgraph and are afraid of dag thats fucked up, every project has tons of competitors. rising tide bro.

>> No.15457329

Your prob is you want to make your horrific presale decisions everyone elses problem. That was a long time ago. You havent moved on yet?

>> No.15457502


i am at 4.3m dag

gonna make it bro

>> No.15457540

Filling out RFPs all day is a waste of time for a real project. The USAF is not going to implement DAG tech anytime in the next 10 years. They use SBIR to understand whats out there and how it will impact the USAF. Professional companies understand that, which is why they dont waste their time spending hundreds of hours to win an $80k grant.

Investor fraud doesnt go away, it doesnt matter how long ago it was. Investing in a team that all but admitted its true is a terrible investment.

>unless you run a PnD scam, then all this makes lots of sense. Jump in, spread misinformation, find dumb buyers, then dump it all on their stupid heads. FYI its happening as we speak, its been dumping since the news broke last night the whole "partnership" is nothing but a small unimportant easily won grant.

>> No.15457652

>they solved scaling.
U have humiliated yourself. ITS A FUCKING ERC-20 TOKEN dumbdumb

>> No.15457668

Pretty much everyone at here is laughing at your stupidity. Keep pouring money to this scam bro, surely you gonna make it.

>> No.15457716

I remember this nonsense fud from the telegram. How many hundreds of times have you been banned?

re presale, before my time but you are mad they changed the ceo and then the price tanked. not that damning, Early Eth had a CEO shift and no one cared when Hoskinson resigned. Would you rather Ben and Wyatt tanked the project and it just went to zero after he quit?

I think what eats you most is the CA culture shock, its a lot more aloof, and is what made you think they are malicious exit scammers and they dont give a shit.

>> No.15457723

Don't be too harsh, the bagholders are mostly just kids and amateur investor wannabees. The team deserves crucification for pushing this lie on the community though.

>> No.15457727

for like two more weeks

>> No.15457756

>Remembers nonsense FUD. The entire community disbanded and the token dropped almost to zero in the process. It was over the current CEO refusing to acknowledge clear investor fraud and it's cover-up.

Yup better support the team such honorable people. Protip, it's not FUD if it actually happened.

>> No.15457764

thats whale tier bro
if we get a legit altseason I suspect dag and ftm can both hit 10 cents eoy

>> No.15457780

dag has the exact same chart dump as every other alt in crypto, why do you guys hashgraph is going to extreme lengths not to release their tokens? your magical thinking makes you believe in fraud conspiracies

>> No.15457787

It's funny watching this new group of scammers try to prop up this dead project for a quick pump. If they only knew all the real drama from last year even the scammers wouldn't touch this with a 10 foot pole.
They just tried hard to PnD this shitcoin and couldn't get more than 30k with a supposed USAF partnership. Sad

>> No.15457788

It's just annoying to see people here too shilling this pyramid scheme. In two weeks people will see and realize what a scam this was.

>> No.15457804

Ok so everyone else here remembers what happened in 2018 with the investor fraud. Why don't you lie to us and tell us what really happened. The team pleaded the 5th but somehow you know the real deal. Go ahead

>> No.15457821

Technically 30k buys alot of curry

>> No.15457831

what fraud? every time you explain it you leave out where they committed fraud.

>> No.15457854

jesus that still being shilled.
Anyone who falls for that scam is an absolute moron

>> No.15457959

In September 2018 an insider broke the news that the former CEO was day trading investor funds and took massive losses. The current team knew about it, encouraged it, and covered it up afterwards.
The current CEO Ben Jorgensen was asked repeatedly in community chat to simply say it wasnt true. He refused and claimed he couldnt talk about it because of a hush order issued by a judge. When asked to produce a redacted version of the hush order he refused.
Investors and whales in the project demanded answers. They banned all who asked the question, and everyone dumped and the community itself disbanded save for a few moonboys that couldnt get out because of liquidity.
Then the team got tired of being asked to explain what happened, plead the 5th, and went dark until a few months ago when they pretended it never happened.

That is the fucking investment fraud I am talking about. It has never been addressed and it single handedly wrecked this token. Every presale investor knows about this which is why they are so salty and rightfully so.

That is the fucking investment fraud I speak of. I understand this doesnt mesh well with your PnD scheme but it is real. You can fool all the newbies you are trying to pump your bags, but it wont work on people who were there when it happened.

>> No.15457974

Show proof please. Anyone can make this shit up. DAG is going to 100 x unless you have real proof. Please post proof below. Looking forward.

>> No.15457984

What exact proof would be good enough for you? By the way you cant 100X a company with 3 employees and no money. This isnt 2017, you cant just trick some kid with their moms credit card to buy lies.

>> No.15457986

It's just copy pasta. Have you seen the github. Legit AF.

>> No.15457989

Why would the most centralized insititution in the US, the military, want anything to do with decentralized token networks founded by a bunch of literal whos?

>> No.15458022

>when your fud is inadvertently the most bullish statement in crypto

>> No.15458028

>posting github updates legitimizes everything and makes investor fraud go away. It also makes running out of $33M in 18 months go away too. Thank God for Github updates

They dont and they wont. Thats why they signed an SBIR contract for a few thousand bucks. Its just seeing whats out there with a literal penny of their giant $600B stack.

>> No.15458041

Bomb proof networks for one.

>> No.15458056

But srsly man.
The centralization of the military is its main asset.
Why would they choose any decentralized crypto project that may impede a rapid, centralized response?

>> No.15458138

If this were a just world you scamming pieces of shit would get what's coming to you

>> No.15458156

wasnt the day trading investor allegiation litierally you though? an anoninymous 4chan post? imagine someone taking that to elon musk and expecting a response

>> No.15458203 [DELETED] 
File: 180 KB, 434x294, Screenshot 2019-09-01 at 20.59.16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You and your pajeet friends seem to have an unhealthy obsession with Constellation. I am worried.

I suggest you visit a shrink, this guy can help you. He is a child shrink, and his rate is only 75$ an hour.

Amir Rehman, MD
McLean Psychiatry – Center for Wellness Ways
1340 Old Chain Bridge Rd., Suite 402
McLean, VA 22101

Office: 1 (571) 236-8516
Fax: 1 (703) 462-8884

>> No.15458213

Elon Musk would not let these kinds of allegations destroy his company's value. Obviously these kinds of rumors would not rek his projects because they aren't
microcap ICO shitcoin scams. Also kek at even comparing this ERC20 token to anything Elon Musk has worked on. Elon is a reddît tier fag btw

>> No.15458234

decentralization doesnt mean slow, it is not only faster but solves a trillion dollar problem in bad data. dag team knows their shit bro. they said in the call wyatts tech is so ahead of the curve the fortune 500s are receptive right away

>> No.15458252

Nope, I am just one of the many salty people who have been fucked over by this dishonest team and their toxic community of lying shills.
The allegation was made by an insider who was dead on. The team shit their pants and wouldnt talk about it. The fact it happened is no longer a question. But I see you want to question the validity. Go ahead try and get a statement from the team, another anon offer $20,000 to anyone who could get them to say it DID NOT happen. Good luck with that pajeet

>> No.15458271

>wyatts tech

The whole team was laid off, and they havent delivered a working product. Im sure the fortune 500s are drooling over the chance to put their data in the hands of a 3 man team that just pissed away $33M and about to go out of business

>> No.15458297

I cant imagine the neglect, abuse and narcissism that would lead to a child like entire career is a mirror of his sons mental psychosis

>> No.15458319

the link fud tried to use 3 man team as well, it didnt work. if the tech is groundbreaking it speaks for itself

true but day trading allegatians are srs business you should contact the SEC with this, lets put it in the hands of an independent professional third party

>> No.15458333

How about you stop shilling this fucking scam coin here?

>> No.15458365

I have a better idea, since the SEC has already been contacted, why dont we get an investigative crypto journalist to see who is lying and who is telling the truth. Do you agree to that you lying cunt?

>> No.15458445
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please do it. who do you have in mind? maybe we can investigate the pajeets as well that are spreading FUD without any proof.

Please post you evidence below.

>> No.15458446 [DELETED] 

I second this motion. Im bag holding but would like to hear the truth for once. Can't get squat out of the team

>> No.15458462

I second this motion. Im bag holding but would like to hear the truth for once. Can't get squat out of the team

>> No.15458490

Ok great im glad we agree. We will get an investigative journalist to contact the team and post their findings on their website.
We can try coindesk, crypto weekly, cryptoslate, whoever.
I will gather the fudders and have them put together their evidence and you can get the team to agree to the interview

>> No.15458532
File: 2.35 MB, 3739x1320, A1A6C236-42B3-4209-803F-684ED0B890AB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look what I just found ahahahah
dag troll is 19?! this is priceless

>> No.15458573

There is not one DAG troll you idiot. Are you that crazy fuck from last year that thinks everyone is the same guy?

So I can see you are getting nervous and off topic. Its time to bring in an investigative journalist. You agree?

>> No.15458606

it's pretty damning

>> No.15458665

I knew it, you are the psychopath from last year that mapped out this whole chart of communication claiming it was all just one 19 year old sandnigger. You even doxxed his family which was hilarious by the way.

Could it be the presale investors who got fucked in the investment fraud, competing projects, other pissed off people tired of the teams lies? Nope its all one guy. 24/7/365 without food or sleep You need a fucking straight jacket

>> No.15458715

Let's just bring in the journalist and settle this once and for all. It can't hurt to know the truth plus it will shut up one side or the other

>> No.15458724

1000% agreed let's do this. Who should it be? Does anyone have any contacts or should we just contact them randomly until one of them agrees?

>> No.15458758

I found it searching Raphael in the archives. Youve been at this for a long time. Sick little puppy you are.

Agreed, then it is decided. please do and post the correspondence chain

>> No.15458779
File: 1.11 MB, 1230x1908, Screenshot 2019-08-29 at 23.10.23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I am sure that there are plenty of journalists just begging to open up a book on $dag. scoop of the century mate. and please call the SEC while you are at it. we do not want you to miss out on that whistle blower reward. oh and please get your 'source' to post some e v i d e n c e aka p r o o f . please post in this thread actual proof to proove your fud, otherwise you are a lying pajeet. which we know you are.

>> No.15458791

This is going to be great. I will make a thread for a few days bringing all the fudders together to prepare their questions. Get the team to agree to answer those questions. They can plead the 5th if needed, that alone will speak for itself. Post here when you have proof the team is willing to do the interview.

>> No.15458816


please post you proof in this thread, oh and good to see you agree that you are indeed a 'fudder'

>> No.15458826

This will be epic. DAG fudders vs crazy DAG shillboy who thinks we are all the same guy. Grabbing popcorn

>> No.15458860

Proof will be provided to the journalist, you dont get to see the proof first before you agree to the interview. The journalist will decide who is a fucking liar and who is telling the truth. The outcome will shut down one party or the other.

>> No.15458958

We have two positions:

Fudders - believe the team is lying to their community, making false statements about partnerships, and spreading disinformation. We also believe the team is guilty of committing investment fraud and covering it up.

You: Believe everything the team says and that they are honest hard working tech folks just trying to launch incredible new technology.

Lets see who is full of shit and who isnt. Its either going to moon DAG or bury it forever. If I could short this team of lying scumbags I would.

>> No.15458990
File: 207 KB, 1200x900, 16910_gallery.world.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these threads are straight up comedy, journalist is gonna see a skype call from this guy

>> No.15459024

Let them see whatever they see. You and the DAG scam team are about to get rekt bitch. Lets do this. I know your scared, you should be.

>> No.15459106


haha, i agree it is just pure entertainment. you cant make this shit up. best thing is so many people are buying $dag because of these comedy threads. i even wonder if the fudders are being paid by the $dag team as some crazy guerrilla marketing scheme. fucking genius!!!

>> No.15459167

I advise everyone to start taking screencaps of their TG before they scrub it clean. Ive taken lots of them but might have missed something.

>> No.15459227


please share your damning evidence

>> No.15459284

No worries bitch, all will go to the investigative journalist. Thats literally their job to figure out what is real and what is not.
I will start up a new thread later and get this whole thing in motion. You and the scam crew are fucked.

>> No.15459292

you are going to embarrass yourself, no journalist in the world would cover your insane rantings

>> No.15459307

Of course not. They will cover just facts and evidence, no need for insane rantings. This is either going to moon DAG or kill it for good. Dont be scared ;)

>> No.15459370

Very good idea because you will have to identify yourself to the reporter, and then when Constellation sues you with their fund of $35 million the courts will subpoena them for all your personal details. Youre so fucked little man.

>> No.15459377


Please show us the evidence

>> No.15459386

Im fine with all that nonsense. Lets do this.

>> No.15459399

DAG team member looking desperate af. Can't wait to see the team try to explain themselves it's going to be epic

>> No.15459452

This is a lie. Post direct link to archives or you in fact are the psychopath straight jacket wearing DAG Shill who has been lying to this board for over a year. You are a mental case dude, just wow. Like in a room with string and pictures trying to pin it all on one guy. You are next level mentally ill.

>> No.15459532

I can't wait to see this showdown. Im gonna try and hit up a few journos and try to make it happen

>> No.15459861

look in the archives bro, the infograph is posted about 100 times. it is actually pretty funny how long youve been at this vs how little impact youve made

>> No.15459912

other crazy about the archives is he was talking about alerting the press and the sec back in feb. he was too scared to actually do it then just like hes too scared to now. hes an autistic little boy scared to leave his moms basement

>> No.15459919

Please share with us the link to these archives. Oh thats right they dont exist. Nice try lying faggot

>> No.15460031

Me gets the feeling daggies don't want anyone asking questions. Banning a journalist showing up in their community would make me bullish though