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15428065 No.15428065 [Reply] [Original]

Any other Anons that read into Ultra after having seen this post >>15415844? It's amazing to see that there are still a few smartfags on this board, and not filled with brainlets talking moon boom.

Some info about Ultra:

Ultra is looking to break the monopoly of Steam, their platform provides gamers a place to sell their games AFTER being done playing them. Ultra's platform is also gonna be very attractive to developers. Why? Valve takes a dirty 30% from the profits. My friend has been there before, you have to listen to them, your game is gonna get deleted if you even breach a little thing. So after a quick dive, I'm already hooked into Ultra. Would love to hear other Anons opinions too on this topic.

>> No.15428070

Are you prepping this to be the next shitcoin of the month? Kek

>> No.15428098
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I like the idea of reselling my old games, right now they’re just rotting in my library.

Curious how Ultra will play out, and how long they will be the only one trying to provide that solution. Because many others have probably thought of it, or are already working on it

>> No.15428105

Worked with Link KEK. That shit pumped AF. Now dumping on redditfags. He might be on to something

>> No.15428124


That thread was nice to see. Did you already join the private group? If not leave an email, I can send you a link to the group. Other anons are welcome to, just saying that we’re having serious topics, and are there to help each other out.

>> No.15428129


>> No.15428133

yeahh so smart
>heavy bags
>investing in a payment token aka we don't have a utility, but hey keep funding us.
>paying developers in chucky cheese tokens

into the trash it goes


>> No.15428137

where Do I leave the email
for the private group?

>> No.15428148


Kek. Ultra is suddenly appearing in biz. Well, guess Ultra is starting to take off. I have heard some insiders talking about three listings, and that is why I entered a position keke

>> No.15428154


Please send me an invite too


>> No.15428177


Can I join too? My email is brian28@gmail.com

>> No.15428230



Developers will earn 21% more sales revenue with an instant payout, instead of some company holding their funds, and what when they like.

That sounds cool, game industry has been cucked, since many fags suddenly thought they all could earn a piece. Flooding the market with fags with identical skillsets

>> No.15428259
File: 922 KB, 1920x1080, 612F4778-488A-48A7-B9A7-DDC9A75C356E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As some other bizfag has said. Ultra will get listed on three exchanges soon. The low liquidity that Ultra now has is perfect, because it’s dirt cheap for the MM to pump Ultra, which he will do with the coming announcements. Volume has also been rising the past few days. Very bullish on Ultra.

>> No.15428301

OP How about EPIC and Discord? Both upcoming and more fair towards developers in this space. EPIC and Discord both take around 10% cut so what would differentiate ULTRA from those two?

>> No.15428401


That's a good question, I've made this thread to gather more info myself haha. What I really stood out for me as a gamer is the fact that I could resell my games, which a lot of people would love to! Friends of mine have their whole Steam libraries full with junk that they never touch anymore, and would love to sell for -80% retail, while some peeps out there buy the games for full price.

The developers of the game will also get a percentage of that sale, so that is another ''stream of revenue'' for the hard working developer.

Last point is the in-game item sales. For ex. Dota has some expensive in-game items. The profit cuts made on the Steam market goes to Valve, not the developer. Ultra gives ANOTHER stream of revenue to developers.

Ultra really supports developers at a mom loving level, while also support gamers!

Oh btw. Dota sucks, don't touch it anons.

>> No.15428577
File: 8 KB, 250x250, E3C3AA2D-CE73-4B7C-846A-FF41C9121503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Dota ducks

Adding an UOS bag sir. You got me there.

>> No.15428763

Where Can I buy this Ultra? Whats the ticker?

>> No.15428769


>> No.15429126

Many, maybe most games have some concept of money or other valuables in them. One extreme would be real time strategy. But even something like counter-strike has money awarded each round to buy guns next round.

If you could only see the potential of web3... the line between real and virtual currencies will blur and then disappear. Virtual economies like in "Second life" will meld with physical world economies, where the physical world economies are more and more selling services and virtual assets, like SaaS.

We're heading towards the matrix at a great pace.

>> No.15429152


>> No.15430191

This ultra thing is interesting, I have a bunch old shit in my steam that are basicly useless. where and when will it be available????

>> No.15430328


>> No.15430893

Oktober 2019 is the beta

>> No.15431249

Loosk very promising. I’m adding a small gamble bag, I’ll take your ass if this goed wrong kek

>> No.15431261 [DELETED] 

take my money, going all in on this project

>> No.15431290

Going all in on this one, better give me 20x

>> No.15431323

Shitcoin??? Bro this is the future of gaming. Didn't you see the tweet from BASED CHINK?

>> No.15431462

Big things are coming for Ultra. Lets see how many bizfags act fast and decisive to take profits to home.

>> No.15432576
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We got a smart fag here

>> No.15432787
File: 654 KB, 1024x1068, fsfsa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking low volume yet. In 1 month im sure it will x10 in volume. So better get in now. Bitfinex is just the beginning.

>> No.15432918

I would also like to join

>> No.15433294
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new chinkcoin coming up, shill me

>> No.15433593
File: 56 KB, 1064x568, Kalijeadlkje (12).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Resell second hand digital games
they give developers more saves revenue then competitors
referal bonuses , rewards programs
blockchain makes instant payments, and gives a proof of ownership
transaction transparancy

>> No.15434387
File: 71 KB, 942x750, smartfag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So OP if I read this correctly *scrolls through whitepaper*

- Developers earn +21% more sales revenue with an instant payout
- Ultra provides developers with the unique flexibility of a custom-built platform without the need to invest millions of dollars and years of research, development, and maintenance.
- Blockchain makes it possible to process nano-payments instantly, proof of ownership, transaction transparency and a myriad of other features that allow Ultra to provide more control and better deals to developers while also bringing exciting innovations and financial incentives to players
- Powering referral bonuses, digital goods, rewards programs and more
- Players can immediately play games within minutes of purchase using their software.
- Players earn Ultra coins by participating in beta tests, watching ads, curating games and more.
- Players can access third-party game services such as tournaments, item-trading, and more.
- Play exclusive AAA content only available on Ultra.
- Better community building tools.
- Resell second-hand digital games.
- Earn Ultra Coins through their three level referral program

*takes off glasses* Tell me where is the nearest exchange? I need to deposit some USDT

>> No.15434457

How is this different from Robot Cache?

Aside from the fact that no burgers will be able to use it.

>> No.15435404


>> No.15435432

Good job exposing all the nufags

>> No.15435513

What I like the most with Ultra is not even that it will pump (UOS = 1$ before 12months)
but that it will bring blockchain adoption to the crypto

Nice gem, I NEED MOAR gaming and blockchain is really important for crypto


>> No.15435527

Reselling will never work. You buy a single player experience for $50 and then sell it for $10. For what purpose? How does the publisher profit off of you reselling a game? Fun fact: they don’t.

>> No.15435567 [DELETED] 

Sent link to me on Telegram directly @thesilent1

>> No.15435576

Message me on Telegram @thesilent1
Help a fren

>> No.15435616


>> No.15435642


>> No.15435650

get % from sale

>> No.15435851

they take profit man, it's how works NFTs! That a super powerful system... if ultra was only about that i wouldn't care at all

Ultra is doing way more than that!

>> No.15435854

LEL of course they do profit it's why it's powerful

>> No.15435866


>> No.15435867

These threads smell really bad. Fishy.

>> No.15435868

These threads smell really bad. Fishy.

>> No.15435871

Bulls arriving

>> No.15435872

like ur mom pussy?

>> No.15435878


same fag? why , please rakesh go work

>> No.15435886

Add me @pleblife

>> No.15435962

Bought some ultra, it will have it's pnd like every project shilled here for the first time

>> No.15436596
File: 34 KB, 599x396, 654F2294-0531-42CE-B7EE-1669CBE046BC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holding UOS since 2 days

>> No.15436711

4k usdt bag. I’ll bite your ass if this doesn’t moon soon

>> No.15436779

Ultra is a solution looking for a problem and you people are looking for millions where there are none. Games and payment processing is practically set in stone.

>> No.15437268


Developers would rather sell a new copy to a new customer at full price, rather than make it easy to transfer a digital license at a reduced price.

Devs also want customers holding on to their games and not selling them, so that consumers can still purchase dlc down the road, and fill player lobbies so the online modes don't die out.

Furthermore, adding mario as your thumbnail is hilarious as nintendo, sony, and microsoft maintain their own digital store fronts. They would never give away that control.

So that only leaves PC, but as you already know with battlenet, origin, epic store, etc. Devs want their own control and create their own storefronts instead of using steam as a middleman.

So this will go nowhere in the games industry. Just because the white paper might make sense to you as a consumer/investor, does not mean it makes sense for a dev and the games industry as a whole.


>> No.15437350
File: 97 KB, 591x390, KADKJA3AKD (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ultra will make me big moneeees!!! Buzz on twitter is also getting bigger!!!!!

>> No.15437375

Also, this thread will probably archive since the shills have no real rebuttal to the points I made.