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15419722 No.15419722 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15419742


Lying is extremely stressful and you have to keep track of all the lies and the followup lies too. It's distracting you from the charts.

>> No.15419775

Having sex with my wife while she was pregnant was extremely erotic. Definitely my great.

Do you find other girls more erotic or are you having trouble sleeping with her?

>> No.15419781

This. I do it all the time tho, how do I stop.. for example, first time at a summer job the guy asks me which semester I am and for no reason I say sixth and have to make up shit about my bachelor's exam.

>> No.15419874

To go to hell >>> YES!!!

>> No.15419932


You just stop. You have made a habit out of lying, now make a habit of telling the truth to people who won't use it as a weapon against you.

Lying against someone for no reason is an application of force as you remove their ability to make choices based on facts. However, lying to someone who wishes to hurt you is self-defense.

A side-effect of being truthful is that you'll be much less likely to do things you'll have to lie about later.

>> No.15420038

Yes. You already secured a child with your wife. Now if you want to maximize your reproductive fitness you have to impregnate someone else.

>> No.15420080

doesn't she want to lay on top of the fetus and get fucked in the ass?

>> No.15420099

Fuck off Branden

>> No.15420127

Cheating of any kind is hedonistic and degenerate. Pleasure is not a virtue, discipline is a virtue

>> No.15420161

Have sex.

>> No.15420186

kek last week I told the gf I was travelling for work, met friends and went to the club where we met 3 girls, one is a cutie one is a shemale one is a pregnant girl in her 8th month... we let chance decide who's fucking who and the chad got the shemale, he pussied out at the last moment and didn't fuck her, another guy got the cutie and I was left with the pregnant girl, we fucked all night (i took a viagra before), morning they left directly to the hospital where she delivered, mfw I'm an experienced obgyn now

>> No.15420248

Nice. I fucked my wife a few hours before she delivered our 2nd child. I wonder if the doctors saw my cum in there.

>> No.15420430

You done goofed getting her pregnant to begin with. I'd say kill yourself and take a mulligan at life that way. Or ride till you die and enjoy the moment of the fruitlessness of life.

>> No.15420600

So when she finds out you're a cheater, she will literally rape you for every penny you have in child support

>> No.15420654
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This. Ultimately it's unhealthy, both mentally and physically taxing.

The peace of mind from pure love and respecting your significant other is like nothing else. Keep in mind, this requires you to find the EXTREMELY RARE type of girl who you can trust with all your heart and mind.

I've been in ~10 relationships, and only 2 where I felt I could completely 100% trust the girl I was with. If you're in a relationship and you're at the point of cheating, the relationship is ruined and can never be fixed. It's the truth nobody wants to hear; you can't come back from cheating/partner cheating. Literally impossible, the relationship will always be cucked.

>> No.15420694

Not saying you won't fun but eventually the party is gonna end and you'll have to face some realities

>> No.15420716

What if everybody wishes to hurt me?

>> No.15420738

I dont know man, her pussy was weird the last month.

>> No.15420840
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Fucking this. Lied to my gf about uni (amongst other things) when I first met her because I thought it would just be a one night stand with some hoe, now it's been 2 years and she's gonna be wondering why I didn't graduate and asks about my degree all the time. Bascially now I have to either lie again that I switched programs/dropped out because the laws of power demand never admitting to a lie for fucks sake.

>> No.15421320

In a just world pedos like you would be burned at the stake

>> No.15421381
File: 46 KB, 400x611, totally not Baohomet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wanted to say prostitutes make me fuck money, but no, unless the other girl is on pills so you dont get to pay for 2 kids

>> No.15421405

based and defensepilled

>> No.15421411

Is there no one in here that actually cheated on his gf ? I'm really thinking about it, cuz the sex with mine is like a once a month thing, and she literally never is in the mood and also isn't into all to the degen stuff I'm into. But I'm kind of scared to break up with her and I also know she would never cheat on me, but god damn, I need to have some degenerate fucking sessions once in a while. What do ?

>> No.15421452

>the chad got the shemale, he pussied out at the last moment and didn't fuck her
Dude is a fag if he can't fuck a shemale.

>> No.15421577

I get the urge to sleep with other women about once every week or two. I have cheated on the past, but the stress and paranoia is usually not worth it. At the same time, I hate that I can't shake the feeling of wanting to have sex, but I refuse to pay for it so I usually just masturbate and look at charts. If you already want to have sex with other women, supposedly that is normal but going the rest of your life wanting tu fuck other women while in a relationship doesn't sound viable.

>> No.15421589


>> No.15421598

>Sex once a a month
>Never in the mood
Imagine being for years with someone who doesn't like sex. You're wasting your virility. and that's bad for you, it fucks you up mentally. Each time she refuses sex you feel like she's rejecting you.
Dump her and find someone who has sex drive. If you don't have kids together there's nothing preventing you from breaking up with her.