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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15416556 No.15416556 [Reply] [Original]

How normans cope being so poor? Everytime I go out I see them being so happy about their life, they smile just like they just got their dick sucked by a top model and their portfolio made a +30% during the day.

I'm 26 and I have a net worth of 240,000$ and I feel fucking poor, everyday I wake up angry because I'm trying to get richer and because the girls I fuck are nowhere close to be top models, they all have tattoos, they smoke and they are somehow feminists - literal garbage.


>> No.15416563

Die sad, richboi.
You have to earn happiness

>> No.15416573


You are pathetic. Go take some redpills

>> No.15416577

$240k is still salary tier slavery, come back to us when you've made your first 10mill x

>> No.15416579

You are too attached to your material possessions

>> No.15416581

I did not have a father, may be that's why?
I will never be happy?

>> No.15416597

I know in the US you have monopoly money but actually in my country a sunny delight bottle won't cost you 17$

>> No.15416620

lmao, a lot girls without tattto which love adolf hitler and dont smoke and dont drink

>> No.15416662


buy a nice rural house with a bit of land and start a family.

>> No.15416682

With a thot? No thanks
I need a lamborghini and a 300sqm loft in the capital

>> No.15416712

because you dumb cunt, like everyone on here you fell for the kike crack cocaine which is money.

Sure , having millions is nice for all the material things you can buy, but you cant buy REAL life things with it. Theres a statistic out there where people earning above 50k pa dont get any happier, there are a tone of phrases circulating around forever to indicate this

'money cant buy you happyness'
'mo money mo problems'
'money cant buy you love'


You preoccupied all your time with chasing money like a drug addict and now you dont know how to enjoy shit anymore, all that matters is the addiction. No fancy food will ever taste quite perfect, no expensive bottle of whiskey will really be appreciated. no vacation will really be enjoyed or relaxing whilst your snapping fotos constantly to rub in others faces on social media.

your just nothing, you have no hobbies, no interests, no pursuits that are part of your character.

All you are is the drug thirst of money, and the material bullshit associated with it.

>> No.15416728

t. truth


>> No.15416753

It won't make you happy

>> No.15416765

They all read the same self help books and therefore act the same. The revolution will not be televised.

>> No.15416905

All you need is within yourself.

>> No.15416978

You should kill yourself

>> No.15416992

>My bright multicolored currency is real money
>The world's reserve currency is Monopoly money
I guess it is in the sense it completely dominates world trade

>> No.15416994

Unironically this

>> No.15416995

I don't think this really has to do with your money situation. I'm a poorfag who wages everyday and I basically have the same feeling, I don't understand how everyone else can stroll through all of this on autopilot.
>Just bee yourself

>> No.15417003

I don't remember subscribing to the blog of a fagot, wtf

>> No.15417082

Net worth of 1.4m at 29 and all it cost me was having a personality and hobbies.

>> No.15417115

How do we fix this?

Currently 30 years old, made some money, am back in school, just started an anti-depressant, trying to exercise and have been starting to feel a bit more human, but am far away from normalcy.

Any tips, fren?

>> No.15417143

>the material bullshit associated with it.
The first 250k isn't material bullshit. Shelter and food are the lowest level on the hierarchy of needs.

>> No.15417300

actually truth

>> No.15417338

You work with what you have, if you've never come close to living a super fancy lifestyle then it's something that stays as a fantasy. Also the Average Joe today gets access to a lot of luxuries that most people wouldn't have dreamed of 30-40 years ago.

>> No.15417343
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I don't care about your fucking motivation quotes you coping poorfags

I don't care about inseminating a 5/10 with a butterfly tattoo

I hate your life and I hate mine

I asked what did I need to subscribe to the fancy gym just downstair and the wagecvck answered me, the guy was a ginger imagine the kind of landwhales he has to fuck to get laid

and this guy looks happy of his shitty lifestyle wtf

>> No.15417355

You sound like an absolutely insufferable human. I hope you make it so you can isolate yourself away from society.

>> No.15417362

OP is a larping tranny

>> No.15417377

I will bring you with me when I will decide I want to leave this earth dumb normie

>> No.15417417

From both sides of this perspective, the motive comes from a void to be filled. It’s just filtered differently for each people, but nonetheless it is all a distraction from you to fill the content of your soul. Something that money won’t ever fill, it is just that money makes life much easier to fill that void as long as your pursuit isn’t only on the money alone, then that blinds you from what’s really important, your own soul.

>> No.15417467

this desu af

>> No.15417492

t. wagie watching TV on a daily basis