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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15329745 No.15329745 [Reply] [Original]

What would that be worth to you?

>> No.15329865

It's worth literal billions of dollars, so you would be retarded to sell it.
And if you're selling it, that means it's not working.

>> No.15329904

never said i was selling. just wondering what people would pay.

>> No.15329968

you realize the more people that use the bot the less profitable it becomes?

>> No.15330032
File: 124 KB, 850x768, 4BE5A18C-F8A6-4A3F-B00E-A615D7D49256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow thanks for talking to us plebs on /biz/ while your money printing machine makes you a trillionaire.

>> No.15330088

nothing thats worse than trading common indicators

>> No.15330109
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>> No.15330126

what one year works might not work the next year.

t. been using trading bots since 2013

>> No.15330144

i agree nothing works forever.

>> No.15330506

op used it in the bullmarket and thinks hes a genius lol

>> No.15331266
File: 58 KB, 850x400, quote-if-you-don-t-find-a-way-to-make-money-while-you-sleep-you-will-work-until-you-die-warren-buffett-87-85-65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15331961

knowing how to write such a bot myself would be a lot more worth to me desu

>> No.15332096

It's definitely an advanced programming level.

>> No.15332139

are there any good resources to get into algorithmic trading, what is your background?

>> No.15332181

I want to create a triumvirate neural net bot, one trained with bull market data, other with bear market, and a third with all data.
BUY/SELL would be chosen on votes.

Will I make it?

>> No.15332195

False, I made one that wins 14/15 trades, but the one it loses sets me back about 50% of my profits. Ends up being about 0.50% per day of profit. It doesn't compound so it's not worth billions

>> No.15332232

Yes the risk to reward percent ratio also has to be positive overall.

>> No.15332261

Sounds like a good idea. Only way to know is run it live and see how it goes.

>> No.15332335

Pick a programming language and a trading platform. Go from there.

>> No.15332352

why not make one neural network out of the three by connecting them to an additional output layer?
You would still be training them on different inputs but you would adapt the voting process

>> No.15332408

not sure neural networks alone can make sense of random noise.

>> No.15332431

programming language would be python, but are there any frameworks i should know about? Also are there any algorithms you consider indispensable for this, I had some courses in numerical analysis and nns but only from the perspective of a physicist.

>> No.15332733

Etheroll has a 1% house advantage and the owner makes ABSOLUTE BANK so you fucking tell me OP with a 10% win rate favored to win

>> No.15332893

lol you will never win in the long run.

>> No.15332915

Win rate doest mean anything if you dont tell us the avg. R:R

>> No.15333045
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please be real

>> No.15333198

I made a trading bot using machine learning in Python. In simulation and WITHOUT TRADING FEES it would make +60% per week. With the fees it did -99% per week. I cried blood over learning on how to do that. Note, I already have da programming background. It's the ML part that was hard.

>> No.15333221

great, so will it give me a 60% win rate in eating ass or actually making money? you're a faggot OP.

>> No.15333224

Anon, I want you to consider the arrogance of your post. Did you really think you would become rich with a little ML self-teaching and some python ability? Thousands of talented Comp-Sci PHDs exist. You don't think any of them would want to create an Algo bot to make themselves money so they wouldn't have to wagecuck? You don't think there haven't been brilliant people throwing time and money at the same problem you tried to solve?

>> No.15333251

>theres smarter people than you so stop trying to apply yourself

>> No.15333256

There are bots with 70% return. Gotta meet in person to buy.

>> No.15333266
File: 17 KB, 785x757, wojakindian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, you should apply yourself to a problem you can actually solve. Stop being a brainlet

>> No.15333276

Only 60?
All the bots I use Always make profit and I let people use and install them for free. Even notifies out telegram

>> No.15333365

https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/israeli-made-stink-bomb-doesn-t-deter-indian-protesters-1.5437095 yes it's real

>> No.15333386

>The Indian tolerance for smell, it appears, is too great for the almighty "Skunk." The test was carried out in Delhi, a dense megalopolis known well for its colorful stenches emanating from overflowing landfills, public toilets and the like.