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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15292403 No.15292403 [Reply] [Original]

how do i get a job. seriously i need help, i'm a huge sperg and i have no skills

>> No.15292430

before we can give good advice we need to know how old and how gay are u?

>> No.15292439

19 and not very gay at all

>> No.15292445

you in school?

>> No.15292461

well if gay shit is off the table you better learn some skills. find something you at least think is sort of interesting and learn it. school isn't always necessary. there's a lot you can teach yourself if you are determined to learn

>> No.15292484

>no skills
not going to uni? get an apprenticeship. look for office based engineering ones if you don't want a trade.

>> No.15292608

no. i applied for some schools but none of them accepted. i fucked around too much in high school

>> No.15292765

how do you get into one? will they take anybody?

>> No.15292780

go to community college, get As you fucking idiot, and only As. Then get a student job which is cushy and easy af and you're already a step ahead of the labor worker only 6 months - 1y in school.

>> No.15292786

Are you black?

>> No.15292812

as a sperg a remote job is best. learn to code make a portfolio and do contract work

>> No.15292821

i've pretty much abandoned college as an option. i don't care to piss away thousands of dollars for a degree so i can finally start working in a field i don't really care about at age 30

>> No.15292895

community colleges are cheaper. try applying for a pell grant--if you or your parents are poor, you'll likely get money. sometimes even more money than your tuition, which you can take as a refund and use freely

>> No.15292941

i was eligible for some federal aid but not enough to make it worth it. i'm in a fucked situation, my only options are retail and restaurant jobs pretty much. i know i'm not in a place to be choosy but i really don't want to do that shit for the rest of my life

>> No.15292954

What do you mean the gay shit is off the table? We live in dire times

>> No.15292969


>> No.15293068

I wasted 2 years traveling.. Some of the best adventures of my life. I'm 22 back in school now with an internship.

>> No.15293099
File: 34 KB, 680x591, cheerspepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fake a resume. most $20/hr jobs don't even care about references. just compose yourself well, throw in a couple of big words/lingo to make you sound like you know what you're talking about, and show confidence even if you don't have it. look up some confidence/social interaction tutorials online if you can't figure it out yourself

>> No.15293261

lol i'll try anything. what sort of jobs does this work for

>> No.15293621
File: 7 KB, 230x219, heh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work as a tutor because of a fake resume. I'm certain this would work for data entry, IT, and sales. just remember they may ask probing questions (i.e. how long did you work in IT? What did you do?) and you have to be able to answer without hesitation. Try some diversion tactics like telling a story so that you can get them away from probing further on shit you never did.

>> No.15293666

What type of job?

Post your anonymised cv

Practice interview answers aloud. Use STAR technique

>> No.15293745

any job that pays a living wage for a single guy. i don't have a cv, i've got literally nothing to put on it

>> No.15293781
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Speak confidently but be humble, slightly above average. Try to express enthusiasm at first when you apply for jobs. Look clean and adult-like.

Most importantly of all, apply to jobs at all times. Be ready to move for a job. Do what must be done. Good luck!

>> No.15293794

You'd have to study IT to pull that off..

>> No.15293816
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>he's never worked at help desk before

>> No.15293924


>> No.15293956

Retard you're still young. Go to a community college for 2 years, work hard, get a job, and then apply for a state university for your last 2 years.
It's not difficult. You will be slaving away at McDonalds the rest of your life otherwise.

>> No.15294002

I'm looking for feudal style serfs to work my land. Do you think you can produce and are you willing to concede my right to prima nocta?

>> No.15294025

i flunked my way through all of school. i'm legitimately retarded, it'd be a waste of time and money. i wouldn't know what to study anyway

>> No.15294044

Pull yourself up from your bootstraps son. The first place i walked into i got a job. That was with at&t 50 years ago. I never went to college but ive been a project manager for the entire east coast for the last 25 years. Ive got 3 cars 2 homes and take 3 week vacations every year plus a pention. Just walk in to a place and give them a firm handshake youll do fine.

>> No.15294070

If you cant earn more by working a better job, you can always earn more by investing a portion of your income in the stock market.

>> No.15294091

People think being a serf is so bad but you get to keep what you produce except a tax and just because I have the *right* to prima nocta doesn't mean I'll use it. Consider it.

>> No.15294097

t-thanks grandpa
yeah this is the plan. i like to live frugally anyway so i don't need much. i'm just having a hard time getting a job in the first place

>> No.15294098

Have you considered getting experience as a 4chan janitor?

>> No.15294110


Sorry boomer, getting jobs is a lot harder now then in the 60s - 70s.. zoomers are now competing against a bunch of pajeets and immigrants that will do anything for a job.

>> No.15294130

There is no point to working today

>> No.15294198
File: 20 KB, 480x480, 1565944276406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your parents are going to die one day and free gibs are going to run out. NEET era will come to an end. Might as well start accumulating wealth today.

>> No.15294221

should i abandon all my principles and vote yang

>> No.15294239

That's unfair. I got the right to be treated with dignity and for that I mustn't be employed

>> No.15294256

Why aren't you even considering serfdom? Brainwashed by Hollywood movies about muh freedom? What's so bad about serving greater men?

>> No.15294271

Even if Yang wins he will not keep his promises. Might as well keep your soul pure.

>> No.15294292

if i wanted to be a serf i'd go work for amazon

>> No.15294346


>> No.15294369


Just do construction bro.

>> No.15294408

Hey Bro, I understand your problem.
I've something new for you. If you wanna learn this and started to taking action after this. I think you don't need job anymore.
If you wanna know more then click here : https://fossaeet.com/make-money-online-without-any-skill

>> No.15294436
File: 372 KB, 1197x1200, 1565735670259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like a scam.

>> No.15294439

i ain't clicking that shit nigga

>> No.15294452

POTUS isn't king--he can't just give you free money. he needs congressional approval which will absolutely never happen

>> No.15294731

You'll have to start with something that doesn't pay well, and go from there.

>> No.15295378
File: 17 KB, 500x326, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take out loan
>choose CS, EE, or ME
>apply for internships after year 2
>finish degree and choose best offer based on least amount of time per week while enough to pay the bills, save, and invest in link
>use free time to work on passion
>after you become an expert on your passion quit and sell some of your massive profits from link and waging to put into various index funds
>2050s you can be with your anime waifu in DDVR
>2051 May 22, 4:23 UTC asteroid destroys the world so it was all pointless anyways

>> No.15296452

A few options
Learn front end develop

>> No.15296473

search your country + apprenticeships. often they're listed on a government website. some will but you need to show you're willing to learn. fake being eager.

>> No.15296570

>check resume
>3 years of experience as 4chan janitor
>into the trash it goes

>> No.15296930

Take online courses:
