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15290395 No.15290395 [Reply] [Original]

>Both parents in 60s
>one has type 2 diabetes the other has liver issue
How much longer until I collect my giant inheritance and can finally start living my real life bros?

>> No.15290413

OP is literally the prodigal son.

>> No.15290422

now comes the fun part where your fat useless sick parents blow all their money on medical expenses and frivolous things as they slowly die. Oh and then you gotta pay for their end of life care. this is the fate of every faggot sitting around waiting for their inheritance. enjoy

>> No.15290435

Can't boomers just die and not take all the resources of this country down with them?

>> No.15290461
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if that's your attitude in life i hope your parents squander it all away

>> No.15290503
File: 92 KB, 500x667, 1451257559125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your parents wasted the latter half of their lives raising your sorry ass 'til adulthood.
Now you're just gonna sit there and wait for their deaths instead of making all that effort worth it.
Not only am I better than you, my parents are also better than yours.
Feels good.

>> No.15290509

I'm in similar position but grandparents are in 70's, mom just recovered from 2yr treatment, father died 7yrs ago and I am only working person who has to pay all bills. I bet your parents will live longer than you with that approach to life

>> No.15290518

>tfw mom is very overweight, getting up their in age
>have tried everything to get her to diet and lose weight
>heartattack waiting to happen
I dont want to lose my mom so soon friends

>> No.15290529

Imagine having to wait for your parents to die to make something of yourself.

>> No.15290549

>making something of themselves
Funny joke. There is no avenue to greatness other than to hope your boomer idiot parents had the foresight to realize all their anti-white bullshit would need money for you to survive it.

>> No.15290559

>Proclaims loudly how anyone shilling a legitimate project out of greed is an intrinsically evil person, and should be cleansed in genocidal wars
>Proceeds to discuss the death of their own bloodline as a means of gaining profit

Dafuq is wrong with you? Go enjoy what time you have left with them, jesus fuck.

>> No.15290578

>start living my real life bros?
Good god man

>> No.15290598

you can try cooking her healthy nutricious meals that fill up without having too many calories, perhaps taking her fat ass on walks regularly together

>> No.15290734

OP here maybe a new I'd. I did make it once, but then I lost everything and it's partially their fault. Now I am too tired to try to and make it again. Pls understand.

>> No.15290787

father 60;
drinks a liter of vodka daily, 3 packs of cigs
mother 55;
drink 6~8 beers daily, 3 packs of cigs

I hope they have an heart attack and die fast, it looks like the most peaceful way to die for them. Question is, when ?

>> No.15290809

About 30 years as long as there's no improvements in medicine in that time

>> No.15290826

That means you will have those same problems anon

enjoy ur short life

>> No.15290832

My parents won't even have anything to leave as an inheritance. What a disaster. I hope to reverse this multi-generational curse on my family.

My siblings are all worthless, too. I'm the only one even trying to do anything about it.

>> No.15290833

What I would give to have them back

>> No.15290886

25-30 years op

>> No.15290900


My inheritance was like 2k from my father, the rest was used all in his caregiving because he was bedridden

>> No.15290928

Interesting. My story is I fucked up in university, for a multitude of reasons (lack of focus and disregard for authority).

My current prospects are low as a result. I've worked at McDonald's before (while in university, ironically when I was doing my best - I was in the top 5% of one of my Accounting courses back in 2014), didn't like the shift managers and didn't really receive proper training when I first began. I'd prefer not to go back there.

My parents don't really understand how grades impact employment chances, they just think that a degree makes you qualified.

I'm currently doing a vocational business administration course, which supposedly will teach me more about mirosoft office 365 and I'll start applying to entry level jobs soon.

I'd like to go back to university to do a conjoint degree of Compsci/Mathematics, and before that I'd like to learn the basics of tools, carpentry, and electronics. I'd like to become a teacher, I think.

My parents think that's a bullshit waste of time, so I believe I'll only be able to move towards that goal, once they die. Until then, I need to find some job to occupy myself, gain independence, and interact with people more, not necessarily something white collar either. Not really fussy, just want to do something.

>> No.15290952

Lucky you. Mine are spending it all on 6 foreign holidays a year. (While I still don't have a house or child in my 30s..).

Tbh though I get where they're coming from. Boomers are living very long now with medicine and "care" homes etc. If they don't spend it, the govt will just take the lot, either before death to pay for care, or after death as inheritance tax.

>> No.15290981

>My parents don't really understand how grades impact employment chances, they just think that a degree makes you qualified.
they are correct
>I was in the top 5% of one of my Accounting courses back in 2014
this means nothing
>I'd like to go back to university to do a conjoint degree of Compsci/Mathematics, and before that I'd like to learn the basics of tools, carpentry, and electronics. I'd like to become a teacher, I think.
you are retarded

>> No.15291057

You seem to have a good work attitude, so that should help you in the long run, though , at times it will seem like it is not helping.

>> No.15291079

It means nothing now, as it happened so long ago. But you don't realize the work that went into that, which I can understand because you're not me. If you've made something of life (which you perhaps have, judging by the attitude of your response), then I'm happy for you.

>> No.15291082

Convince parents to open up a joint account and "inherit" their assets before they die.

So far I convinced them for the joint accounts, but no luck with the real estates. Father is living the NEET dream,"retired" at 40 with the passive incomes.

>> No.15291159

OP is just trying to rustle jimmies, not sure why you guys always take the bait. You haven't noticed this thread popping up daily?

>> No.15291231


bro, bullshit your way into a job, the grades is just to cut applicants out, there is no way to guarantee quality through that because all universities are different

also don't seek jobs through your uni or trade school, seek outside, those places are nepotistic as fuck, they obviously ask for grades in job offerings from trade schools because they know nobody will apply at all

I guarantee that the time you will waste learning tools carpentry and electronics won't help you get a job at all, if you already have a degree just use it to qualify in something and bullshit your way in, then learn as you go

>> No.15291261

They are going to reverse mortgage and use the money for medical treatments to live another 20 years and you will inherit the debt

>> No.15291322

The hands on stuff I mentioned are things I have an interest in. I once used linux commands to Execute a python program I had stored on my raspberry pi. The raspberry pi was hooked up to an electronics breadboard setup that would make a DC motor spin (which MIGHT sound complicated, but it actually isn't).

The done side to my curiosity is that it makes it hard for me to focus on "relevant" things. I struggle with planning and achieving goals.

>> No.15291381


Yeah i know what you are talking about, actually any engineer career will teach that arduino/raspberry pi stuff and C# for engines and shit, let me you tell something, jobs are bullshit and most of the stuff you will do is easy as shit compared to anything you learn in college or uni, just get the job by any means possible and learn inside of it, you would be surprised how many people working everyday with administration don't even know how to use a excel sheet and think python is fucking alien

>> No.15291478

How do I get a job where I learn inside of it when I'm lucky to even get a pizza delivery job.

>> No.15291494


you said you had a degree right? some accounting shit? if you don't have a degree get some qualification that doesn't takes more than a year or two to get

>> No.15291498

I'm not that guy, but I do have a Bachelor's. It hasn't helped me so far. Then again, I have left 4 jobs with only one of them being me quitting by my own volition.

>> No.15291516

You're a worthless piece of shit son and I hope they donate everything to charity because you certainty don't deserve it.

>> No.15291547


times are hard, it's not all your fault, don't let those boomers get you

>> No.15291560

I thought similar to you about degrees but there is so much stuff on the internet now, there are even uni level courses for a fractiin of the price that you can do while you work. Big companies recognise some of computer courses.

If you get another degree it can look to an employer that you never want to leave school.

I hope your relationship with your parents gets better, they are probably worried for your future, but sometimes parents can get too intense I guess they feel like they need to fix things. Hopefully they will see you as a man once you are working full time and independant of them.

>> No.15291583

It's not the boomers at this point anon... it's my money. The boomers aren't helping though.
I just told my Dad I was considering doing pizza delivery (my brother says it pays pretty well and since you're driving all the time you don't have a manager breathing down your neck) because I need a job and he said "oh no, don't do that, you'll get in a crash and have to cover the whole thing because insurance doesn't cover commercial usage," because he still thinks I'm working my shit minimum wage security job 30 minutes away. Which yeah, I guess I deserved to get fired from that one, but it still left a sour taste in my mouth.

The only other companies that call me in for interviews are sales positions, but not even good sales positions, the scammy Indian companies that try to break you down and make you sell shit products that don't sell.

>> No.15291772

I finished uni recently and graduated with a pretty shit classification because i had pretty much given up during my 2nd year and was going through the motions. Both interviews i recently had for entry level jobs didnt even ask what i got in my degree (accounting) but were really impressed with the background research i had done on them. Just put some effort into preparing for the interview and sound enthusiastic then you have a good chance. Got a phone call within a few days of the interview and managed to get a job in financial services dealing with client accounts at a fortune 500 company. It's probably slightly lower position than where i could've been had i tried harder for grades, but i accepted i'd have to do that since i fucked up in the first place. Just have to graft a bit harder now.

>> No.15291881

See I've tried all that and no one even bites. I don't know what the fuck I've been doing wrong unless I've been blacklisted somehow.

>> No.15291973

If you're not even getting to an interview stage with a degree and previous work experience for entry jobs in your field, i'd suggest taking a look at your CV since it's probably not even getting through the clearing phase. I last worked a job 3 years ago part time before uni but my CV is very good at selling myself despite that. Had it professionally reviewed and luckily have a parent who knows a lot about what makes CV's stand out. Didn't take long before i had people contacting me through agencies without even applying for stuff. Get yourself signed up with a bunch of agencies and they will do the searching for you.

>> No.15292003

Got any specific suggestions. I mean my stepmom is a hiring manager for a company and I had her review it and she said "yeah this looks like a really good CV to me." And yeah even though I have that previous work experience I've had to uh... fudge the numbers a bit, especially how long I've worked at some jobs. I have no work experience in my field.

Any agencies that you know of that would be of any help, I would be glad to know about.

>> No.15292102

Not sure where you're from but just look up recruitment agencies in your area and tell them what you're looking for. Get signed up with couple and see what they come back with. Ask them for any tips on how to improve your CV since they get thousands and know what to look for. I booked meetings with a couple to sign registration forms, they send my CV to companies they're hired to find people for and had interviews with them before long

>> No.15292147


>> No.15292156

You adamantly believe they aren't total pieces of shit when we all know boomers just can't help themselves