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15269577 No.15269577 [Reply] [Original]

I have never had sex at 22 years old, but I have over 300k in crypto and stocks. Yep, it's easier to be a millionaire than have a girlfriend nowadays.

>> No.15269591

Just get married bro

>> No.15269595

I grew up in a rich area where I was the only kid I knew who wasn't circumcised. I was embarrassed and said no to multiple girls in hs because of this. Lost virginity at 18 in college though. I'm $100k in debt 25 yo with an engineering degree making 70k.

You're presence must really make others uncomfortable.

>> No.15269601

It’s okay Anon, I was in the same boat as you since last year. You should get out and do more hobbies, or have friends introduce you to someone if you’re close. May not work, but some ideas. And remember your biggest enemy is yourself. Godspeed lad.

>> No.15269605

Never put pussy on a pedestal, 90%of women are garbage never reveal your networth to anyone, suck my dicc

>> No.15269620

Also this. More money more problems.

>> No.15269660

Money Over bitches, ALWAYS

Log into tor and buy some drugs if you're bored

>> No.15269680

But you're not a millionaire.

>> No.15269682

absolute state of mutilated americans

>> No.15269702

99% of attractive women are shit anon I envy you

>> No.15269707

I'm a FUCKING virgin, how do you envy me.

>> No.15269762

You are really well off for your age, anon. Congrats.

Regarding women, just hit the gym and dont be a creep when approaching them. Not hard.

>> No.15269780
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I guess that's why they're called mutts.

>> No.15269910

Take a solo trip to Thailand for a few weeks. You'll go back home with a higher body count than 95% of men your age.

>> No.15269972

spend 300k on an escort

>> No.15269995

send me half your stack ill tell you how it feels

>> No.15269998

You are neither

>> No.15270069
File: 481 KB, 1044x663, Screenshot_20190811-144330_Omnichan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Send me your discord if you want some dating advice or something, I'm pretty bored. It basically boils down to being confident and talking to a lot of girls, plus taking care of yourself physically.

>> No.15270085

I find it hard NOT to have a GF. After easy casual sex, girls usually want relationships with me and try guilt tripping me into them. You must be very undesirable OP.

>> No.15270141
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I'm a bit jealous. A super fat girl bailed on meeting me today, would have been my first meet/date off these dating apps.

>> No.15270407

I've had sex twice and im 22 and live with my parents with 150 dollars in my savings

Please swap lives with me

>> No.15270421

Can confirm, ignoring life stealing parasites has the alarming side effect of financial success and then later regret.

>> No.15270581

don't get obsessed with having sex. get good pictures and go on some dating apps and try to find a gf. It'll feel a lot better to have sex if you love the person

>> No.15270669

I've never had sex at 37 year old but have 150k in crypto. Should i suicide?

>> No.15270788

27 year old khv reporting in with $290K in boomer stocks and cash.

The pussy market is more inflated than the stock market is 2019.

>> No.15270804

It really isn't all that hard. So many fat bitches would love your attention right now.

>> No.15270828

Don't give up. Try it again.

>> No.15270849

Correction, you are a millionare cause you don't have a Girlfriend, believeme if i weren't married ill be pretty much rich to women are leeches

>> No.15270863

Do you realize that an erect penis looks the same cirmcumsed or not?, unless you have phimosis.

>> No.15270884

why are you so repulsive?
>have disicipline to make 300k but cant fix yourself up

>> No.15270938

ive got your solution, i want $20 and better hurry up bc i can live without that money but idk you without fucking

>> No.15270955

this. women cost an insane amount of money especially when you are dating.

>> No.15271044

Saddest thing is Sex doesn't worth it at all i could get sex with a hooker or even a booty call Dating her marrying her and now having a children with her cost me every fucking penny i have and i don't feel fulfilled in the sligthest its sad af i try to warn as many youngters as i can "dating and marriage are a fucking scam" but nobody listen.

Believeme you don't want love all you want is sex, get a good roomate who share interest with you and use hookers or booty calls for sex and i can assure you that would make you 1000 times happier that being married to a bitch who only cares about how much money do you make and how much of that money she can use on the kid she basically forced you to have.

>> No.15271064

>Your mouth is square
>Your mouf square
>Your square
Anon i...

>> No.15271073

Doesnt count if you pay for it

>> No.15271095

I banged around 20 "civilians" and 20 hookers over time and I hate working. Trust me, I'd rather be a millionaire. Pussy can be overrated as fuck sometimes and the ones that aren't will make your life miserable until you dump them

>> No.15271100

Honestly there are ways to change this. I'm a relationship therapist and I work with people on this problem. Do some research and see a reputable person about this. We can help.

>> No.15271158

Where would this easy casual sex come from if you never left the house besides work and didn't use dating apps? It's about personality really. I don't put myself out there at all, I'm pretty schizoid. I had a couple gfs and always ended up ghosting them because their text messages, calls and desires to hang out annoyed the fuck out of me. I regret it now but I just wanted to fap and play video games.

>> No.15271227
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I literally just did. Matched a girl, told her what I thought was a funny story, and she flipped out on me in the chat calling me a dick and saying she couldnt believe anyone would start a convo with that kind of story. I think I might have autism.

>> No.15271246

It's ok anon, go travelling and find a wife overseas. You don't want to lose 40 billion in a divorce.

>> No.15271442
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>> No.15271628

>the kid she basically forced you to have.

I'm sorry did she rape you or something ?

>> No.15271636

I have 85k link and im about to be a khv at 25

>> No.15271637

what are you 16? You got money, pussy should be easy as fuck to get. If you didn't get a "gf" young before she was corrupted by our modern world you fucked up. You are past the gf point fren

>> No.15271659


The virgin blackpill is also the Chad redpill

>> No.15271733

Genuine human interaction and empathy/affection is one of the things that money can't buy anon. The only difference between a poorfag trying to make it and a reclusive, lonely millionare that pays for bland sex is the disparity in wealth between the two and the fact that only one of them is deluded into thinking that money will transform all aspects of his life for the better.

>> No.15271993

get a hobby you dork

>> No.15272709
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Pathetic . Really pathetic anon.
Well you got 300k in crypto so what?

Go to your next starbucks or mcD and ask for a low end job so you get in contact with other Human beings and learn to talk with them.
If your lucky they also got some chicks as employee where you can learn to talk to them.
Cuz you sound a like a uber lowbob nerd.

Remember your doing the mcD job just for human interaction and not the money(and you basically earn my dividend but thats only a side effect)

>> No.15272779
File: 1.59 MB, 4032x3024, 5CCEB03E-1380-4817-8622-931EBE61077C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can confirm. Certified chubby girl slayer here. I’m ugly and unlikeable. I am also a 5’10 manlet. Fat girls are the equivalent of men 5’10 and under just accept it and be happy

>> No.15272884

Overrated strat.
I work food service for a pretty nice place and I’m still as good at talking to people as I was before.
Which isn’t as bad as OP, but I’m no Casanova and working didn’t get me to where I am socially.

>> No.15272896

You have to share the story anon, I gotta know what this was, maybe could tell u if she nuts or u

>> No.15272911


>> No.15272969

It's true, I usually have pussy if I desire it but crave more variety and that strat has not taken me there

>> No.15273027

I’m on mobile now and can’t crop screenshot. But basically she has a specific job “guidance counselor”. So after saying hi, complimenting her smile, I told her I had bad luck with guidance counselors because mine in high school didn’t send my transcript when I applied to college. I thought she was going to ask me about what happened next in the story but she just tore me apart. Told me it was most likely my fault and then told me she had a perfect record with her students and that I was a dick and couldn’t believe I would open with that. Then she made an opener but phrased it for my job to show me how inappropriate it was and called me a dick again.

>> No.15273693

literally the fastest way to lose half of everything you own.
worst advice literally ever.

>> No.15273712

so you matched with a cunt and because you have paper thin skin you took her seriously when you should have called her fat and then fucked off.

>> No.15273736

id swap situation with you anon 300k is worth more to me

>> No.15273745

Being a millionaire

>> No.15273755

you know in europe it is the circumcised kid who gets laughed at complete reverse. I remember laughing at a couple of our friends who had to be circumcised.

>> No.15273761

Was gunna post this but he beat me to it. 10/10 would pimp you any amount of pussy for cryptocashmoney. It's sad how all of us with plenty of one just want the other.

>> No.15273762

americans are jewed in literally every aspect of life hahahha

>> No.15273768

its probs cos shes embarrassed cos shes so fat

>> No.15273776

Gosh, straight cucks are so fucking embbarassing

The way you are chasing these pussies like golden trophies

I simply go on Grindr and find some dudes whose dicks I can suck off every weekend

They don't need my money

>> No.15273782

Sell some fucking crypto and get an escort then you fucking mongoloid

>> No.15273784


>> No.15274019
File: 10 KB, 184x184, f30440d73d3b374c3ae719bb5f7488358dfdcd09_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's all about personality
Cope. No it's not. It's all about genetics aka looks. If women do not show interest to you or you are having a hard time getting a gf, then it isn't your """personality""". It is your looks. Personality is nothing more but a cope for subhumans who can not accept the fact that they are being left out of the gene pool for a reason. Women are nature's eugenics program.

>> No.15274853

you have all that BECAUSE you don't have sex or gf's. it all went to shit after I fucked some chick, enjoy it while it lasts

>> No.15274908



you are fundamentally autistic and probably think that you are you some fucking cool hotshot limitless pill broker. You're not. congrats on making some short term gains (<10 years), but sustaining an actually livelihood from markets is totally different. You are investing while still living off of your parent's dime.

You will remain an incel because you are fundamentally a dweeb and need to focus on becoming more a chad.

>> No.15274909

this is not true. some men simply have a longer foreskin which will cover the head when erect unless manually retracted

>> No.15274945

You don't know what you are missing. It can be a lot of fun and it feels nice but it's not that amazing desu. Once you've achieved real goals and got over real hurdles you'll realize this.
The "have sex as your goal" meme is perpetuated by losers who haven't achieved anything in life except for putting their genitalia in some-one else's.

>> No.15275057

Underage, get out.

>> No.15275625


>> No.15275735

300k is nice for your age, but it isn't even close to 'fuck you' money

t. had way more than that and lost it all

>> No.15276007

damn I wish that was me

>> No.15276170

You are unironically having the wrong kind of sex (maybe even with a prostitute/whore/non-virgin; regardless of monogamy or polygamy). Whereas ironically, with the right kind of mindset, you don't need a real person to actually experience the right kind of sexuality, because the momentary delusion will do just fine. The only saddening thing thereafter will be your reflection on the lack of its reality.

Reading around on the internet today, I am also pretty sure that 99% of all humans alive are incapable of the right kind of sexuality.

>> No.15276205

Dw you will eventually realize sex is overrated
Keep accumulating
Me personally I would not fuck anyone even if they paid me for it

>> No.15276233

Your not missing anything bro. You know how woman tell you their hole is self cleaning? Well it isn't and it smells really bad 95% of the time. It gets literal fungus growing in it a least 3-4 times a year because woman don't take care of themselves.

>> No.15276262

premature ejaculation cope

>> No.15276291

Grab them by the pussy

>> No.15276305

I've never had sex at 22 years old, except I'm poor lmao.

>> No.15276320

Getting a girlfriend isnt that hard if you aren't an unbearable pussy

>> No.15276334

Sex itself isnt that great, what makes it.great is the person you're having sex with, being with someone is the real thing youre missing out on not the ability to wet your dick

>> No.15276349

Aim high as possible OP, even generic girls have inflated sense of self worth so your chances aren't actually much better, aiming too low also.hurts chances because the girls are fucking nuts. At the least dont go for a fat

>> No.15276360

5'7 chubby girl slayer here, can also confirm. Just get a bit of a gym body and eventually you'll graduate to better girls as you become more confident.

>> No.15276365

I almost cant believe this, post face pics, describe your usual day to day, what do your voices sound like, etc
Either you have an obvious flaw that could be worked on or you are a fucking hermit and have never for decades really tried to initiate anything

>> No.15276381

On dating sites girls have the power and are aware of it, also the most ruthless cock hungry girls will be there- you will encounter the worst of human beings and the most cunty girls alive. Even if you didn't do anything wrong. Take nothing personally

>> No.15276407

She was just a complete bitch, though in the future the very first thing you say to someone shouldn't be to tell them about a personal problem you had in high school
Imagine if every time you met people they introduced themselves with things that had gone wrong, its offputting
You definitely didnt deserve the response you got but people are cunts sometimes

>> No.15276425

Except that uncut lasts longer than mutilated, women orgasm more often with uncut, AND uncut enjoys their longer sex more.
Imagine how fucking brainwashed you have to be to think the function of such a specifically designed organ, your fucking sex organ, will be more functional after removing a massive moving piece

>> No.15276442

Way to misquote me dumb fuck

>> No.15276487

>tfw no matches

I dunno how you're supposed to slam when you live in mommies house. I'm 26, send help.

>> No.15276518

Absolute state of JEWED muts hahhahahahahahahah

>> No.15276534

>It's about personality really
>It's about personality really
>It's about personality really

>> No.15276555

Ok retard. Let me guess you told her a ‘A nigger, Jew and a tranny walk into a bar’ kinda joke, right? Go ahead spill it.

>> No.15276594

Hire a personal stylist.
Have her buy a 10k outfit for you.
Like magic, you'll spontaneously find a woman around your dick in a week or so.

>> No.15276701

>just give us your money goy
>we can help you get over your ugly face and autism
Fucking neck yourself

>> No.15277000

That makes sense. I thought it’d just be a funny story at the time since it related to her job, I’ll have to think more about how what I write is perceived. I’ll keep trying but this shit is not fun at all.