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15231132 No.15231132 [Reply] [Original]

Driving to work today, I was hit with an overbearing feeling of sadness and depression. Of course, this is nothing new. It hits me 3-4 times a week, and has been for the past three years.

How do people do it? My conclusion is that most people live paycheck to paycheck, so that fear and feeling of "hanging off a cliff" ironically keeps them energized and motivated to keep plugging away.

I live responsibly. Minimal expense. Zero materialism. Significant assets compared to my wage.

And it only makes me more depressed. More introspective. More internal screaming of WHY. WHY do I put myself through this, day after day, year after year. For my parents? For girls? To not fall behind my friends?

Indeed, I feel that the only answer is to make myself poor. To join the others on that cliff. Perhaps the meaning of "survival" is all that truly propels a person forward.

The pain is becoming unbearable. Incredible that I've held onto this feeling for six years now. Six years of daily misery and living "right", and all I have to show for it is my bitcoins and some 401k that I can't touch for another sixty years.

How do people do it?

>> No.15231677

Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal:
But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal:
For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

>> No.15232538

So basically become a neet, since my only treasures in life is gaming and 4chan

>> No.15232580

I did it for 10 years.
I'm no where near financially independent but i had to get out. I'm glad I did.
Now I collect trash for living. It pays no where near what I used to make but i get up when i want to and work whenever I want to. If I want to leave the house for a month and go travel, I can easily do that. Which I've done many times.

>> No.15232583

I don't know how they do it. I'm 3 years in now. I want to kill myself every single day. I miss being able to drive to work actually. Now I have to take a crowded subway with no seats for 2 hours. Every single fucking day.

>> No.15232599

That's awesome anon. I'm happy for you.

>> No.15232625
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Unironically kill your ego, cast aside all doubt, and place your heart in gods hands or whatever you believe in. We’re all gonna make it anon, just have faith.

>> No.15232649

dividend growth investing. my 401K and Roth IRA I can't tough until 65 and 59.5, respectively. However, my taxable accounts with the majority of my money provides currently $10K+ in dividends and another $8-$15K in capital gains, depending on the year.

Once I reach $30K in dividends (not including capital gains) I'll be financially independent and can work where I want, for whatever wage I want and not have to worry about much other than health insurance.

Meanwhile, the 15-20 years of my early retirement will allow my IRA and 401K's to grow organically. providing me additional retirement income.

>> No.15232671

People on the internet will never help you.

Stop wasting everyone's time and see a counselor/psychiatrist/shaman whatever.

>> No.15232796

Not the meaning I intended to get through but honestly I'm the same way except I'm broke. You are 100 times more responsible than me so I'm the last one to lecture you. Fallible as I am, looking for the life's meaning is not an issue for me though. It's Charity. If we can only look beyond ourselves and feel conscious of our fellow men like we're conscious of ourselves, we can experience transcendence. Personally, I can't stand people, have 0 friends, never had a gf in my 36 years, but I'll fake it till I make it.

>> No.15232836

I also collect trash but it's just piling up. It smells really bad too. How do I profit from it?

>> No.15232846

Whahaha lol buy another house you whiny faggot or dont tell me you bought a meme mansion in a hip neighborhood

>> No.15233007

The worst part is I don't have any time anymore. 'Oh but you finish work at 5! If you sleep at 11 that's loads of free time!'
Commute = 5-6
Cooking/daily chores/eating = 6-8
Oh look, 3 hours a day of freedom max. And that's if I don't have doctors appointments, errands to run, shopping to buy etc. And for what, a pension I can't touch until 2063?? I may well be disabled or dead by then. After my pension, insurance, tax, bills and rent I take home about 1000 a month. AND I'M NOT EVEN CONSIDERED A STRUGGLER/PEASANT HERE

>> No.15233026

500 a month, not 1000. If I moved back in with my family I'd save 1000, but then I'd have the added bonus of wanting to kill myself even more.

>> No.15233133

If I had a fucking mansion I'd sell it and live a free man in a fucking shed.

>> No.15233249


Life is not about charity. Helping each other when an opportunity arises, yes, that’s a good thing to do, but life has shown me that going out of my way to help others at my own expense usually backfires. Actually, it has always backfired and made my own life harder. One must find a balance between caring for the self and helping others.