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15157929 No.15157929 [Reply] [Original]

>spend year trying to get job
>finally get 9-5
>boss is toxic, putting me down
>hard labor so I’m tired when I get home
>depressed from boss and no energy from work
>just lie in bed
So is this my fate for the next 50 years? God how do wagies do this...

>> No.15157940

Try heroine

>> No.15157965
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>> No.15157980

Report him.

>> No.15157981
File: 244 KB, 750x1334, 477D180B-66E1-4B65-AEA9-6C692D15FFDE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t browse reddit though

>> No.15158017

I bet youre one of those leftie /pol/ faggots

>> No.15158026

I’m not though

>> No.15158042

Anybody who uses the word toxic in any way other than to describe chemicals should be euthanized desu

>> No.15158049

you sound like a lazy wannabe neet. if you actually wanted to succeed you would be working hard to improve yourself and make a good impression on your boss so he wont put you down any more and instead will give you a raise.

also this >>15158042

>> No.15158071
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It doesn't have to be

>> No.15158141

Seems you fucking incel won’t even let me have a conversation without going on about board culture, but all I know is none of you will be able to have sex in your lifetime

>> No.15158161
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>> No.15158206

Now I know why your boss picks on you. You must be quite the unlikable irritating little worm. I must day, your boss is pretty based asserting his dominance over you