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15147048 No.15147048 [Reply] [Original]

I'm curious.

>> No.15147057

Donate to right wing causes

>> No.15147065

Buy home
Browse chan
Buy plant

>> No.15147070

Any specific ones or just right-wing causes generally?

>> No.15147080

Build a soup kitchen or parish house or youth building or renovate a church or something then proceed to get my qt wife as pregnant as possible

>> No.15147083

Id like to try living in different cities. Maybe 1-3 months in different cities to try to find a place Id like to live long term.

>> No.15147092
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Move onto a mountain

>> No.15147096

Two chicks

>> No.15147097
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These are good answers. I hope each of you make it.

>> No.15147126

I'm mostly interested in equal opportunity rather than the en vogue "equal outcome" gospel so I'd be looking for a legitimate outfit that finds exceptional kids who for whatever reason have been otherwise looked over. Maybe they grew up in a rural area around people that have come to accept mediocrity and impress that on their kids. Or the kid grew up in a broken home where academic achievement was frowned upon. Shit like that. May not fit the media narrative of "right wing cause" but it is. I was helped like that in a more ad hoc way so I'd be into a more organized effort.

>> No.15147185

flex on my exes
im a pretty mediocre person

>> No.15147193

It’s a big IF, but I’d cover any outstanding debts, then find a humble dwelling for my girlfriend and me to settle into. Nothing crazy at first - just the necessities. After that I’ll help family and friends when I can. I keep a tight circle that would never conceive of exploiting my gains, so if I can help elevate them I will.

Oh, and I’d donate to the local rescue. Dogs are life.

>> No.15147230


Not sure how that’s a right-wing cause. Sounds pretty left-wing to me.

>> No.15147234

Huh. Interesting, that you called it a right-wing cause. I think that you're correct to say so, and I hope that you're successful.
That's wise Anon. Money can definitely twist people into monsters if you let it, especially friends and family.

>> No.15147253

Left wingers hate equal opportunity. Smacks of that dirty word "meritocracy". Equal outcome is all the rage these days which is as far from what I'm talking about as you can get. Economic conservatism is fundamentally based on the former and I'm personally all about it.

>> No.15147262


>> No.15147332
File: 229 KB, 489x471, 1A7F2039-00FE-48E6-B145-443941A142E6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I’m a leftist who, because I’m slightly to the right of the most extreme leftists, is definitely right wing by comparison
Go back.

>> No.15147364

pay off my credit cards and donate the rest to BLM

>> No.15147402

Do you have things you always wanted to do but couldn't find the time to commit to them because you had to work?
Yeah, I'm going to do that kind of thing. For me, those things involve making games, learning to draw, learning to play the piano, and learning some foreign languages.

>> No.15147405

I already do all of these things to some extent, but I am nowhere near my potential, and need a lot more fucking time to devote to them.

>> No.15147549


>> No.15147593

Buy a hapa qt in the Philippines and make babies on her. Have a garden and raise the kids as good Catholics.

>> No.15147608

Hookers and blow

>> No.15147616
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>> No.15147630

Im going to fund a bit of philosophy and espionage work I've been wanting to have done to learn. Depending on how that pans out I might try to economically dominate a small african nation or something and work from there. Who knows really, I just have too much shit I want to learn that will take people with different skills then me to figure it out. I want a harem of sergeys warlords cryptographers and linguists around me at all times though if I make it mostly.

>> No.15148194

Get a few more bags of VID and get another 130x return, rinse and repeat, never slow down.

>> No.15148210
File: 170 KB, 360x346, tenor (1)(2).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all the wait and heartache just to throw it away on that? lmao

>> No.15148436

Start a investment company.

>> No.15148473

If you're even thinking about replying to this thread and saying "Start a video game company"

You need to neck yourself immediately. Even if you somehow make a billion dollars, you'll never, ever make it in life.

>> No.15148475

Make anime sex dolls and sell them to all of you degenerate weebs

>> No.15148623

fund elon musk to make genetically modified catgirls