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15114346 No.15114346 [Reply] [Original]

Look faggots, if you’re nowhere near making it and you want to have a shot. Buy sub 5mil market caps. If not, you’ll just be a wagie in a cagie waiting for a bull run to happen. Yeah, link is cool but it’s near $1B mcap. Yeah sure, gains can be made but there are better opportunities that you should hedge with. All you have to do is find that one that does 50x to get the ball rolling. Use your heads. If you’ve made it, please disregard.

>> No.15114362

brapper is about to do a 10x minimum now that they have models accepting brap.

>> No.15114361

such as what

>> No.15114393
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>> No.15114412

Look for legit teams and coins that are ‘needed’.

Definitely not this garbage.

>> No.15114438

>buy sub 5mil market caps
The closer to 1mil, the better off you’ll be if it makes it. Imagine holding a small cap and having it go to a measly 50mil mcap. It will change your trajectory. But yeah there’s a lot of scams so due diligence is needed and if you land one then you’re set.

>> No.15114447



>> No.15114448
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>> No.15114473

coin lion?

>> No.15114488

Pnk volume is pretty low, haven’t looked much into it. Mitx has been performing well the last few months. Basically at its ath for the year. Not sure how it will pan out unless they have big news on the horizon. People may get tired of waiting and will take profits if they don’t give them a bone.

I have a suicide stack of this. Not sure how it will do but all things considered it could be US binance. Who knows

>> No.15114510
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>> No.15114529

what are you holding then bro
help a poorfag out

>> No.15114551

NOIA you idiots

>> No.15114606

Why does that need a crypto

>> No.15114653

I was just looking into it as well. I couldn’t see why it would be needed. “A programmable internet backbone” to speed us internet? Kinda lost here desu

>> No.15114660


>> No.15115122

Xbase and brap

>> No.15115136

I'm in this. It's amazing people don't want a micro-microcap just starting out.

>> No.15115186


>> No.15115206


>> No.15115223

>it’s amazing that people don’t want to buy a token named fart

this anon gets it

>> No.15115265
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>> No.15115277


>> No.15115284

Can you inform us as to why this token is needed?

>> No.15115307

Working with Cisco.

Major air drops are nice.

I believe it's updated routing protocols for internet traffic and Cisco likes it

>> No.15115320

The tokenomics are dogshit

>> No.15115366

Airdrops are terrible for any coin trying to be serious. What is Cisco doing with it?

>> No.15115402

They are designed to allow the token to grow in worth Chad

>> No.15115535
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>needed in quotes
is this because literally everything can be done with bitcoin

>> No.15115647

Coin Lion

>> No.15115844

Not everything can be done with btc.

>> No.15115864

What do you predict eoy price for LION

>> No.15115886
File: 3 KB, 225x225, xsn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Instant one-click private swaps between BTC, LTC, and now Tether via LN swaps. Goods payable with BTC can be bought with LTC, Tether, or XSN.
>Re-establishes privacy that LN routers potentially compromise while re-establishing privacy for otherwise-traceable BTC funds
>Truly decentralized DEX - run by MNs, secured by the network - that hosts every blockchain for every coin available for trade so the end-user doesn't need to download them individually
>Pioneered TPoS (trustless proof of stake) - stake 24/7 while your computer is off or even from cold storage
>Working to make TPoS a one-click option
>Trustless MN hosting services payable directly in XSN. Run several MNs while your computer is off and receive a 16% annual ROI in XSN
>DEX Aggregator that intends to pool together numerous other DEXes that suffer from low volume
>CCPoS - stake XSN, receive BTC, LTC, Tether
>Dedicated hardware division.
>Intending to pool MN hardware into a collective supercomputer secured by the network. The DEX is the first dApp.
>No KYC to use the DEX, perform LN swaps, or use any of the other features mentioned above.
The X9 Developers are working to obsolete centralized exchanges. They've routinely delivered on all their ambitious goals to do so.
They're doing it in a way that honors the original cypherpunks that built Bitcoin.
Stakenet is being built for the collective benefit of the entire space.

>> No.15115899

I can’t wait for everyone itt to lose their money

>> No.15115905


>> No.15115908

If the team follows through with their marketing plans and drives verified users after binance cuts US citizens off then it could go really high. I’d say low $.10 and high $.30. If it goes perfectly it can become binance US. I know binance is working on something for the US but real Americans won’t support a foreign coin ran by a deceitful scammer. Who knows what will happen. It’s extremely undervalued right now. It’s laughable.

>> No.15115918

Here’s the beta faggot of the thread. Have sex and let your nuts hang you little bitch.

>> No.15115925

brapper is fun, brapp that bitch

>> No.15116234

DEGO is the best one out there

>> No.15116324


>> No.15116428
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>> No.15116447

Brap is the biggest moon shot.

>> No.15116498

No, it’s not. It’s a shit token named fart. Whoever thought of the name and thought it’d actually be something should be curb stomped.

>> No.15116640

Stop shilling my buy orders arent fillet yet

>> No.15116736
File: 148 KB, 811x616, 7BB85A32-4DCC-4411-AB37-5A1D77B0AEE4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XNOS unironically

>> No.15117010

True, suckers spend huge amounts on camgirls. It's almost impossible that demand will not make this coin go up

>> No.15117045

NEXT Exchange fits this - easily should be $20-50 mil, real working product with US access, not even speculative DESU. Just a reliable, real working exchange with features that’s at $1.3 mil cap right now...

>> No.15117091

Why has nobody mentioned EVX?

>> No.15117113

>NEXT Exchange
lets see your bag

>> No.15117147

Because "sub 5mil mc" does not mean "a 2017 shitcoin which hasn't achieved its goals". We are talking about new projects with a bright future.
Sub 5m is too low imo. <15m is the sweet spot, and RSR is the gem in that category.
>It's almost impossible that demand will not make this coin go up
They have a lot of competition e.g. spankchain.

>> No.15117191


>> No.15117213

sub $100k mcap - by the time its 1mil mcap you already 10x

>> No.15117258
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Pnk is a chainlink copycat scam run by a bunch of baguettes. Kleros is the project, scammer is named clement lasaege, photoshopped a beard onto his own linkedin photo. yup sage.

>> No.15117295

6 fuckin milionz of NIMIQ.
Sminem god, pleas make it happens!!

>> No.15117996

Das it mayne

>> No.15118049

It's not like Chainlink at all

if anything it is complimentary
Buy PNK.

>> No.15118053
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Morpheus Lab

>> No.15118070

NKN or NOIA, both have mining working already, first mainnet second testnet but both are in advanced state and just will steadly increase from one listing to another because devs, tech and network are good.

>> No.15118138

Nobody has told me yet why NOIA token is necessary and/or useful. Still waiting

>> No.15119204


watch this - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-G2BC0tbTw

>> No.15119459


>> No.15119897

next 20x

>> No.15120330

bought this, please moon

>> No.15120350
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>> No.15120365

Definitely Unibright, easy 25x

>> No.15120584
File: 50 KB, 500x672, JAZZ IS MY LIFE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on UGAS, ZEBI, and SOUL?

>> No.15121885

Quite easy:
Ach bankintegration and portfolio management in the next update.

1 million usd mcap. Even the shadiest of exchanges have 10 - 50 million usd mcap

>> No.15122050

Okay I'll bite the bullet and invest in some shitcoins. What is the best market to use with the least chance of eventually getting goxed?

>> No.15122076

Buy xtnc on tradeogre

>> No.15122580


>> No.15122595

Poopies aren't bad
Farts aren't bad
The absolute rage that flows through your booty is what STINKS

>> No.15122644

>buy the porn crypto
>learn how to use wallet & exchange app
>my bags have been purchased by the porn conisuere

>> No.15122691


>> No.15122731

Zuckbucks is the only micro-cap worth accumulating right now. No alt-season without this taking off.

>> No.15122855

Definitely worth a suicide stack

I stay away from memecoins unless I’m there from the beginning
>this is the beginning
Fucking zuckbucks you can’t be serious man

>> No.15122991


>> No.15123019


like GET protocol

>> No.15123038

cap is a dying and manipulated meme

>> No.15123610

V-ID VIDT is one of the ultra rare crypto GEMs. Even though the project is at an early stage, it have real revenue and big clients who use their service. Thank me later!