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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15114239 No.15114239[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

i'm scared to go to work tomorrow

>> No.15114255

hes not an employee or anything

>> No.15114260

They'll be doing you a favor

>> No.15114262

He's fine it's just a flesh wound

>> No.15114294

Where do you work at?

Once had a guy spend literally ten minutes disarming before going into the store I work at due to our no gun policy.

>> No.15114319
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>> No.15114321

A ankle gun can be had for like $200 low end get you a piece wagie

>> No.15114333

Just move to a safe country with restrict gun-control laws

Plenty of them here in Europe

>> No.15114337
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>> No.15114365


>> No.15114369

The gunman should be given death. Cowardice is all the twerp knows. Shooting innocent people is beyond weak.

>> No.15114375

gets hacked by allahuakbar

>> No.15114416

They should be thrown into solitary confinement for 10 years eating nothing but cans of beans, corn, and rice. And only drink lukewarm tapwater. I always say this, but nothing scarier than a 17 to 23 year old. Full with uncontrolled rage and emotions. Where did this gunman get the idea that Hispanics will be taking over the United States? Did he believe what some retard wrote on a blog or a forum?

>> No.15114454

At least I can run away. Try running away from a rifle

>> No.15114460

he used his eyes

>> No.15114472

Hope he holds some link before he goes in

>> No.15114479


>be a wagie
>work at a shitty corporate store
>life sucks ass
>crazy white guy decides to shoot the place
>either die or try not to die being a wage cuck

>> No.15114487

All you have to do is look at demographic trends. Next year's census will confirm just how much American browning is accelerating. These kinds of mass killings will never stop as long as these trends continue. I am vehemently against any kind of violence but that won't stop impressionable youth from going to these measures.

>> No.15114499

>is it time to get up yet
Obvious fake shooting is obvious

>> No.15114501

>At least I can run away
Yeah you yuropoors are good at that

>> No.15114515

It's fake you dumb faggots

>> No.15114526


>> No.15114628

Yes, but does it matter? I guarantee you if it wasn't for blogs or old boomers talking racism and taking things to the extreme ("our race will be exterminated and we will be slaves!"), it wouldn't matter. You can barely tell the difference between an Italian, Turk, Hispanic, Native American. Makes no difference. America doesn't even have a distinct culture, unlike, Italy, Spain, or Germany. It's essentially impressionable idiots/kids getting swindled by older people who are more confident than they are in their rhetoric.

>> No.15114643


>> No.15114701
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>> No.15114721

He's going to be ok right guys? :(

>> No.15114734

>shootout on aisle 5

>> No.15114739

This country was founded with the understanding that nonwhites would be be barred from obtaining citizenship. I'm gonna be real with you when I say that we should have never expanded suffrage beyond white male landowners 21 and older. We've had our very identity stripped away from us and now the very groups that we gave rights to are trying to erase us from existence. This isn't something I'm accusing immigrants of consciously conspiring towards but it is definitely a deliberate conspiracy.

>> No.15114742

All it takes is one visit to /pol/ and they will be too far gone.

>> No.15114767

>"our race will be exterminated and we will be slaves!")
Yeah south Africa and Rhodesia are Mecca's of progress. Also
You mean southern Italians who have moor blood in them?

>> No.15114790

This. Moving to Utrecht to get rich on link while writing my novel in a cafe by the canals. Thanks dutchbros

>> No.15114793

White Americans in 50 years are going to be in a very bad place. We will be considered second class citizens because of the sins of our fathers. Roko's Basilisk is real but the original postulate did not account for the North Korean style of generational torment that we're going to see. Sorry if this is a disturbing ideology to you but from my perspective it's the logical forecast of where this country is going.

>> No.15114809

Try running from a truck

>> No.15114813

>You can barely tell the difference between an Italian, Turk, Hispanic, Native American
Nonwhite detected.

>> No.15114911

>This country was founded with the understanding that nonwhites
You took no part in the country being founded and why should anyone care what all those dead people wanted? It's like complaining about a video game being updated from the initial release after balance patches and additional content. "THAT'S NOT HOW THE ORIGINAL DEVS INTENDED, THIS SUCKS AND GAME IS BEING DESTROYED" Native Americans were here first anyway. Immigrants also bring good food, music, and art.

>All it takes is one visit to /pol/ and they will be too far gone.
Exactly. I used to read /pol/ and noticed getting caught up in the racism and extremes. Being angry and paranoid. LiveLeak videos and outrageous articles posted every day, which makes you believe it's common and around every corner. It rots one's mind.

>White Americans in 50 years are going to be in a very bad place. We will be considered second class citizens because of the sins of our fathers. Roko's Basilisk is real but the original postulate did not account for the North Korean style of generational torment that we're going to see. Sorry if this is a disturbing ideology to you but from my perspective it's the logical forecast of where this country is going.
Who is going to torment you, exactly? The current 12 year olds watching Twitch streamers and playing Fortnite?

>> No.15114921

This is all you need to read to realize that the media has an anti-white agenda.

>> No.15114941

You should start your novel now. At least get the first draft down. What's the plot?

>> No.15114967

We're good for now. You'll see what happens in 50 years when people of color make up the majority of our country's political leaders. Also like you said who gives a fuck what happened back then? In 50 years the same reasoning will be applied when they decide to strip whites of their rights.

>> No.15114979

>You'll see what happens in 50 years when people of color make up the majority of our country's political leaders.
50 years? Try 5.

>> No.15115004

I really don't think it will be that fast. Definitely by the time we're old boomers though.

>> No.15115015

if dems tip the scales with mexican votes, it means white people will never win an election again and will have no say in their government.
If you know anything about democrats, they want to use this majority to get free healthcare (while white people pay 90% of the taxes), more welfare, ban guns, basically lots of sweeping dangerous changes.
They're expecting germany and they'll get brazil.

I have better expectations, trump should win the next election, and the wall will finish construction by the end of his term now that funding has been approved. But its too close for comfort.

>> No.15115042

Sounds like the solution is to have more sex and make more white babies. Look your best, make as much money as you comfortably can, and go out and vote. Everything else is out of your control. In 50 years, I'll be nearly 80 years old. Meteor could also strike Earth by then and all the rumination over what will happen in five decades have been a waste of time.

>> No.15115077

always have contingency plans for evacuation to a safer place, there are several at least

>> No.15115086

>If you know anything about democrats, they want to use this majority to get free healthcare (while white people pay 90% of the taxes), more welfare, ban guns, basically lots of sweeping dangerous changes.
>I have better expectations, trump should win the next election, and the wall will finish construction by the end of his term now that funding has been approved. But its too close for comfort.
The problem with health care is we will never go back to pre-Obama times, where you could get everything covered for like $100 with a few hundred deductible. Thought Trump will solve this, but so far it has not happened and I'm sure even if I voted for him again, he wouldn't solve it. I would prefer a Libertarian in office, but the chances of that are 0%. I'm not a fan of Democrats. And yes, I realize most minorities are in fact Democrat.

>> No.15115104

That's the plan. I'm kicking all drugs and alcohol, working out and reading. Hopefully crypto secures financial stability on top of that. I'm really not a hateful person but this shit is happening right before our eyes. It's actually maddening.

>> No.15115249

Good for you, anon. Good luck and hope we all make it with crypto. As far as that article, I'm not reading all that, but skimmed it. Think of it in /biz/ terms. If you wanted clicks for more ad revenue, you would push articles like that as well (the ones in the New York Times, not what you linked). On one hand, some people will be believe the rhetoric. On the other hand, many people will be outraged and share it everywhere and discuss it with each other. Writing about it on their own blogs. Even better if there is a comment section. The owners want people to debate and refresh the site, interacting with it, so they let crazies go hogwild and publish those articles.

Best way to change the political climate would be unironically by not reading news and telling other people to not read news and to FUD blogs like that. At the very least you will not concern yourself with James Kirkpatrick's essays but instead read a cookbook or a guide on how to start your own business.

>> No.15115464

Verified with eyes? Vidt?

>> No.15115526

Tfw the world is now poor white people getting thrown under the bus by richer white people

>> No.15115552

Lol based. As much as making fun of the U.S is, unfortunately things are not much better in other “white” countries.

>> No.15115800

How fucking ironic that McDonalds is also in the picture.

>> No.15115847

I’m plotting it now. It’s a fantasy so there’s a lot of worldbuilding to do, but I love that stuff. The setting is pretty elaborate but basically we’re following magically enhanced youths in a world that wants them dead. Setting is an alternate world like ours around the Age of Enlightenment so early 1700s

>> No.15115940

the real red pill is that browning of america just means more plebs to pad the lower class. white population is actually still increasing.

>> No.15115951

You must not have read the black flame trilogy dipshit

>> No.15115953

Stomp stomp clap

>> No.15115966


>> No.15115980

>Bleed for me, wagie

>> No.15116301

but welfare is a thing. poor brown immigrants are a net loss. how is this traditional analysis incorrect?

>> No.15116307

I know, just bant
We're fucked

>> No.15116326

>drive 3 hours to eastern shit hole
>buy ak47 from some serb for 2 bottles of vodka
>shoot you in your communist euro face with it
>get sent to 5 star hotel prison
What now eurofag?

>> No.15116467

You seem pretty based anon. Regardless I agree with you, more white babies to secure a white future makes more sense then just being angry. The violence that happened is senseless and the guy should get the worst possibly punishment. Personally I don't care what happens in the future, we'll all be done in by one of a hundred possibilities whether it's man-made or not.

>> No.15116621

just stay close to the firearms

>> No.15117677
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duct tape bathroom tiles and fiberglass to your body for ghetto ceramic armor.

>> No.15117725

like Switzerland?

>> No.15117930

You really are the kind of fucked up redneck that will shoot up a black kindergarten. Please neck yourself.

>> No.15118319

Cool it with the Loxism.

>> No.15118324
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now clean it up wagie

>> No.15118328


>> No.15118335
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Don't worry wagie, if you're gunned down Mr Shekelstein might give you the afternoon off... Unpaid of course.

>Wagie working hard, feels like 24/7
>When an autistic incel enters with an AK47
>Wagie gunned down and wagie dies
>But no one is sad and no one cries
>A new wagie is hired, the store doesn't even close
>This was the life that wagie chose

>> No.15118924

Even with all the allahuakbars western europe is many times safer that America

>> No.15118960

ok cut the shit where are the pics im surprised there are no leaks anywhere

>> No.15119000

Retard or kike just go outside

>> No.15119003 [DELETED] 
File: 359 KB, 800x450, 1544735825640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there will be no alt season until btc breaks 20k, just like last time. I'm giving you this protip because i learned crypto basics on biz, got rich on 2017 and lost it all on bitmex, dont go there guys.