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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 9 KB, 300x168, YangGang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15074543 No.15074543 [Reply] [Original]

Who else here #YangGang solely for the fact that he is pro-crypto and we will become multimillionaires if he's elected?
I don't give a fuck about all the other talking heads in politics. No matter which side was elected throughout the past 4 elections I've lived through as an adult (t. boomer), my life has not been affected other than negligible differences in my taxes. If you didn't have a television and didn't hear any news about the elections or know they existed, you would think the same person has been president for the last 20+ years. It's all mass media scare tactics to distract you and force you to pick sides and obsess over their meaningless news stories, nothing significant in your life will ever change based on who is president... unless we get this chinese pimp in office and he pimps our moon rides.

>> No.15074554

oh shit, chain link is behind him!

>> No.15074587

I just listened to the JRE podcast with him on it. I knew about him before but only a little bit from biz meming. He's definitely legit and I want him to make it past the primary.

What's the game plan to get his message out and get him some traction? I think he can beat Trump if he's the nominee.

>> No.15074617

he's great all around, not just because crypto

>> No.15074644


The game plan is just tell people they will get $1000 a month and if they have a problem just be like "wow so youre literally cucking yourself out of $1000 what a dumbass". works every time

>> No.15074651
File: 146 KB, 1024x768, reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need to form a game plan. I'll start with step 1, and all dubs ITT will cement the future steps.
Step 1: Win over idiotic redditors and college students, this part is basically already done since they're anti-drumpf, but we need to make them anti-biden and anti-nigHarris also.

>> No.15074653

you are a subhuman piece of shit.

>> No.15074670
File: 165 KB, 1004x1024, 1551649024988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Andrew Yang is the only candidate who can think for himself. He literally says he is going to surround himself with experts to decide his policy, invest in medical technology and biotech (aka cancer cures), he is pro-crypto, he is pro-artificial-intelligence, he is pro-NEETbux, his slogan is Humanity First.
The best part is that he is young, he's not 1000 years old like all the other candidates. There is literally no better person to vote in as President in 2020.

>> No.15074683
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thanks jonathan XOXO sweg

yet he's 4th in polling and needs a massive boost to get the nomination over Biden. we should start calling him Grandpa Joe since he doesn't know how to use the internet and hilariously fucked up that text number last night.

>> No.15074704

Adding 2 billion to National debt each month sounds great.

>> No.15074714

You realise this just means "bringing them into the US Fedgov fold", right?
Someone any degree "woke" and out to reform/save the US could be the greatest statesman of the 21st century and he would only be the US' Gorbachev.
The US isn't bad enough to collapse yet either, and it's too ideologically and elite-culturally arrogant to go for a soft collapse or a withdrawal before it hits a hard collapse.

>> No.15074717

le tax Amazon and they'll pay for it huehue, next FUD?

>> No.15074722
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>2 billion
youre right. Our troops should be getting that money

>> No.15074725

losing 100% of all of the jobs to AI and robots within 50 years and everyone spiraling into warfare to survive sounds great.

>> No.15074729

he already explained all the reforms he would do and they would massively reduce the bullshit 50% taxes and other issues, look into it

>> No.15074746
File: 51 KB, 480x720, 1486432749955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get free money
>all you have to do is give up your guns
>and your rights
>and your free speech
>but free money!

fuck of chingchangwang

>> No.15074753
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>> No.15074777
File: 76 KB, 804x767, 1559125371287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gun grabbing wont ever happen.

>> No.15074787

Yang's gun policy:
Pass a background check
Pass a basic hunting/firearm safety class
Provide a receipt for an appropriately-sized gun locker, or trigger lock per registered gun.
Oh no, niggers won't be allowed to legally walk into a walmart and buy a gloc, sound the alarm jamal!

>> No.15074790

he said its unfeasible so no retard

>> No.15074828
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>> No.15074832

>thinks the troops get even 2% of that
it all goes to the military incuckstrial complex

>> No.15074846

yang is very pro-free speech, has reasonable second amendment views, and is the most pro-business candidate this millenium

>> No.15074848
File: 50 KB, 599x563, 1563864844713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You actually believe this...

>> No.15074851

Look you retard that shit will never happen even if you actually want it too. NRA and the gun culture in the US would not put up with shit like this. In the last few years gun laws have become so hard to fight against as opposed to what it used to be. If it does happen he does gun grab guess what? Boomers will finally put there talking into action and fight the government. Just gun owners in general will they actually stand up? Or just TALK as its taken away like every thing else these fucking idiots bitch about.

>> No.15074870

Doubt it without broofs man. Or if so he's utterly botched his messaging.

>> No.15074879

He is unambiguously the best candidate. A universal basic income would be revolutionary.

>> No.15074885

Yang gang bros.
At least Yang is all for Crypto so he has the /biz/ vote, fuck trump.

>> No.15074904

What is total gov spending? Someone likes misleading statistics...

>> No.15074917

50%, and most of these jobs are repetitive monkey jobs. Get into the medical or Cybersecurity industries if you don't want to be replaced. Self executing smart contracts will revolutionize the world.

>> No.15074931

naive as fuck but go ahead and vote for him he won't win anyways. Yangang is retarded but how could one expect more of a boomer.

>> No.15074950
File: 65 KB, 600x601, goodgoy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how is that misleading? $598.5 billion dollars is used annually on military spending. But good goy >>15074704
thinks that $2 billion is not worth spending to keep the country's citizens fed, housed, and clothed. Interesting...

>> No.15074963
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>> No.15074967
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Fuck off discord trannies

>> No.15075000

It doesn't have to. The end-game isn't a country without guns, it's a country without the freedom to have guns legally. Combining the pro-gun pressure with the anti-gun pressure creates the perfect storm for police state measures to be passed while everyone's worrying about whether or not they can keep their pop-guns which will be useless in 10-20 years against militarised police and their "enforcement droids" which will be unkillable with the kind of pop-guns people are worried about.
In the long run, at least, if it isn't already now, the 2nd amendment enables dystopian governance, it doesn't hinder it. It makes police state measures seem necessary to "fight crime", while also keeping up the illusion that "overreach" is able to be fought back against.

>> No.15075014

YangTards are so dumb. You don't have to lie about his views, in order to support him for his neet bux programs. Just say, "yes, he has garbage policies on the first and second amendment, but I want neet bux. Yes, I know he buys into the gender gap myth, and has policies he has proscribed on his website to 'deal' with it."


>Reasonable second amendment views.

Shall not be infringed, nigger..

>> No.15075038
File: 30 KB, 500x358, 1519352672090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pro free speech
Ban any "hate speech" as defined by the radical left.
>reasonable 2nd amendment views
Ban "assault style weapons" which means the majority of firearms owned by civilians despite the fact that there are more murders committed with blunt objects like baseball bats and fists, mandatory registration, making millions of Americans felons overnight for non complying, banning regular capacity magazines, all while letting employees of the government have all those things because "they have more rights than you goy"
>pro business candidate
You have obviously never provided people with employment or created a business that is profitable while serving your community or you would not say this

Any other point you want to raise fren? Thanks for proving my point about Yangfags being even more pathetic than bernie burn outs. Please keep making these threads they are the equivalent of pajeet shitcoin threads that only help other people realize how fucking retarded those shilling for it are.

>> No.15075080

Military spending is largely to maintain the existing equipment. Shifting that budget to education for example would be the equivalent of putting F16s in classrooms.

>> No.15075098

600 billion isnt 54% of total govt spending. Retards use discretionary spending to mislead people.

>> No.15075125

Tell you what. You come and try to take it, paper and flesh make a terrible backstop-

>ave nex alea

>> No.15075142
File: 953 KB, 1500x1000, maars-robot-1500x1000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks your path*

>> No.15075156

Every move has a counter. I believe the mighty soviet union was beaten by a bunch of goat herders in funny hats.

>> No.15075162

Youre a loser and will always be a loser.
Enjoy your next loss I guess

>> No.15075315
File: 538 KB, 554x832, 1556901100392.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit the yang smears are so weak.

You don't agree with every single position of his? I'm so sorry. Guess you should vote for that guy who aligns with every single one of your policy positions. Oh wait, the guy you thought was 'your guy' turned out to be a liar about everything from foreign policy to sucking Israels cock? Damn, i'm so sorry retard, better sit out this election, just play UNO with your wrangler.
Or vote for the guy that already cucked you. lol. Wakey wakey anon Yang is the most logical far sighted candidate by far. Name one other candidate that gives a single fuck about automation.

>> No.15075372

Unfortunately (((they))) have already picked who will be the Democratic candidate and it won't be Yang or Tusli

>> No.15075409

I hate it when you put hayek and friedman on that gay fucking image. Neither believed in UBI as policy. They believed that UBI (or in reality a negative income tax, which is a bit different, but of course you are so stupid, you don't know) was preferable to a overarching welfare state. There was no inclination that, if it were possible, they wouldn't just get rid of all welfare entirely.

To the point of your post, I dislike most of Yang's policy positions. Sure, he might be one of the best of a bad bunch (Tulsi is certainly the best of them all), but that doesn't make him good. A gold plated shit is still shit.

>> No.15075492

>I dislike most of Yang’s policy positions
Which ones?

>> No.15075499

Beaten by CIA-backed rebels with massive arms supplies and advanced stinger missiles. The 2a fantasy is that american civilian gun owners will be able to defeat the CIA and the rest of the fedgov on their home turf with only the guns they are allowed to own. Is that likely with current technology let alone what will be done in future?

The deep state/whatever you want to call the bad aspect and trend of the government doesn't NEED a gun-less society. Guns everywhere has benefits for them. It means mass-shootings and assassinations can be written off as the actions of private citizens, and it legitimises totalitarian surveillance and brutality from every level of law enforcement.
They will never do anything against gun-owners for the sake of reducing the number of guns to zero. The people in power are not "anti-gun fanatics", they only want to tighten their hold on power. They can reduce the relative armament of the public without triggering epic redneck larp by doing so very gradually. That's without game-changing technologies like soldier-drones immune to small arms which will make the arms the American public has irrelevant.

Anyway, to get back to /biz/ topics, wypipo worried about their future shouldn't cling to 2a fantasies, they should worry about getting them and theirs into whatever economic percentile gets to have a better than ghettoised lifestyle in the future USA. All someone like Yang could do (if he's legit at all) is make the percentile of living standards in the future that don't decline higher by a few percent. So a more "socialist" or welfareist USA could represent 5-10% more of the people who get to have a future acceptable to current expectations. The pie is going to get smaller and the protections that keep the elite from monopolising things so hard that the majority are reduced to wage-serfs are paper-thin at this point, so unless you make it into the upper quartile at least you're probably not going to have a good 3rd millennium

>> No.15075552
File: 17 KB, 210x210, baddog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hunched forward posture
>wearing a collar
>beer belly

not gonna make it

>> No.15075743

You know what you're right anon I unironically should have done due dalliance before sharing that maymay.

Yangs plan is the most realistic destruction or at least, equalization of the welfare state.
We're not getting rid of current welfare programs outright, D or R in power, it's not legislatively possible.
BUT if we give everyone a dividend, and make leeches choose welfare of dividend, you will effectively cancel out the current distribution of wealth going from hard working whites to lazy nogs. There's a reason Yang has a following on /pol/ and it's not paid shills.

>> No.15075789
File: 94 KB, 548x492, 1562910549772.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who else here #YangGang solely for the fact that he is pro-crypto
ME! I even donated some ethereum to his presidential campaign 3 weeks ago!

>> No.15075810


>> No.15075829
File: 96 KB, 1060x852, 1527691159891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh wage wap
>muh UBI good goys will pay for
>muh ban assault weapons because the chillunz
>muh state-paid abortions and contraception
>muh make puerto rico a state
>muh democracy dollars
>muh lgbqt rights to push trannies teaching your children about anal sex in middle school
>muh carbon tax racket
>muh regulate crypto at federal level so it can be even more centralized
>mandatory registration and licensing for guns
>muh legalize all illegal immigrants so democrats can gain millions of voters for gibs
And my absolutely favorite one:
>Lower voting age to 16 so retarded children who have never worked a day in their lives or stepped into the real world outside the school bubble can decide the future of the country since everyone knows teens vote for unicorn rainbow farts that will save the world by giving all their rights and power to big daddy government.

Fucking Kek the jokes write themselves are you Yangfags even trying? You could literally make $1000 without sucking so much cock and giving your rights away you dumb fucks

>> No.15075925

This sheit right here homie is skrait facts