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15053723 No.15053723 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15053764

Imagine not caring about crypto 2019 onward

>> No.15053767

Imagine having an umbrella attached to your head in a thunderstorm. Yea, it's pretty great, now smd you little faggot.

>> No.15053771

>imagine caring about crypto in 2016
Thats where you are right now.

>> No.15053784

Imagine stopping caring about crypto for even 1 minute

>> No.15053816

Imagine Caring about government monopoly money in 2019

>> No.15053856

Imagine thinking there will ever be an alternative to government money XD

>> No.15053890

Except that already is and it's already more valuable than government printed make believe paper

>> No.15053901

Yes just ignore it until it's time to buy the top again

>> No.15053903

>imagine posting this retarded shit

>> No.15053928

Imagine thinking crypto is a currency and not a speculative asset that is comparable to a stable government currency XD

Tfw you pay taxes on your "currency"

>> No.15054019
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Nice cope with being an slave wagie for the government the rest of your life.

Tfw you actually pay taxes

>> No.15054052

Do you even know what inflation is dumbass?

>> No.15054100

It's what happened when eb you can print "stable" money indefinitely

>> No.15054116


Economics major and licensed financial advisor

OP is a fucking idiot....This images says everything that cpi and inflation doesn't tell you, and why poor brainlets stay poor

>> No.15054130

Imagine claiming the US Dollar is unstable when most countries around the world depend on it. And even worse, imagine claiming that and then offering crypto as a solution, when it is more unstable than your grandma walking without her cane.

>> No.15054156

This is exactly why the current global economy is unstable, it's all based in nake believe money

>> No.15054164

A graph showing the loss of purchasing power of the US dollar is exactly what a graph of inflation would show you. Highly doubt you've actually studied econ

>> No.15054190

No, the reason the economy is unstable is because there are trillions of dollars of debt that is owed to and from banks and other institutions. The solution to that is to create government policy that prohibits greed and stop another 2008. Not crypto.

>> No.15054193


You must be a fool if you think the U.S federal reserve can keep printing money the way they do.

Muhhh consumer spending = more growth

But guess who's spending that money, definitey not the consumer, it's the government... deep in trillions I debt

>> No.15054219

you have to study econ to understand this?

>> No.15054232

How can you think that governments being in debt = unstable currency. You literally aren't even close to proving my points wrong. Try harder.

>> No.15054238


It ultimately boils down to this, you obviously are keynsian economics vs Austrian economics, most crypto holders believe in the latter, and that government shouldn't interfere with monetary policy,

Absolute power corrupts absoutely

>> No.15054261

Wow, what a coincidence that someone who actually knows about econ leans towards the Keynesian side, while some crypto-obsessed conspirary-theorist basement dweller on the internet leans Austrian


>> No.15054280

Brainlets detected

Don't have to try hard, history has proven that "laissez faire"works...OP Typical...pathetic bootlicking statist

>> No.15054302

My only recommendation: read some real books instead of watching YouTube videos

>> No.15054334

The currency may "appear" stable but the assets and services that are priced in it are not, or equities, real estate, healthcare, basic necessities, ever heard of "credit bubbles"?? something like this would never happen with deflationary currrency, I'm done arguing with a retard.

>> No.15054345

Ok cya

>> No.15054408

> richest country in the history of the world
> most production than any point in history
> poorest generation now graduating college
Something is horribly wrong. We are just trying to provide an alternative path. One where the next generation of innovators aren't completely disabled.
Your outright opposition to competition is frustrating, but we don't need you. We will build a better world without you.

>> No.15054446

So were you trying to prove a point about crypto here, or just make some retarded comment to look smart?

>> No.15054461

No just trying to explain the push that crypto is getting. It's not because crypto is a perfectly designed system.
It's because the alternative is stagnation and slavery.

>> No.15054477

Agreed. Middeware is all that matters.

>> No.15054492

Lol allthese ad hominens to intellectual replies, also zero substance reference on why he thinks Austrian economics doesn't work..

>> No.15054500
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Imagine thinking that when it all crashes down, crypto won't go with it.

>> No.15054516

So a perfect system equals:

1. An unstable currency that fluctuates second to second causing mass imbalances and unpredictability in people being able to buy and sell things.

2. An irreversible transaction network which means people who get scammed, stolen from, or need to be refunded will be left in the dark.

3. Technical barriers: Many people who aren't tech saavy will have trouble understanding how their money works, let alone how to use it.

4. Taxation on everything you buy and sell since the act of buying and selling with crypto is an investment speculation action.

Yea, def seems like a perfect system.

>> No.15054534
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you sound like the type of person who is desperate to cling to your established wealth and status that you acquired completely within the established system, and are terrified at the success of cryptocurrency because you can't get over the extreme cognitive dissonance it causes in you to even understand the basics of what gives it value. its very existence is an affront to your ego, because its existence is a real threat to your precious little system.

>> No.15054545

I achieved my wealth through crypto in 2017

>> No.15054609

this, crypto hasn't been through a major recession

>> No.15054630

oh. so you're a lucky new money faggot who is overcompensating as an extra good goy in hopes that you will be able to join the club of the legacy wealthy. you won't.

>> No.15054631

>make believe paper
You know crypto is the same, only digital make believe.
Besides it still is bound to dollar or euro.

>> No.15054639

1. Ideally the crypto economies would be self contained and stop relying on USD equivalence. Until then, price fluctuation is a weapon against the ecosystems.
2. Common platforms need reliability and agreed upon rules. This is a side effect of the protocol and can be actively mitigated against. EOS does this, custodial services to this.
3. These will be alleviated as boomers die off and technology gets better.
4. Taxes are a boomer attack vector. It's a shame they have been applied to crypto. When britain tried to tax tea, we threw it into the ocean.

I also didn't say crypto was perfect. The legacy system is killing the innovators. Instead of learning how to create, they are learning to maintain legacy systems.
The price is enormous.

>> No.15054703

Kudos to a serious response, however I simply laugh at some of these assumption, such as waiting on boomers dying off, and solving the problem.

Alas, my reign here is done. Goodbye.

>> No.15054745

Imagine not having your life savings in the best performing asset in human history.

>> No.15054750

I wrote it for other readers. You seem cocksure and unlikely to change your opinion.

>> No.15054771

Crypto is being pushed because unregulated and goldrush mentality.

>> No.15054772

all in HOLO

>> No.15054838

Crypto is being pushed because it has the ability to be transformational to our society.
That's only speaking to the builders. The comp sci entrepeneurs who are being offered 200k+ starting salaries without ownership and the extremely smart disenfranchised ones who can program as easily as breathe.
Everyone else doesn't really matter in the battle that is to come.

>> No.15054973


cringiest poster I've seen here all week. yikes!

>> No.15054988

Transformable because the verfying takes ages and consumes energy like switzerland.
And it takes power away and gives facebook more power. The decentralised system doesnt work that well. When a big company ensure secure money system, everyone will use it. It happens now with apps.
Crypto will never be decentralised.

>> No.15055015
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>> No.15055060
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Imagine not caring about crypto before 2020