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15048117 No.15048117 [Reply] [Original]

But I don't want to.. what do

>> No.15048123

Have sex

>> No.15048132

tell them chainlink will be 1k eoy

>> No.15048135

Rape them.

>> No.15048145
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Tell them that we're all in this together never underestimate the power of positive thoughts especially collective positive thoughts........

>> No.15048192

Just tell them the housing market is absolutely fucked, go on craigslist and show them all the apartments for rent in your area that cost 70% of your paycheck and tell them your scared of being anally raped if you get a roommate. Then counter them with an offer to pay rent for letting you stay and make the offer cheap but attractive, I.e. if your going to be paying 1.2k a month for an apartment tell them you'll pay them $450 a month to let you stay in the house. On top of that do your godamn chores and go to church you lazy fucking piece of shit

>> No.15048211

Pay them, work for them for free. Make beneficial for them to keep you.

>> No.15048217

if you're poor you're fucked and your parents also hate you btw, I'd suggest finding a job and taking a small loan just to get out of that crap

>> No.15048227

this won't help anon, if your parents don't want you to stay, they aren't ignorant, they simply don't care about you

>> No.15048255

Fuck thats depressing anon. I feel really bad for all you anons who didn't have good parent's growing up. Let's get rich off this link and fix americas family's and raise our own kids right I say.

>> No.15048257
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pic related

>> No.15048277


>> No.15048283

you can't really fix "America's" families as most people are pieces of shit. I agree to making people less fertile.

>> No.15048297


That's a nice thought fren. I've already made my peace with my childhood but I fell like the only way to make it right is to make sure my daughter has it better every day of her life.

>> No.15048330

Get 75k Zuckbucks, sell when it hits $50. Buy their house and kick them out

>> No.15048335

there is literally only one way
rape them both anally

>> No.15048342

Bullshit, if you hold a board room full of media executives hostage until they have articles praising two gendered monogamous parents who are financially stable falling out their fucking assholes things would change very quickly.

>> No.15048382
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>> No.15048436

I wish. I actually know quite a few people who work for intelligence after college because I am mormon and the intelligence agencies love to recruit these mormon kids. I've done some of these kids huge favors keeping my mouth shut about their rebellious shoplifting or weed phases when i get questioned for their clearance screenings. It's also really funny actually when I get to Redpill them on Iran contra and mkultra.