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1502651 No.1502651 [Reply] [Original]

I have an employee who produces brilliant work but is consistently late every single day. I can't fire him because it will take months to find someone to fill his position. What should I do?

>> No.1502657

Are you the owner or a manager?

>> No.1502659

If he gets his work done, then why do you care? Why don't you be a little flexible- let him come in an hour late but then stay an hour late.

>> No.1502661


>> No.1502662

How late is he and does it affect your ability to do business? If it's 5-10min late and it's not hurting your business just deal with it. Definitely bring it up and hold it over him if he asks for a raise or movement in position, though

>> No.1502679

1-2 hours.

>> No.1502687

Start finding a replacement now while he's still working for yoy. You might find someone even better.

>> No.1502693

How much does his lateness effect your ability to meet timelines?

>> No.1502700

employee is managing you, but you don't get it.

>> No.1502782

business owner here.
I would just accommodate him. Unless he's critical to the store or office opening just let him do his thing when he wants.

most employees only do a couple hours of real work a day anyways. If other employees bitch about his special treatment just tell them he works a different schedule than they do and you worked it out with him. If they ask to do the same tell them they can't. If they ask why tell them they're critical to the store or office being open while the other dude isn't.

>> No.1502786



give him a punctual intern who will just be training to fill his position

>> No.1502798


OP isn't an owner, he's a manager. He probably can't adopt your capricious approach without having his subordinates lodge a complaint above him.

I would file on OP if he said you can come in an hour late but I couldn't.

>> No.1502810
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>most employees only do a couple hours of real work a day anyways
this m80

if it's really an issue, don't pay him for those 1-2 hours, he will either suck up losing an entire days pay per week or he'll get there on time

>> No.1502814

I'm saying if he has a single owner to answer to they're probably fine with letting the dude come in late if he's actually valuable.

GM's have a lot of leeway in how they run a biz. If owners actually cared about the day-to-day they'd be there managing it themselves.

>> No.1502826

Just don't pay him for the time he's not there
Wa la
"Problem" solved

>> No.1502832


He's gotten too comfortable and has the leverage of knowing that he's too good to be fired. Like someone said here, consider training someone in his absence and if he is late then tell him to take the day. It'll put things in perspective for him and he'll start worrying about needing a reference, make it seem like he won't get one if he doesn't shape the fuck up or outright quit without the prior notice. I would know because I would do the same in my first wagecuck job.

>> No.1502846

manager's job is to get more work out of people.

if feeling comfortable and like he's in charge gets more work out of the dude I say let him.

authority enforced just for its own sake is self-defeating.

if OP actually needs the guy there on time, then write him up and start looking for a replacement. Otherwise who cares when he comes in as long as he does "brilliant" work?

>> No.1502857

Tell him his work schedule changed and he has to come in 2 hours earlier

>> No.1502860


Ooh damn now this is pretty late. Why not just accommodate him with a later starting time? Especially if he's that indispensable. If that fails give him an earlier starting time than right now, so when he's 1-2 hrs later he's actually on time lol.

>> No.1502863

Offer him a pay raise in exchange for him coming in on time. He doesn't feel like you're compensating him well enough for him to give a fuck, and he's probably right.

>> No.1502867

>Wa la
Please tell me this is a joke.

>> No.1502882
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>I have an employee who produces brilliant work but is consistently late every single day.
Just let him work in flextime. Fuck this bullshit with being "on time" where it is not really required. Of course, there are certain jobs where this is not acceptable.

>> No.1502885

If he does good work and meets his deadlines what does it matter if he comes in a few hours late or leaves early? Why is it a concern? Would you rather he sit there and F5 4chan?

>> No.1502886


Seems fine to me. Here in britain we have this thing called flexi-time which lets people come in an hour later and stay an hour later

>> No.1502964


Does the work he completes earn the company more than he costs the company in wages? Enough to make it worthwhile?

Would allowing his lateness cause discontent amongst other employees?

If the answers to the above are Yes and No, then leave him to it. Dont kill the goose that lays the golden egg because "muh 9-5 means 9-5" and to wave your managerial penis in everyones faces.

>> No.1502972


>tell them they're critical to the store or office being open while the other dude isn't.

Wow. That's genius. Smoothes over the late employee issue AND boosts the egos of the complaining staff.

>> No.1502982

I'm surprised to see so many reactions that want to keep the talent on a strict schedule.

I'm currently employed at a large corporation (doing IT stuff) and they don't care about my hours at all. When I have to work until 7pm to get something important done, I do. If I can split at 2pm, I do. Although, I've got a 10+ year career here with a lot of history and trust.

>> No.1502986

>keep the talent on a strict schedule.

Too many people under the impression that work is about locking people in a building for exactly 7.5 hours a day rather than the amount of productive work they actually do.

>> No.1502990
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you should wish all of your employees were as good as him.

what the fuck is the problem?

spoilers: it's your ego as a manager