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File: 65 KB, 3334x2254, Nano_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14954173 No.14954173 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Angry aspies who think Nano is centralized.

>> No.14954184

Oh boy here we go again

>> No.14954210

Okay I'll bite, shill me Nano

>> No.14954399
File: 78 KB, 414x566, 1554231815265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nano is green:

Nano around the globe:

Nano London Meetup:

>> No.14955031

You don’t shill Nano, Nano shills you.

You have to be a retard not to see that Nano is the future.

>> No.14955064

how much are they paying you pajeet?

>> No.14955163

upvoted cuz I like nano.

>> No.14955643
File: 62 KB, 395x500, 1516805239395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna spam nodes with empty orders forever while dumbasses pay to host them FOR FREE.
And the NANO hosting cucks are gonna just have to deal with it because their coin has no protections from zero order spam and has no real incentive to host!

>> No.14955683

t. I don't know what i'm doing or saying or how nano works and how cheap it is to run.

>> No.14955690

Fuck you pajeet And you nanies. DAG is king just wait till DAGboy shows up, he'll show you how much of a fag you are

>> No.14955736
File: 18 KB, 520x283, images-35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is ledger pruning ?
What is spam protection ?
What is account minimums ?

Good luck faggot, people way smarter than you are solving these problems while you jerk off to obscure rule 34 and granny porn.

>> No.14955738

>nano is green
Holy cringe. Go back dude

>> No.14955823

I love NANO, but desu Im too pajeet to understand how they'll avoid spam since its free

>> No.14955910

Join the daggers community on telegram DAGboy will show you why Nanie faggits hold a coin that is obsolete. If you dont hold DAG your a FAG

>> No.14955923

Really clever system called dynamic POW. To send a Nano transaction, your device has to complete a small POW.

With the recent dynamic POW release, the network now communicates to all users what the current difficulty of POW is on the network. An average user's wallet can then set its own POW difficulty a little bit higher, and automatically precompute this POW in the background. Then, when an average user sends a transaction, the wallet uses the precomputed POW. When this is broadcast to the network, the higher difficulty puts that transaction at the front of the queue and it gets sent first.

The result is that a spammer can do X POW for millions of transactions each to clog the network with transactions. But then a normal user comes along and does a 1.1X POW transaction and that is automatically put at the front of the line, and processed by the network in 0.4seconds. As if there was no spam at all

>> No.14956060
File: 39 KB, 932x381, biggie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny how the pajeets can only name call, use rhetoric, and play on other logical fallacies, day in and day out, with such zeal. Meanwhile, /biz/ and co. try to have actual meaningful conversations, and help each other learn through our combined knowledge. I am thankful I have an immune system for BS, I doubt I could force myself to buy CONstellation even if I was given a giant sum of money and told to burn it as fast as possible. Surely there are other ERC20 tokens offering unfulfilled promises that are more deserving, with a community much more to my liking. Say, Chainlink, for example (although LINK cannot really be called vaporware any more, unlike say what the pajeets are pushing, and I don't mean poo).

>> No.14956066

>dynamic POW
My fucking sides. These fucking pajeet psychotic nanoids spread false information.
Sorry but time after time dynamic POW doesn't work on nano. Their code is ancient now. Right after they released there new update. It was spammed attacked and failed. Try that shit on DAG and it will hold against a Chinese army. Only my fellow daggers know how clean DAG network is. Wouldn't expect a fellow psychotic nanoid to understand or do research.

>> No.14956233

If you repeat it enough times it becomes true!

>> No.14956249
File: 61 KB, 700x467, Nano Influencers Meetup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy Nannos sirs, very good sirs, special price for u sirs, u buy 1000 nano and free toilet whole day, no matter how hard ur diarrhea, Ryte sirs? Buy nano sirs. If u not buy our very heavy nano bags then Mr. RockmSockmjesus, our black magick warlock, satanist and nano community leader, will give u death curses and lots of hate. He also do black magick and curses, hexes and spells against other projects and ppl. We in nano are so proud of him, best guy in nano after Zack Shapiro. Nano always super good with ppl management. Buy nano sirs, special price for u sir, please sir, I give u very best designated shitting street if u buy nano sir.

>> No.14956300

Lemme put this to you clearly fucking pajeet nanoids. NANO will only go up equivalent to BTC, but its not much more. Something you psychotic brains cant handle

Why would NANNIES moon after BITGRAIL when DAG, daggers, DAGboy is better in every way and has more room for growth?
Just as Nano, DAG is:
However, they are superior to Nano in virtually every way.
>Part of a large ecosystem, with real use cases that will provide security for the network and world-wide market. Same as IOTA, but better
>This large ecosystem and not solely a currency will provide protection from Central Bank regulators, like ETH & IOTA, but unlike Nano.
>All zero-fee systems are open to spam attacks. Constellation has a much more advanced and elegant solution than Nano with their reputation system.
>Nano has an insane business model where Nano node operators have to do it for free. FUCKING psychotic nanoids. This will either lead to a crash, where no one bothers to run nodes for fun and take all the costs, or an insane centralization where Amazon controls nearly everything. DAG has a very elegant solution where micropayments are free for everyone, while large consumers of bandwidth will have to either pay for it in DAG tokens, or run their own nodes

Stupid nanoids
On top of that DAG's devs just burned all their coins in a sign of sign while NANO has been through more backstabbings than any other coin. Its not even that fast by todays standards, 7K was fast in 2017 but nowadays its just alright when many coins do this and way more.

Fucking pajeets
If you want to sell your NANO bags, shill on reddit, nobody on /biz/ is going to fall for it when the project has nothing to offer that Fantom and DAG don't do better?

Join DAGboys threads if you want to be rich

>> No.14956322

fantom does have fees its in the whitepaper.

>> No.14956408
File: 149 KB, 800x532, 3243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very good Mr. RockmSockmjesus. Ur best community leader in whole nano universe. Mr satan will be so proud of you. Even when u got exposed here as fake as 6.66 dollar bill, >>14936123 u did not give up. So proud of you sir.

>> No.14956427

Hello RockmSockmjesus. How is your very heavy Nano bags going? Insane losses as usual? Why didn't your satanism and black magick spells help you? Looks like a loser to me, both you and your "boss". Sorry.

>> No.14956475
File: 716 KB, 960x2117, 024388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, so good Mr RockmSockmjesus! Instead of usual running away after getting exposed as the black lord wizard and satanist casting death spells and chants against competitors and projects, u just copy/paste other ppl's comments to hide yourself and Mr. Satan. Very good sir. Nano never stop to impress sir. pic sir.

>> No.14956562

Every nano thread is started by redditors

>> No.14956623

Especially those raiblocks ones back in 2017.

>> No.14956758
File: 15 KB, 300x289, Zack Shapiro2545636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having Nano community leader casting death spells and black magick against competitors and ppl criticizing Nano, while worshiping satan, is not a PR disaster for Nano at all, Mr. RockmSockmjesus. Especially when Nano community leader pretends to a fake DAG fanboy and getting exposed. That's super marketing for Nano, satan and u Mr. RockmSockmjesus. Very clever sir. Not only lying about 7000 TPS, Italian scammers, Bitgrail, Jewish grifters, but now also Satanist community leaders casting death spells. Very good, sirs. Nano sirs best on world. sirs. Very good.

>> No.14956845

Quit hiding behind your delusional community of nanoids. Take your witchcraft somewhere eles Mr FaggitmSockmSatinist. DAG and the Dagger will reign over your shitty of psychotic community. Bet you wont answer my questions. Because still embarrassed of being cucked by nanoid developers.
>cucked by bomber
>cucked at 7ktps by developers
>cucked by the market.
>cucked by own community
What makes you think Nano has a future in this market. Yet alone compete with god teir coins like DAG

>> No.14956889

Bet you'll ignore with talk about religion. Because you psychopath nanoids have no defense why your sucks. Join DAGboys thread if you want to learn a thing or two about solid project

>> No.14956891


>> No.14956911
File: 65 KB, 633x507, Nano unavoidable centralization.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Mr. RockmSockmjesus, u want to play that ur not Mr. Nano community leader and satanist, ryte? So what is your ID on DAG telegram, Mr. RockmSockmjesus? Or was that u said Rasheed should not ask u Mr. RockmSockmjesus, because ur fake dag fanboy and very fanatic satanist nanoboi with no ID on DAG telegram? Rasheed so confused now Mr. RockmSockmjesus...maybe Mr. Satan can help u, but why he and u always loose?

>> No.14956934
File: 184 KB, 609x884, Nano Hodlers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nano and Satan so proud of you, Mr. RockmSockmjesus, Nano community leader. Just like here: >>14936123

>> No.14957098
File: 47 KB, 624x351, CzcSMweXUAAaJvj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, oh, very sorry Mr. RockmSockmjesus! Rasheed remembers now. Rasheed should NOT ask u about ID on DAG telegram as you have none, as ur a Nano community leader and warlock/satanist constantly casting death spells against competitors and ppl criticizing Nano. Rasheed so sorry for exposing u Mr. RockmSockmjesus! U, Nano and Mr Satan. Rasheed had very explosive diarrhea when u called, pic related, and forgot what u said I must NOT do and how u got exposed here last time >>14936123

>> No.14957131

1st would never give my info to a Schizophrenic noni like you or your dumbass community. Why do you want it so you can harass me like you guys do. Thanks for proving my point cant defend your stupid coin. You just want talk about religion. The state of this trash of coin and why it will never take off. They cant even admit to there own mistakes. Claims im an impostor when all he does is attack me. Yeah okay bud. Go back to /rcrypto

Yet no one has answered my question still. Is your community of nonnies going let you speak for them. Babbling on about religion and your cult leader. Sounds like its a bunch of cucks for your community. Join our Thread when D A G boy starts it if you want to have a real discussion regarding solid project that is getting adopted more and more every day. I'm done talking to this monkey. DAG is king and your all to afraid to admit it.

>> No.14957397

Jesus Christ you both are fucking retarded, your conversation doesn't even make sense. Sounds like two paranoid pajeets who don't know English. Knowing biz, it is probably just one dude talking to himself on a VPN.

>> No.14957470 [DELETED] 
File: 87 KB, 750x600, Nano hodler getting assraped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, because your Nano community leader, RockmSockmjesus, is not a satanist/warlock and he does not cast death spells against competitors and critics of Nano, nor does he pretend to be a vulgar Nano fanboy with no ID on DAG telegram, right? That's what you deluded nanoids tell yourself?

>> No.14957505

Feels like I’m being bashed for being little boy and to be real man must join African warlord’s rebel army called DAG

Eloquent, persuasive bunch

>> No.14957518
File: 87 KB, 750x600, Nano hodler getting assraped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, because your Nano community leader, RockmSockmjesus, is not a satanist/warlock and he does not cast death spells against competitors and critics of Nano, nor does he pretend to be a vulgar DAG fanboy with no ID on DAG telegram, no presence in the DAG community at all, right? That's what you deluded nanoids tell yourself?

>> No.14957557

what the fuck are you even saying? soo... this makes DAG's tech better?

>> No.14957606

>Jesus Christ

Nanoids obsessed with religion once again. Go talk to your fearless leader CockmSockmSatan and discuss your witch craft among your redditor cuck community. Leave Biz and take your fearless leader with you whose only defense is religion.
Once again ill say it if you dont hold DAG your a FAG. The psychotic nanoids still cant defend them selves. Never answered my questions. Just attack me. Join DAG Boys thread when starts if you want to be rich. Not some sniveling religious cult thread.

>> No.14957633
File: 635 KB, 2048x1536, 1535175635794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are hitting levels of basement autism I did not know were possible on biz.
If you had to summarize the point of this post what would it be in sane man speak?

>> No.14957648

Here, educate yourself:

>> No.14957656

Dont listen to this monkey, hes fucking troll. Who got scared and sold his DAG stack and now fears that he missed the train on DAG. Dont work young Pajeet you still got little bit of time. But i would hurry up. Tick tock.

>> No.14957660

>If you had to summarize the point of this post what would it be in sane man speak?
Please address all the fatal flaws with Nano raised in this thread, enjoy:

>> No.14957745

Finally Little Rajesh said the fist that makes since. Read on DAG boys thread and educate yourself you psychotic nanoids. Daggers are the only ones that will pull through bear market.

>> No.14957803

Who is "DAG boys" and where can I find his thread?

>> No.14957818
File: 547 KB, 640x634, 344314333994588457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14957820

>Who got scared and sold his DAG stack
Is this supposed to be me?

>> No.14957864

Who do you post this total loser in your pic? Is Nano not only a crazy death cult, but also theistic satanists as well?

>> No.14957893

DAG boy is our assblaster for DAG who educates people on biz. The link you sent is to his thread. You would know who assblaster is because you're a new fag boomer pajeet. Educate yourself pajeet if you want to make. Read up on DAG boys thread. Buy back in even if your at a loss. Profits will be amazing by end of year

>> No.14957913

Fuck out of here with your satanic cult FAGGIT go pray to your lead CuckmFaggitmSatin

>> No.14957995

hello sirs nano is scam buy mobiu... I mean DAG sirs please and thank yous

>> No.14958033
File: 234 KB, 506x722, 344314333994038237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nanochad here, hexing away the dagfags like white sage to bad energy

>> No.14958064
File: 132 KB, 428x604, 344314333995620025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nano is unironically the philosopher's stone.

>The philosopher's stone, more properly philosophers' stone or stone of the philosophers (Latin: lapis philosophorum) is a legendary alchemical substance capable of turning base metals such as mercury into gold (chrysopoeia, from the Greek χρυσός khrusos, "gold", and ποιεῖν poiēin, "to make") or silver. It is also called the elixir of life, useful for rejuvenation and for achieving immortality; for many centuries, it was the most sought goal in alchemy. The philosophers' stone was the central symbol of the mystical terminology of alchemy, symbolizing perfection at its finest, enlightenment, and heavenly bliss. Efforts to discover the philosophers' stone were known as the Magnum Opus ("Great Work")

>> No.14958096 [DELETED] 

Nano is satanist death cult, ruled by Colins and RockmSockmjesus. Makes sense. Good luck with your marketing campaign.

>> No.14958163


Fuck out here with your Satanic cult. Bet you Fags sacrifice babies to your pagan god CockmSuckmSatin. Sacrificing babies to save your poor coin. Good luck pajeet. Anyone who buys nano is selling their soul to the devil. Nano is the mark of the beast. Fuck off to oblivion with your cult following of psychotic nanoids

>> No.14958186

Nano is satanist death cult, ruled by Colins and RockmSockmjesus? Makes sense. Explains Bomber, Zack Shapiro, failure after failure. Truly a crypto from hell. No wonder as you worship satan. Good luck with your marketing campaign.

>> No.14958188
File: 426 KB, 246x655, 344314333995606330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is a good example of a dagfag. Ask yourself, why would a coin (erc20 at that) use the abbreviation of the tech (Directed Acyclic Graph = DAG), instead of using a shorthand version of its actual name (CON)?

First off it is to ride off of the coat tails of those that came before it (Like Bitcoin Cash, Gold, Dark, etc.), rather than by its own merits. You can see examples of this with how the dagfags specifically brigade Nano threads. Same marketing strategy.
Second off, I find it kind of funny, as the universe does have a way of revealing what is hidden to those who can see. The true 3 letter abbreviation of Constellation is none other than CON. Where else are there examples of names having a second hidden or esoteric meaning? Oh yea, Anthony Weiner, showing his weiner to a minor, or John Podesta (John Pedo-sta).

The truth is right in front of your very nose...

>> No.14958241

>The true 3 letter abbreviation of Constellation is none other than CON
Same with CONtext. Guess you hate that too, satanist fool.

>> No.14958244


>> No.14958258
File: 454 KB, 471x700, 344314333994960448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nano is the mark of the beast? Sounds bullish, senpai.

>> No.14958265

>Angry aspies
you need to go back

>> No.14958303

Fuck you nanoids, daggers will never kneel to your satanic cult. Why is tomato named tomato. Fucking idiots only thing you brainwashed satanist try to attack because you know Dagger will win this war. The against good and evil. DAG vs. The psychotic satanic brainwashing nanoids. Your afraid of dag because your afraid of the light. Only DAG holders walk in the light. Unlike your mark of the beast coin. Try harder CockmSuckmSatin

>> No.14958318

>Nano is the mark of the beast? Sounds bullish, senpai.
Time for you to crack open a Bible and read Revelation. Not very "bullish", dude.

>> No.14958321
File: 1.53 MB, 2043x3005, 430727151842445193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't mind me, just banishing the dagfags. Nothing to see here.

>> No.14958345

Bullish straight to hell. Good luck nanoids. In the eternal flames

>> No.14958388
File: 670 KB, 927x1200, 429671620683076850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are destined for what awaits, all of us.

>> No.14958400

You prayed to your satanic over-.lord, got assraped and your precious Nano crashed into oblivion. What does that tell you about Nano and Satan? Use logic, google it if that's a foreign concept to you. Nano has been an investment from hell for most Nano investors. That Nano is infested with satanists explains a lot. Good luck with that. There is a reason why satanist and satan always must hide in the dark.

>> No.14958426
File: 263 KB, 946x1000, scarabmeteorglass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only you had an eye to sea

>> No.14958473
File: 109 KB, 566x960, luciferjesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps it is best to let fate take its course. We are led to what we believe due the actions and choices we have made throughout our lives. It is only natural to align like with like. So I am at peace knowing this, even if it is foreign to some or even most, it is simply the law of cause and effect, also known as karma.

Ever notice how a liar, when he lies enough, starts to believe his own lies? Funny how that works.

>> No.14958479


Proof of who they are. Dont be fooled anons. Don't fall for there darkness. Read up on DAG and save yoursouls from this Damnation of a market this cryptomarket has become. Look for Dag boy threads and read up and ask for forgiveness to enter the golden pearly gates of profits. Or fall to the eternal red candles of hell and forever stay a Waggie.

>> No.14958489

42 is that you?

>> No.14958498

>We are destined for what awaits, all of us.
Circular reasoning. Empty and deluded.
>If only you had an eye to sea
Another empty slogan.

Are the rest of the Nano community OK with so many satanists running around? Would guess so, as a crazy occultist with the sad username RockmSockmjesus got elected as a community leader. Says everything anyone needs to know about Nano.

>> No.14958516
File: 70 KB, 431x720, 344314333994542529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In this backwards clown world, you are the best community leader we could ask for.

>> No.14958528

Forgive me fellow daggers for i have sinned in my past. I have had doubts, i have sold low. Please show me the light. I dont want to brainwashed by the nanoids and their fearless leader CockmSuckmSatin. I want to enter the kingdom of profits. Show me the way.

>> No.14958541
File: 93 KB, 500x399, 344314333994542519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am legion, for we are many.

>> No.14958589

The backwards clown world was created and controlled by pedo Luciferians. Your guys, you must like it.
>I am legion, for we are many
How do you explain "I am" and "we are". I know what it is, but do you?

>> No.14958593

Nano is sexy. Funny how many people let other project like ETH slip by them in the early days.

>> No.14958607

It's okay my Son all is forgiven. Walk with the Daggers, keep eyes to the sky and look for DAG boy threads, allow him to reducate yourself. Keep a sound mind of DAG. Dont listen to thes nay sayer nanoids who follow false profits. Who worship their pagan gods Collin and CockmSockmSatin. For if you follow the the of the DAG you will be rewarded. DAG will be 1000 eoy

Go my son now my son and remember. If you dont hold DAG your a FAG

>> No.14958631

Nano is sinful. Dont not be deceived by these desires lust. It will only result to Damnation of red flamed candles.

>> No.14958669

Looked at DAG, quickly dismissed it as BS. Good luck to you

>> No.14958687

I guess you're shilling Nano by making DAG look as bad as you can?

>> No.14958835


You're an idiot if you dismissed DAG for nano. DAG has succeeded in everyway nano has failed. Time after you guys get cucks.
>the mosten failed crypto in the bear market.
>cant even climb to 2 dollars when crypto is booming.

What makes you think nano has a future or at least be able to compete with DAG? No one has answered me. Because your all bunch of Satanic baby sacrificing cucks.

You nano fags cling on to your hopes of hitting that high again. But you will never see it again. Its almost as if you like getting cucked. Stay poor fag

>> No.14958893
File: 560 KB, 848x936, 344314333994813109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This dude has been doing this for the entire summer. He has just about lost it at this point. Nano doesn't need to compete with ERC20 vaporware.

>> No.14958968


Lol stay poor

>> No.14959113


Let me know when you start making sense and can show me a similar validation of DAG as this link